PLA missile defense system


1) The casing may be built from expensive, but lightweight, titanium. "Layers of titanium and other metals" provide excellent heat-resistance.
Titanium is expensive, not to mention it is very difficult to shape. For this reason, you don't see it used except in the most critical areas. Soviet submarines are exceptions. In any case, this option would only be used on missiles that are still on the drawing board. It cannot be applied on existing missile, as replacing the entire exterior of the missile with titanium would be a major design change.

2) Use "pyrolytic graphite or carbon composites." This makes sense. Diamonds are a form of carbon. Diamonds are heat resistant.
Carbon composites are graphite, not diamond. They have completely different molecular structure. Again, if this option requires the exterior of existing missiles to be ripped out and replaced, then it can only be used on missiles on the drawing board.

3) Expand the use of proven materials, which are used to contain the high-temperatures near the rocket motor, to the rest of the missile.
Rocket motors use the materials they use because there is no other choice. When apply to other areas, these materials are often not suitable at all. Even if suitable, this idea is yet another one that would only works on missiles on the drawing board.

4) Use new lightweight and heat-resistant Aerogel material in a layer within the missile casing.
A material from NASA? Sound ultra-expensive already. And this is yet another idea that can't be applied to existing missiles.


Senior Member
Regarding the discussion on whether China has an adequate number of nuclear ICBMs, I don't believe that this problem has been overlooked by the competent government of China.

1) China has the 5,000 KM "Underground Great Wall." You can hide a lot of ICBMs in a 5,000 KM underground facility.

2) The 20 silo-based "city-buster" ICBMs (i.e. 1 to 4 megatons) alone can destroy 20 American cities. If you annihilate the top 20 American cities, you are talking about roughly 30 million dead plus nuclear fallout. This is called nuclear deterrence.

3) As Harely has already said, China has mobile ICBM launchers and Type 094 submarines carrying JL-2 SLBMs.

4) Nuclear-capable DH-10 cruise missiles have been added to the Chinese nuclear arsenal.

5) Have you ever watched the movie "WarGames?" A nuclear war between Russia and the U.S. will cause both nations to launch an all-out attack on all countries of the world. Russia and the U.S. will not foolishly destroy only each other and let China become the de facto superpower.

Similarly, in a nuclear exchange between the U.S. and China, China has plenty of thermonuclear SRBMs and IRBMs (especially the ones located in Tibet). China will "wipe out" most Russian cities. In retaliation, the Russians will take everyone else with them. Just as it was depicted in WarGames, Russian nuclear missiles will radiate to every major city in the world. Everybody dies, except for the lucky few in underground military facilities built to withstand a nuclear war.

In essence, China can "borrow" the Russian nuclear arsenal in the final exchange against the U.S. The Russians are not going to let the U.S. become the de facto superpower survivor.

In an all-out nuclear war, with the exception of special military underground facilities, every human being on the surface of the Earth will most likely die from the cold temperatures of nuclear winter and lack of food. Due to nuclear fallout blocking out the sun (i.e. imagine hundreds or thousands of Mount Pinatubo volcanoes erupting and spewing ash into the air), there will be no photosynthesis for at least three years.

Here is the video link to the infamous WarGames. At the end of the video, the computer tells everyone how to win an all-out nuclear war.

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Banned Idiot
Damn! I wasn't going to get myself involved with this again, but, like a storm brewing one's way, sometimes it's impossible to stay on the sideline so here goes nothing:.

...whether China has adequate responses... I don't believe that this problem has been overlooked by the competent government of China.

I would not underestimate America's ability to be [in the in's of everything that goes on everywhere else in this world and that includes China, at least in the general sense anyway], because America is by far as stupid as to believe that over a period of [5 decades (60's-2010] that the ChiCom's have no more but a mere dozen carrier rockets for their nukes which have a continental reach...

