True, but it doesn't matter, as long as it can grasp the readers uneducated point of view across about China that's all that counts to them.
I'm not sure what you're saying -- are you acknowledging the fact that the chart is not displaying naval ships, but that to unaware readers it may be seen as naval ships? Or are you saying that the chart is not displaying naval ships, but unknowledgeable readers would incorrectly equate them to being naval ships and that the website or ONI who produced the diagram is fear mongering?
The difference is that I'm not sure if you knew in post 286 that the chart was displaying coast guard ships rather than naval ships. If you knew they were displaying coast guard then naval ships, then I assume you were criticizing the website or ONI for "fearing mongering" -- which we cannot assume, because it's possible that the website may have simply been unaware of the picture and was under the impression the picture was for naval ships; and for ONI, well they are displaying a quantitative fact which exists and we cannot perceive that as fear mongering as there are no suggestions that their facts are wrong or that they are using excessive means to generate fear.
If you did not know that post 286 was displaying coast guard ships rather than naval ships, and you believed that the website or ONI were fear mongering, I would also call that incorrect, because in that case they again are simply listing the number of ships for each respective country.
In other words, the only way in which I would consider fear mongering to be occurring, is if the website put up the image of the coast guard ships and called it naval ships, knowing they were not naval ships, with the intention to generate fear through deception and deliberately misportraying the facts.