PLA Ground Forces news, pics and videos


Slat armor is becoming more and more widespread. Screen caps are from a recent exercise in the north.



Just Hatched
Registered Member
I remember when Western media was mocking Russian cope cages left and right. And then Merkavas started using them, and the mockery stopped.
The mockery still happens but when its western vehicles seen with 'cope cages' they dont call them that, they call them 'additional roof protection' or any other term really. So its best to call them out on the term they created in those instances.


New Member
Registered Member
The mockery still happens but when its western vehicles seen with 'cope cages' they dont call them that, they call them 'additional roof protection' or any other term really. So its best to call them out on the term they created in those instances.
It was bad, but nothing beats the cesspool that is r/noncredibledefense at retarded takes and more retarded takes. I recall a few weeks ago a post that likened the Type 076 to a copy of the Italian Trieste :|


New Member
Registered Member
It was bad, but nothing beats the cesspool that is r/noncredibledefense at retarded takes and more retarded takes. I recall a few weeks ago a post that likened the Type 076 to a copy of the Italian Trieste :|

They might as well rename themselves the WestoidCopiumDefense because it's pretty much all they do.
Anyway all western systems are pretty much just moneysink scams meant to squeeze as much national defense budget as possible. When put in real combat, they can't sustain battlefield attrition, cope cage or not.


New Member
Registered Member
It was bad, but nothing beats the cesspool that is r/noncredibledefense at retarded takes and more retarded takes. I recall a few weeks ago a post that likened the Type 076 to a copy of the Italian Trieste :|

They might as well rename themselves the WestoidCopiumDefense because it's pretty much all they do.
Why would anyone care what a bunch of autistic, racist morons think? You might as well be complaining about r/China.