I mean if this General from the 70's would rant on behalf of the leadership that he'll put one over Hawaii if his country is being attacked; and if this other General does same in the 80's about Los Angelas; coupled with still another rant by another General that he is prepared to trade all cities east of Xian in exchange for something similar; then, we all should have a pretty good idea as to where Hu Jintao have gotten the confidence to raise that Chinese nose of his to the world that he does... It's because of [Einstein's third law which :"states that for every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction"] .. Errrgghhhh... Or was it by the idiot Newton???

1) China has the 5,000 KM "Underground Great Wall." You can hide a lot of ICBMs in a 5,000 KM underground facility.

Yes we indeed claimed to have such a subterainian system
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, but that likely is already a relic of China's long, hideous, and fueding [Sino-Soviet past] and hence likely very run down, poorly maintained, and not reliable against a barage of nukes heading its way, my opinion...

However, more recent claims suggests that PRC is coming up with more modern 21st centurish state of the arts facilities drilled deep into the cores of Chinas's various mountain ranges engineered specifically to produce and to house the finished products have been uploaded periodically in the Internet ever since the start of the new mellenium. Given the chatters about the massive Naval base being built in Hainan, I for one would not over look the ability of the Chinese to accomplish any engineering feat however far fetched it may seem.

The 20 silo-based "city-buster" ICBMs (i.e. 1 to 4 megatons) alone can destroy 20 American cities. If you annihilate the top 20 American cities, you are talking about roughly 30 million dead plus nuclear fallout. This is called nuclear deterrence.

Nah!!! 20 silo-based "city-buster" ICBMs is nothing. Any military planner/stratergist of a first rate nation (superpower status) would view these 20 silly nukes essentially as no more but sitting ducks that makes for the biggest jokes of the century. Ulternatively however, and by my analysts, these 20 nukes qualifies as no more but mere visual deceptions deicated to no more but to the object of confuse. I mean if in an all out nuke exchange, I would speculate that these deemed silo based nukes won't even get to leave their cells because they would most likely be neutralized before their lids were opened. That, I'm confident Chinese military stratergists are well aware and that is an equation I'm sure they've already the variables to solve -- if hell indeed break loose.

3) As Harely has already said, China has mobile ICBM launchers and Type 094 submarines carrying JL-2 SLBMs.
4) Nuclear-capable DH-10 cruise missiles have been added to the Chinese nuclear arsenal.

DF-31A and JL-2's are speculated to house between 6-8 warheads while the DH-10A cruise missiles are claimed (By JDW) to have a reach of some 4000 KM (2400 Miles) while a yet newer version in development, the DH-10"C" are projected to have a range of 6000KM; all these cruise missiles are either sub launch, land launch, surface vessel launch, or air launched from the newest version of the H-6, the H-6K, which experts (JDW) guesstimate offers yet an additional ferry range of 5000KMplus, giving the DH-10A&C a potential range of some 10,000 -12,000 KM. Strangely, I have no idea what happened to "B" because there were no mention of a "B" version of the DH-10...

Whatever the stakes, it's purely a game of Texas Holden out there for each and all of the big boys and, the suspence rests purely on what that unopened card you have in your hand is and whatever remainder cards the dealer may deal which potentially still can change the game altogerther...
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Senior Member
Whatever the stakes, it's purely a game of Texas Holden out there for each and all of the big boys and, the suspence rests purely on what that unopened card you have in your hand is and whatever remainder cards the dealer may deal which potentially still can change the game altogerther...

In my view, the Chinese strategy is to build up a sufficiently impressive arsenal of offensive missiles and defensive "missile defense system" to deter the United States.

I think the United States is the only country that keeps PLA generals and their staffs awake at night. The only country with an operational and true 5th generation stealth fighter than can penetrate China's air defense. Unbelievably, twenty years ago, the U.S. deployed the advanced stealth cruise missile AGM-129 ACM (see
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). As I understand it, China is trying to play catch-up and build an AGM-129 ACM-class stealth cruise missile.

The U.S. has an astonishing record of building incredibly advanced weapons. For example, before the age of supercomputers, the SR-71 Blackbird was introduced in 1966 (that's like the age of slide rules). The United States has been spending an ungodly amount of money on weapons development for many decades.

