Tyrant King
This one I think go a bit garbled as the writer watched the video,![]()
Chinese Special Forces Reenact Bin Laden Raid on Chinese TV - Why?
10:26 AM
Footage recently emerged from a prime-time segment on Chinese state-run television showing Chinese special forces practicing a raid that bears an eerie resemblance to the US Navy SEALs' 2011 raid on Osama Bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.
Henri KENHMANN via Youtube
Footage recently emerged from a
prime-time segment
on Chinese state-run television showing Chinese special forces practicing a raid that bears an eerie resemblance to the US Navy SEALs' 2011 raid on Osama Bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.
The segment, , takes place in Xinjiang, a province in Western China home to the Uighurs, a Muslim minority often at odds with China's state-endorsed atheism and their dominant ethnicity, the Hans.
While China has as of late, it has also increased raids on Uighur leaders, issuing one in November 14, 2015 that compared a 56-day battle against the Uighurs to the ISIS attack in Paris that killed 130.
In the slides below, see details from the Chinese reenactment of the Bin Laden raid.
First the camo pattern worn though out the video looks like the PAP digital tiger stripe uniform.
The Flames seems to be just the PRC's Camera crew standard. What were shooting training? Great break out the Ring of fire!!
I mean It seems like they could show a chow hall and suddenly have troops grabbing plates of food from behind flaming glass displays.
Because you know Fire for tough guys... yeah... looks like cuts from a confidence course.
Anyway then we see some shoot house cuts not enough of it to make any sense mind you but we can see the a couple structures. one of The Compound seen does bear a striking resemblance to the Islamabad structure. the others though look like an apartment block and a single story barracks.
A replica OBL compound just makes sense to me, units in the PRC uniformed command would be studying Neptune spear as a textbook SF Raid and running there troops through it is logical as they are in the same region and would likely have the possibility of similar structures and potential mission wants.