Yes I remember, that was when Yankee told the story about that one PLAAF pilot that went to Russia for joint exercise. After being told no they won't be dropping any PGM in the exercise when he raised the question his Russian colleague asked back how many PGM he gets to drop home and he gave them the number so far for that year, and the said "great, you dropped more PGM this year than the entire RuAF".Wasn't there a podcast early this year that mentioned this? It was mentioned the unguided rockets are only for show and they rarely show any of the guided missiles or more advanced weapons to the public. I'm not sure where this distrust is coming from, while there have been fuck ups and sometimes questionable actions specifically the Wuhan government's early action and Shanghai, the Chinese people have done more than enough to prove they are more than competent in handling extreme changes. I wouldn't let some screw-ups every now and then cover up the mostly good track record.
He also told a second story where a Russian manufacturer of PGM came to China and said "from our experience maintaining the munitions with our other big customer who has a very very wet and very very hot climate (so I'm guessing that's Tactical Missiles Corporation maker of KAB-500, used by Su-30) it's high time your stockpiles gets a refurbishment. They were shown the climate controlled ammo dumps PLAAF used for stockpiling these rounds and were impressed and satisfied that there's still plenty of shelf life in them.