I'm confident that the U.S. will have the upper hand military against China for decades to come. China's strategic goal is to possess sufficient military power to keep the U.S. away. I am fairly certain that the PLA doesn't want to see first-hand the "unopened cards" in the U.S. military reserve.


Banned Idiot
In my view, the Chinese strategy is to build up a sufficiently impressive arsenal of offensive missiles and defensive "missile defense system" to deter the United States.

I think the strategy for the Chinese is not merely one that you have described as in the above, I'm incline to believe that China had learnt her lesson well and that she is using this well taught lesson to her best of advantage and that advantage is: To try and bypast the advantage the Americans have on us and to meet her over the other side of science and technology spectrum -- the following for examples:

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编号: 97175!计划。这个计划主要是针对中国空军制定。这个计划是研制地面远程多普勒技术的相控阵雷达。以及研制机载相控阵雷达。这个计划得到了俄罗斯部分技术援助。而空军机载项目主要针对当时已经被意外披露的美质117夜莺,B2蝙蝠战斗机。94-96年期间,中国试图从波兰引进ABSD雷达系统,但是遭到了波兰的拒绝。而当时这是一种唯一可以反隐身的雷达。随后,中国开展了这个工程。目前,该工程早已全面完工。其主要先进作战飞机,歼11B,歼 10,均装备了这种雷达。该计划与1998年被来美的中国高级专家所披露。

37751A 计划绰号震惊这个计划是研制中国新型弹道导弹核潜艇094计划。于1996年确立,后根据俄罗斯意见,派遣13个成员组前往俄罗斯。中国在1997- 98年前后分批14次象俄罗斯派遣军事学习人员。学习使用操作新的核潜艇的办法。094型核潜艇其技术含量已经超越了俄罗斯自身装备的VIII级接近T 级。而原计划搭载16枚弹道导弹的094核潜艇,由于潜射2计划提前,因此,改为12枚而余下空间作为装在管道潜射HN导弹的备用储备仓。潜射2型导弹是 3枚核弹的分导导弹,每枚当量可以在15-20万吨之间。而·如果·采用2X4搭载,既可以搭载4枚弹头2枚欺骗弹头。因此,12枚导弹可以最大为48枚最小为24枚。较之092g型扩展了约3-4倍。


2000B 计划是针对海军,空军。该计划包括宙斯盾驱逐舰DGG1级的建造。原定其建造4艘。后期修改为暂时建造2艘即170,171。后期将可能还要建造172。而修改全部的海军潜艇技术,以及改进老式F21护卫舰工作。另外,计划中还规定了研制新的F23型护卫舰以取代老式21型。目前该计划依旧在进行中。

2004B。他包括HN,火鸟。等系列先进武器的研制于制造计划。其中HN计划已经建造了约130枚。主要是1型最大射程约在450公里最大精确概率约为 37米。而2 型计划中,HN射程最大增加到780公里,最大精度减少到11米。已经基本于美质AGM109GB4导弹同步。而该计划目前还在持续中,2005年中国北京地区试验基地,完成了3型射程为1020公里试验。而中国虽然加入了MSQR但是,这个协议组织不能于NASQR那样来制约本国内装备的巡航导弹数量于射程。

2005F计划,这是一项在完善中国海军计划的方案。在中国将在今后几年,研发大型战略轰炸机,战术运输机。以替代目前使用的老式T16。采购引进12架 TU22轰炸机,作为实验对象。来研制自己的后期战略战术轰炸机。采购4架TU160战斗机来作为今后中国战略轰炸机的的发展。但是,这个计划遇到了一定阻力。主要是俄罗斯担心海盗旗一旦进入中国,会立刻进入其亲密国家巴基斯坦,为此会导致印度的不满。因此,该计划目前还在搁置。


I think the United States is the only country that keeps PLA generals and their staffs awake at night. The only country with an operational and true 5th generation stealth fighter than can penetrate China's air defense. Unbelievably, twenty years ago, the U.S. deployed the advanced stealth cruise missile AGM-129 ACM (see AGM-129 ACM - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ). As I understand it, China is trying to play catch-up and build an AGM-129 ACM-class stealth cruise missile.

