PLA Chinese MRE

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Deleted member 13312

Wells that's my friend's father's, who was a US Marine, opinion that the US couldn't fight the same war the Vietnamese were fighting because American soldiers cared about creature comforts that the Vietnamese didn't.
And that friend's father is the sole arbitrator of Vietnam War history right......... let's just bring in everyone's father or grandfather who claimed to have fought in some war to make a point.
And that friend's father is the sole arbitrator of Vietnam War history right......... let's just bring in everyone's father or grandfather who claimed to have fought in some war to make a point.
LOL as Bonaparte said, Every Soldier Carries A Marshal's Baton In His Pack


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The video shows the opinion of a westerner, mainly base on sight and smell, from their prospective. Not necessary true from a Chinese point of view. If it is as bad as he said, the entire army would had been wipe out by sickness.


Junior Member
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You are also putting a lot of spin in this @AssassinsMace.

The Rations didn’t loose the Vietnam war. Fact is it was almost won. The North had signed the Paris Peace Accords It was all but over. The US was out. South Vietnam was supposed to become the second South Korea.
I don't know where you get idea of US is "almost won" Vietnam War. Because as Vietnamese it statement seem ridiculous and bit more stupid. US signed Accord because they know this war will lead to Hell. The incompetent level of South Vietnam government is of the chart. They will collapsed itself without any other push. So no such thing is North/ South Korean will happen. And what win US can achieve if keeping and escalation war? Push North and declare victory when take and control Hanoi? Nope because this only lead to 2 options:
Options 1: history repeats itself like Korean War, Chinese will come across border and fight another bloody war between US and Chinese+ Russian. Only there thing will get worse when both side have nuclear weapon and turn Vietnam become giant fallout zone?
Options 2: North Vietnam (NV) government retreat to mountain side North West or further into China land and then quoala we have Tom and Jerry situations. US chase and NV hide. US tired then NV sneaky bite US ass. Then when game become boring US will retreat then thing like Afghanistan when Taliban take back full control country?
Both options don't give US any ass thing like of definition of " almost won" like you say.

Deleted member 13312

The video shows the opinion of a westerner, mainly base on sight and smell, from their prospective. Not necessary true from a Chinese point of view. If it is as bad as he said, the entire army would had been wipe out by sickness.
like I said before, this is not the worse Chinese MRE that you can get your hands on. There are other MRE which the guy describe as being much better and tastier then what is shown. The fouled meat might just be an oversight of one in a hundred but still that one thing no one wants to see on their plate.


Tyrant King
The video shows the opinion of a westerner, mainly base on sight and smell, from their prospective. Not necessary true from a Chinese point of view.
True absolutely true. Nationalities can have different flavors and what is considered “Good”. This is why you often have adaptation of foods. The type of meal prepared at an American Chinese restaurant is nothing like that in mainland China. Unless you happened to find a tourist restaurant. However Even among “Westerners” of the same nation tastes can very widely.
As such in terms of food and a few other things “Westerners” is a bit of a stereotype.

It’s a poor catch all like saying “Asian” foods.
I remember having a conversation about this with a fellow I used to work with from Pakistan.
He commented on trying to get meals he liked from the restaurants in town.
All of which that would sell the type he wanted were Indian owned. As a result what he got tended to be more Indian or more American than he was used to.
Indian foods differ dramatically from Chinese dishes which differ from Japanese or Thai.
American foods differ from English, French, Italian or other nationalities. I know a Bakery in town that prides itself on European style cakes and confections. These very dramatically from the same you would find in another bakery just a few blocks away because of that European style.
Even in the same nation tastes can very massively. I remember having a meal that was Creole based and even similar dishes differed in flavors. I never had Grits until I was in South Carolina. When I came back I found a place that served them but the owner was from Florida and it was a little different.

[/quote]If it is as bad as he said, the entire army would had been wipe out by sickness.[/QUOTE]
Not quite. Again lack of options. Having eaten a few American MRE in my and having compared to camping food it does tend to fail in the flavor department. Some parts wouldn’t be able to be sold in a Convenience store it was of such quality.
That said rancid meat is an issue these meals are meant for sitting on shelves for years and be issued for combat. The aim is to have the whole meal consumed to get the calories needed for survival. Any slip in Quality control that makes it out of the factory is a big deal.

Deleted member 13312

He is a better judge that you. Were you in Vietnam? No.
nope but my friend's father served in the Vietnam War and he said that North Vietbam prevailed not because of rice rations but because of geopolitical factors.
see how ridiculous this line of " anacotal" evidence is ?
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