The video shows the opinion of a westerner, mainly base on sight and smell, from their prospective. Not necessary true from a Chinese point of view.
True absolutely true. Nationalities can have different flavors and what is considered “Good”. This is why you often have adaptation of foods. The type of meal prepared at an American Chinese restaurant is nothing like that in mainland China. Unless you happened to find a tourist restaurant. However Even among “Westerners” of the same nation tastes can very widely.
As such in terms of food and a few other things “Westerners” is a bit of a stereotype.
It’s a poor catch all like saying “Asian” foods.
I remember having a conversation about this with a fellow I used to work with from Pakistan.
He commented on trying to get meals he liked from the restaurants in town.
All of which that would sell the type he wanted were Indian owned. As a result what he got tended to be more Indian or more American than he was used to.
Indian foods differ dramatically from Chinese dishes which differ from Japanese or Thai.
American foods differ from English, French, Italian or other nationalities. I know a Bakery in town that prides itself on European style cakes and confections. These very dramatically from the same you would find in another bakery just a few blocks away because of that European style.
Even in the same nation tastes can very massively. I remember having a meal that was Creole based and even similar dishes differed in flavors. I never had Grits until I was in South Carolina. When I came back I found a place that served them but the owner was from Florida and it was a little different.
[/quote]If it is as bad as he said, the entire army would had been wipe out by sickness.[/QUOTE]
Not quite. Again lack of options. Having eaten a few American MRE in my and having compared to camping food it does tend to fail in the flavor department. Some parts wouldn’t be able to be sold in a Convenience store it was of such quality.
That said rancid meat is an issue these meals are meant for sitting on shelves for years and be issued for combat. The aim is to have the whole meal consumed to get the calories needed for survival. Any slip in Quality control that makes it out of the factory is a big deal.