If you are not aware, while 5th Generation F-22/T-50-like stealth fighters are all the rage in the world, it is claimed by Chinese sources that stealth is likely a technology to go the way of the geometric swept wing and the forward swept wing fighters
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of the 60's, 70's, i.e., that of the F-111, the F-14, MiG-23/27, the Panava Tornado, what not.

New radar technologies will prove to defeat the gist of stealth hence eventually make the technology obsolete and pointless. Already, phased array radars capable of picking up F-22/B-2 signatures is already claimed in wide spread applications with the PLA/N/AF to the point that J-10's are now equipted with it.

Far as stealth is concern, my bet is that China will play around with the science (i.e., J-14) in a sort of R&D manner, and, of course, if the science can be applied to good, she will develop it further and apply the science to her present fleet of [Chinese standard 4th Generation aircrafts] as that of what's been incorporated into the J-10B and JF-17-4. I'm betting China is not as dumb as to try and compete with the F-22 and dive into the technology like the T-50 just did. Paraphrasing the situation: Why make loads and loads of super aircraft carriers when you know you can make DF-21's by the thousands which are guaranteed to decimate it.

The U.S. has an astonishing record of building incredibly advanced weapons. For example, before the age of supercomputers, the SR-71 Blackbird was introduced in 1966 (that's like the age of slide rules). The United States has been spending an ungodly amount of money on weapons development for many decades. I'm confident that the U.S. will have the upper hand military against China for decades to come. China's strategic goal is to possess sufficient military power to keep the U.S. away. I am fairly certain that the PLA doesn't want to see first-hand the "unopened cards" in the U.S. military reserve.

Money money money! Money, it's the root to all evil... We Chinese have become filthy rich over the last decade or two just like the Americans was in the past and look were we are at now: FAC-22's; 052 and 054 stealth frigates; DF-21's that maneuvers itself in flight and zooms in at Mach 10 for the kill; ASAT's and ABM's; Song, Yuan, 093/4 submarines so super quite that only two weeks ago the Taiwan military can't even pinpoint what was lurking in the depth of waters just off of a Taiwanese Naval station only two weeks ago, never mind the 095/6 the Impecable was likely looking for; then there are the H-6K that super cruises at Mach 1.5 at altitude and much more...

In other words, anyone who wants to take us on definitely won't get away with it "unscathed". I'll bet it'll be just as bloody for them if they wanted to go all the way with us.

All of this hyupothetical of course but, as mere mortals, we try to connect one and one together to find a sum and the sum here is: a friends are always better than a foe...
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Senior Member
There seems to be serious limitations to Boeing's Airborne Laser. The range is extremely limited at "200-250 km." It is not possible to fly an entire fleet of Airborne Lasers within 250 km of the launch sites in Russia or China to shoot down ICBMs in their boost phase. The Boeing 747 jumbo jet that houses the Airborne Laser is an easy target for a S-300 or HQ-9 missile.

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"What is the ALTB's potential? Although there is no exhaustive information on the February 12 tests, some conclusions can be drawn on the basis of available reports.

The Boeing YAL-1 Airborne Laser (ABL) weapons system has three laser systems, namely, a Track Illuminator Laser (TILL) for illuminating the target and adjusting the parameters of the laser weapon's optical system, a Beacon Illuminator Laser (BILL) for reducing atmospheric aberration, and the six-module High-Energy Laser (HEL) weapon system.

The YAL-1 can hit ballistic missiles during their boost phase and has a range of 200-250 km. The effective range is limited by the laser unit's power, the laser beam's atmospheric dissipation, atmospheric aberration affecting siting accuracy and the laser-beam gas breakdown effect which has not yet been eliminated. Moreover, an excessively powerful laser unit could overheat the fuselage and cause the plane to crash.

These factors and the system's low rate of fire currently make it possible only to intercept individual missiles at short range. It appears that such systems will be unable to neutralize an all-out nuclear strike in the next 20-30 years.

