PLA Air Force news, pics and videos


Lieutenant General
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Anyone wants to comment on the infomation in this video.

-He probably undercounts the J-15 and H-6K/J/N numbers somewhat.
-There's an unnecessary focus on comparing PLA procurement with USAF procurement numbers, clearly done because of the viewership interest only.
-The overall thrust of J-20, J-16 and J-10C numbers and procurement size and likely near term trajectory is in the ballpark range that we have, and he clearly has either read places like SDF, or has someone conveying to him information that we have or even information from the original sources.

And as always -- YouTube videos and "content creators" are not a good source for PLA knowledge in general.
The low bar of accessibility and ease of consumption of YouTube videos in many ways makes the overall job or PLA watching (and military watching overall) more troublesome and difficult, when half truths or falsehoods get signal boosted and accepted by general audiences that don't know any better.

In this case, his numbers are overall fair at broadstrokes, but it should be treated as entertainment due to some excessive focus on irrelevant tangents.

In general, I find that for PLA watching, if some new information is packaged together too cleanly with too and with a focus on production value and tangential topics, then information is usually either out of date (sourced from other, original sources), or in many other cases they are just bad quality or even made up.

When that is the case, then generally they do not deserve our commentary.
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Lieutenant General
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