Peaceful rise, my friend, peaceful rise! If China start turning 180 deg and becoming offensive, many of its neighbors will get a little anxious and that's not good for China's long term goals. what China needs NOW is a peaceful and friendly environment to develop. Once becoming a superpower, it can do whatever it wants and build 1 million nukes if it wants to. But now, it needs to lay low and ACTS passive

China had been telling the world of her peaceful rise in power, but no one seemed too interested in the truth. And the truth is... people always view China as a threat, no matter how many nuke she has... be it 1 nuke or 1 million nuke. China's neighbours aren't exactly very friendly either... look towards Japan, South Korea in the east, Vietnam and many of the ASEAN countries in the south... and India.
Sometime it is not China who don't want a peaceful and friendly environment to develope, sometime it is whether that environment is going to be given to China.
Sorry, I might be a bit exaggerating in developing and deploying of 8000 nuke (it is a typo, by the way... I mean 800, as pointed out by someone before.)
And frankly, I still think investing in nukes too much is a waste of money and time and energy. When do you expect to use them? Almost never. You certainly don't want to attack another nuke power pre-emptively if you expect to survive the counter-attack. And no one in their right or wrong mind would attack China for the same reason. So you end up with something you can't/won't/shouldn't use under any circumstances. So what's the point then? So spending so much on nukes is very wasteful. As long as you have a credible nuke capability and demonstrate to the world that you can survive the first attack and fight back, no one will dare to hit China with nukes. But people will have less concern about conventional weapons like a missile and will in most cases not hesitate using them. So having a ABM system is definitely more useful than nukes because people actually use missiles in wars. And letting people know about China's ABM capability will also give China's potential enemies something to think about and decrease the chance of becoming a target of a missile attack.
Yes. China or any countries with nuke are not going to use them easily... but that is something to tell the world that I have this much Nuke... and if I fired them at you, there really is nothing you have in your arsenal that can stop at least a couple to land on your ground.
Okay... I took back my statement of China going pre-emptive at this moment... but at least with a large and powerful Navy and Air-force, she could tell her surrounding that it would not be wise to fight them.
In history, I have read that China always fight in her own land... and offensive that were taken on China was always being fought in China. Well... even if China successfully repels these attack... the damage done was still on the Chinese soil... and most of the casaulties suffered are still normal Chinese people.
Thus sometime, we should forget about passive defence and invest in offensive or what I call active defence. When there is a reason to believe that the other nation is slowly being offensive and hostile then perhaps some knocking is in place. For once, China should bring the battle outside her soil and not still try to use the old tactics of using "the land and space of China in exchange for time."
ABM is no doubt an important developement and a good to have or what many would have argued essential thing to have. But this system is solely providing China with a passive defense capability which again was not really that effective.
So instead of letting others launch missiles at you, why don't you launch missiles at them first. And ensure that they are sufficiently covered that they would back down? Isn't that the best deterrence?