Speaking of a hypothetical Russian-U.S. conflict, airborne laser weapons would have to be deployed in Russian air space in order to be able to intercept Russian missiles in their boost phase and during the separation of their multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles (MIRVs). In fact, they would have only 3-5 minutes to accomplish this objective.

However, even Russia's problem-ridden air-defense system would not allow a B-747 to roam free in national air space.

Airborne laser weapons present a greater threat to strategic ballistic missile submarines which either patrol Russian territorial waters or international waters. However, there is one limitation. As the submarines spend most of their time underwater, laser-carrying aircraft could not quickly reach the optimal firing position necessary for a successful missile interception.

Consequently, this project's current version threatens only countries such as Iran or North Korea which have a small territory and are therefore unable to deploy missile bases far from their borders."


"At 8:44 p.m. PST Feb. 11, a short-range threat-representative ballistic missile was launched from an at-sea mobile launch platform. Within seconds, the Airborne Laser Testbed used onboard sensors to detect the boosting missile and used a low-energy laser to track the target.

The Airborne Laser Testbed then fired a second low-energy laser to measure and compensate for atmospheric disturbance. Finally, the Airborne Laser Testbed fired its megawatt-class High Energy Laser, heating the boosting ballistic missile to critical structural failure. The entire engagement occurred within two minutes of the target missile launch, while its rocket motors were still thrusting.

This was the first directed energy lethal intercept demonstration against a liquid-fuel boosting ballistic missile target from an airborne platform. The revolutionary use of directed energy is very attractive for missile defense, with the potential to attack multiple targets at the speed of light, at a range of hundreds of kilometers, and at a low cost per intercept attempt compared to current technologies.

Less than one hour later, a second solid fuel short-range missile was launched from a ground location on San Nicolas Island, Calif., and the Airborne Laser Testbed successfully engaged the boosting target with its High Energy Laser, met all its test criteria, and terminated lasing prior to destroying the second target. The Airborne Laser Testbed destroyed a solid fuel missile, identical to the second target, in flight on February 3, 2010."
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Junior Member
Said it perfectly, even if IRBM is successfully deployed ther ABM should be effective against any IRBM, obviously the ABM will not be 100% against them. I think HQ 9 and S 300 PMU2 are capable of targetting SRBM, so I confidently conclude ABM would be designed for longer range missiles?

Does China had such an enormous amount of S 300 series of SAM or the HQ 9, or other ABM's or whatever missile defenses?

If I am not mistaken, those sophisticated missile defense are mostly deployed in critical and strategic areas... to cut the story short, China as a whole was not safe from Indian missile attacks.

That is what I have posted several years ago.. (Can't remember the exact date) urging that China should increase its SAM or other systems for missile defenses. Example by establishing Missile defense systems in Tibetan Region, Xinjiang region, Outer Mongolian region and the Northern Manchurian Region.

Of course not exactly covering all of the parts, but at least set up a line of missile defense a long its borders... Just for precautionary measures.


Senior Member
Does China had such an enormous amount of S 300 series of SAM or the HQ 9, or other ABM's or whatever missile defenses?

If I am not mistaken, those sophisticated missile defense are mostly deployed in critical and strategic areas... to cut the story short, China as a whole was not safe from Indian missile attacks.

That is what I have posted several years ago.. (Can't remember the exact date) urging that China should increase its SAM or other systems for missile defenses. Example by establishing Missile defense systems in Tibetan Region, Xinjiang region, Outer Mongolian region and the Northern Manchurian Region.

Of course not exactly covering all of the parts, but at least set up a line of missile defense a long its borders... Just for precautionary measures.

There is no hurry to build expensive "Missile defense systems in Tibetan Region, Xinjiang region, Outer Mongolian region and the Northern Manchurian Region."

The best defense is a strong offense. China already possesses an extremely powerful deterrent against other countries, except for the United States. Click on newslink to see the amazing pictures.

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"Extensive Nuclear Missile Deployment Area Discovered in Central China

More than 50 launch pads for nuclear ballistic missiles have been identified scattered across a 2,000 square kilometer (772 square miles) area of central China, according to analysis of satellite images.

By Hans M. Kristensen

Analysis of new commercial satellite photos has identified an extensive deployment area with nearly 60 launch pads for medium-range nuclear ballistic missiles in Central China near Delingha and Da Qaidam.

The region has long been rumored to house nuclear missiles and I have previously described some of the facilities in a report and a blog. But the new analysis reveals a significantly larger deployment area than previously known, different types of launch pads, command and control facilities, and missile deployment equipment at a large facility in downtown Delingha.

The U.S. government often highlights China’s deployment of new mobile missiles as a concern but keeps the details secret, so the discovery of the deployment area provides the first opportunity for the public to better understand how China operates its mobile ballistic missiles."


Senior Member
China's Nuclear Strike Force

I have combined the information in posts #139, #142, and added the upcoming HN-2000 stealth cruise missile.

Regarding the discussion on whether China has an adequate number of nuclear ICBMs, I don't believe that this problem has been overlooked by the competent government of China.

1) China has the 5,000 KM "Underground Great Wall." You can hide a lot of ICBMs in a 5,000 KM underground facility. See
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2) The 20 silo-based "city-buster" ICBMs (i.e. 1 to 4 megatons) alone can destroy 20 American cities. If you annihilate the top 20 American cities, you are talking about roughly 30 million dead plus nuclear fallout. This is called nuclear deterrence.

3) China has road-mobile and rail-mobile ICBM launchers.

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"Rail-Mobile ICBMs enter Chinese arsenal
Kanwa Information Center ^

Posted on Wednesday, April 23, 2003 11:19:59 PM by Filibuster_60

Kanwa was informed that the development of train-borne DF31 ICBM is already completed, and the deployment of these missiles has also been prepared. The development of DF31A, a upgraded version of DF31, has also already been completed.

In order to further enhance the mobile nuclear striking power and the capability to survive attacks, China has developed new types of DF31 series ICBMs similar to the former Soviet Union train-borne SS-24. In normal days, these missiles are moved along the railroads, while at time of war, they can be transported to selected sites and then launch nuclear assaults upon the enemy. DF31 is manufactured in Sichuan at Sichuan Areospace Industry Corporation. Reliable sources from China military industry say the major difference between DF31 and DF31A lies in their warheads. The former has single warhead, while the latter has multi-warheads."

4) China has Type 094 Jin-class submarines carrying JL-2 SLBMs.

5) Nuclear-capable DH-10 cruise missiles have been added to the Chinese nuclear arsenal.

6) I'm not trying to beat a dead horse. However, for the sake of completeness, I want to point out that "It is likely that a number of PRC cargo ships carry CSS-9 missiles to act as a sea-based nuclear response/strike force."

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"The CSS-9 is an effective strategic system that has significantly increased the PRC’s nuclear strike capabilities. Though the PRC’s land-based systems are unable to directly threaten much beyond the west coast of the United States, the CSS-9 is a modern ICBM system that threatens Russia and India, two major PRC rivals. However, the CSS-9 missile system can easily reach all of the US with the placement aboard cargo ships disguised as shipping containers. The self-contained launch system could easily be placed on a PRC ship and launched against targets in the US. It is likely that a number of PRC cargo ships carry CSS-9 missiles to act as a sea-based nuclear response/strike force. Similarly, these containers could be smuggled into and stored in PRC controlled warehouses throughout the Americas. The modular nature of these modern missile systems makes them extremely dangerous since they do not need to follow tradition missile tactics. Even with modern satellite systems, the combination of hidden road and cross-country mobile launchers, missile silos, and rail/ship launchers make it impossible to destroy most of these missiles prior to launch."

7) China is developing the HN-2000 stealth cruise missile with a terminal supersonic phase. Just like the DH-10 cruise missile, it is reasonable to expect that the HN-2000 will also be nuclear-capable. See
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"Global Strike and the Chinese Anti-Ship Cruise Missile: HN-2000

China is currently developing its next-generation cruise missile, the Hong Niao-2000 (HN-2000). This missile will reportedly be equipped with millimeter wave radar, infrared image mapping, laser radar, synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) and the Chinese Beidou satellite guidance system, for accuracies of 1-3 meters. This missile will also incorporate the latest stealth technologies and have a supersonic terminal flight phase, with an expected range of 4,000km."

8) Have you ever watched the movie "WarGames"? A nuclear war between Russia and the U.S. will cause both nations to launch an all-out attack on all countries of the world. Russia and the U.S. will not foolishly destroy only each other and let China become the de facto superpower.

Similarly, in a nuclear exchange between the U.S. and China, China has plenty of thermonuclear SRBMs and IRBMs (especially the ones located in Tibet; see newslinks below). China will "wipe out" most Russian cities. In retaliation, the Russians will take everyone else with them. Just as it was depicted in WarGames, Russian nuclear missiles will radiate to every major city in the world. Everybody dies, except for the lucky few in underground military facilities built to withstand a nuclear war.

In essence, China can "borrow" the Russian nuclear arsenal in the final exchange against the U.S. The Russians are not going to let the U.S. become the de facto superpower survivor.

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"Extensive Nuclear Missile Deployment Area Discovered in Central China


More than 50 launch pads for nuclear ballistic missiles have been identified scattered across a 2,000 square kilometer (772 square miles) area of central China, according to analysis of satellite images.

By Hans M. Kristensen

Analysis of new commercial satellite photos has identified an extensive deployment area with nearly 60 launch pads for medium-range nuclear ballistic missiles in Central China near Delingha and Da Qaidam.

The region has long been rumored to house nuclear missiles and I have previously described some of the facilities in a report and a blog. But the new analysis reveals a significantly larger deployment area than previously known, different types of launch pads, command and control facilities, and missile deployment equipment at a large facility in downtown Delingha.

The U.S. government often highlights China’s deployment of new mobile missiles as a concern but keeps the details secret, so the discovery of the deployment area provides the first opportunity for the public to better understand how China operates its mobile ballistic missiles."

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"Beijing’s Missile in Tibet, & Hainan Naval base scare Delhi: Dramatic rise in India-China tensions

Posted on September 7, 2009 by Moin Ansari

The Chinese Red dragon’s reach has scared the pants off the Indian elephant. Many have predicted a war between India and China within the next few years. Some called that prediction alarmist. First there were repeated statements from Delhi that China was their biggest enemy and threat. Then news stories that China has built a huge infrastructure on the undefined and undemarcated Mcmohan line (the de factor border between India and China). Now the escalating tensions are sounding alarm bells around the world. The Federation of American Scientist has just published pictures of Chinese missiles which can target all of India. The incompetent intelligence agencies of India didn’t have a clue about the missiles. Any high school drop out could have paid a commercial satellite a nickel and gotten the pictures of the satellites. The fact that the FAS pictures has so unnerved Delhi that it has decided to form to new intelligence agencies is a subject of much discussion around the world..."

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How many nukes does China have?

U.S. attempts to pierce China's veil of strategic nuclear ambiguity.

In the above post, I listed the broad range of known delivery vehicles for "China's Nuclear Strike Force." One of the most well-kept secrets on the planet is the size of China's thermonuclear arsenal. The Pentagon has no idea how to deal with China unless it knows with certainty the size of China's nuclear deterrent.

Let's review some key facts.

1) China was the fourth nation in the world to explode a thermonuclear weapon in 1967, ahead of the French.

2) China launched her first satellite into space in 1970.

3) Putting (1) and (2) together, China has possessed the capability to build thermonuclear-tipped ICBMs for 40 years. Over the years, China has improved her miniaturization technology to the point of building a W-88 class warhead by the 1980s.

We also know that China has demonstrated the ability to send multiple satellites into space on one rocket. This dual-use technology is the basis for MIRVed ICBMs.

The point is that China has been able to build advanced MIRVed thermonuclear ICBMs for at least twenty to thirty years.

4) Everyone agrees that China's nuclear arsenal is smaller than the U.S.'s roughly 10,000 (e.g. deployed and strategic reserve) warheads.

5) The key question that everyone wants answered is: how much "smaller" is the Chinese nuclear arsenal? Are China's nuclear warheads closer to 200 or 2,000 in number? The U.S. wants to know.

Hence, the latest clever political move to pressure China to disclose the number and locations of her nuclear arsenal. The U.S. has disclosed the total number of its nuclear warheads (which we all knew numbered in the many thousands) and now it wants to know China's big secret.

For the last 40 years, has China been sitting on her hands and doing "not much"? Or, as many suspect, how big of a nuclear arsenal has China built in secret over the last 40 years?

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"U.S. says China nuclear programs lack transparency

Tue Apr 6, 2010 1:57pm EDT


(Reuters) - Lack of transparency surrounding China's nuclear programs raises questions about its strategic intentions, the United States said on Tuesday.

Barack Obama | China

"China's nuclear arsenal remains much smaller than the arsenals of Russia and the United States," the administration said in a nuclear policy document published on Tuesday.

"But the lack of transparency surrounding its nuclear programs -- their pace and scope, as well as the strategy and doctrine that guides them -- raises questions about China's future strategic intentions."

"The United States and China's Asian neighbors remain concerned about the pace and scope of China's current military modernization efforts, including its quantitative and qualitative modernization of its nuclear capabilities," it said.

China last month unveiled its 2010 military budget with a spending hike of 7.5 percent, a relatively low figure that surprised outside analysts after more than two decades of double-digit rises.

The U.S. report reiterated the Pentagon's oft-stated wish to hold a strategic dialogue with the Chinese military that would "provide a venue and mechanism for each side to communicate its views about the other's strategies, policies, and programs on nuclear weapons and other strategic capabilities."

"The goal of such a dialogue is to enhance confidence, improve transparency, and reduce mistrust," the report added.

China ended weeks of uncertainty last week when it announced that President Hu Jintao would attend a summit next week on nuclear security in Washington.

China had previously delayed saying whether Hu would participate in the multinational meeting hosted by President Barack Obama. U.S.-China ties have recently been clouded by economic and political disputes.

Washington angered Beijing by announcing a $6.4 billion arms package for Taiwan early this year, and China responded by postponing several high-level exchanges between U.S. and Chinese military leaders.

But China did not freeze all military-to-military contacts as it did in response to previous U.S. arms deals with Taiwan.

(Reporting by Phil Stewart and Paul Eckert, Editing by Alan Elsner)"

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"US calls on China for more nuke transparency

* Source: Global Times
* [02:27 May 05 2010]
* Comments

By Liu Dong

China pledged Tuesday "extreme restraint" in its nuclear development, as the US revealed Monday the size of its nuclear stockpile, whilst warning about isolation for any state that defies the current disarmament trend.

The Pentagon disclosed that the US holds 5,113 nuclear warheads as of September 30, including operationally operated warheads, both in active and inactive reserves, an 84 percent curtail from the 31,225 in 1967 and a 75 percent cut from the 22,217 in 1989, when the Berlin Wall fell.

The figures, the first official disclosure of the half-century-long top secret, were released as the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) review conference unfolds, at which US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton noted that this revelation serves to enhance transparency concerning the US arsenal and which is conducive to urging other nuclear-armed states to follow suit.

China was specifically singled out, as a senior US defense official renewed calls for greater transparency by China, saying there was "little visibility" when it came to Beijing's nuclear program, Reuters reported.

Zhang Zhaozhong, director of the Science and Technology Research Division of the National Defense University, rebuffed the US claim of China's lack of a transparent policy concerning the nuclear arsenal as unsubstantiated.

"On the contrary, the publicized figure is merely shrouded tactics, as the US holds at least 9,000 nuclear warheads," Zhang added.

China will "exercise extreme restraint over developing nuclear weapons," foreign ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said Tuesday in a regular press briefing.

"China will continue to maintain nuclear power at the lowest level, only for national security needs. We are willing to make joint efforts with the relevant countries toward nuclear disarmament and a nuclear-weapons-free world," the spokeswoman added."