PLA Air Force news, pics and videos


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I think probably a more pertinent question would be what would happen to the PLANAF pilots trained on the non-carrier types like the J-10 and the JH-7 i.e. would they be converted to J-15s, or would they retain their ratings and be folded into the PLAAF instead?
Takinh only JH-7, it's quite a big number of pilot that need to be retrain and if they don't retire the aircraft they will be transfered to PLAAF most probably. They will not have enough airframed available for them fast enough anyway.


Registered Member
But how does that resolve existing NAF pilots and their assignments within the service, though, when their aircraft are being transferred out?

Is the PLAN gonna re-train hundreds of them from the combat regiments alone, on the hundreds of J-15s that they currently don't have?
No timeframe has been given AFAIK for this transition plan, it might take a decade to go all-CV fast jets. Even then I wouldn't be surprised if some CTOL fighters will be retained for adversary training purposes.


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I don't get this at all. So do those existing bases become PLAAF bases? I don't see how else this makes sense. Given that PLAAF fighter/bomber brigades are expected to fly far off shore by now and the implementation of ETC, it really doesn't make sense to keep purely shore based PLANAF regiments anymore.


Lieutenant General
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So... My understanding, is that we don't know anything about the timing, geographic basing, airframe/aircraft transitions that will happen apart from the fact that in time the PLANAF will be fully adopting a carrier based fixed wing combat aircraft fleet.

I don't see how any of that would be difficult to entertain or undertake?

There are countless ways in which they could carry out this change in a manner that makes sense in context of overall PLA goals and in context of PLAAF and PLANAF basing and aircraft fleets.


Registered Member
I don't get this at all. So do those existing bases become PLAAF bases? I don't see how else this makes sense. Given that PLAAF fighter/bomber brigades are expected to fly far off shore by now and the implementation of ETC, it really doesn't make sense to keep purely shore based PLANAF regiments anymore.
Even US has naval air stations for ground basing F-18s. I thought it meant the non J-15 and J-35 planes will eventually be transferred to PLAAF, but the bases stay PLAN.


Lieutenant General
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Even US has naval air stations for ground basing F-18s. I thought it meant the non J-15 and J-35 planes will eventually be transferred to PLAAF, but the bases stay PLAN.
They have a lot of planaf bases. Not going to have enough of am aviation wing to use all those bases for a long time. I would imagine some of them get transferred to plaaf, since they are close to the coast and good for power projection.


I expect a few naval airbase would be retained under PLA Navy control, since they have to move their aircraft carrier based air planes to shore bases when the a/c returns to home port or need maintenace at a shipyard.

The naval fighter jets probably would have to share the naval airbases with Y9Q, and Navy KJ-500/ KJ-200 which I think would still be under PLAN command in future.



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AVIC's laser signal transmission and ignition demonstration verification test of ejection seat was a success

China Aviation News: At 15:39 on August 27, the zero-zero ejection test of AVIC laser ignition seats was conducted at the Xiangbei Test Site. With the commander's instruction, the ejection seat rose into the air, the human chair was separated, and the parachute was launched. This series of actions were completed in less than 1 second, and the test was a complete success.

This test is the first time that the company has applied new laser signal transmission technology, laser ignition technology, and laser detonation technology to the field of aviation protection and life-saving. The application of these new technologies fills the gap in the company's application in the field of protection and life-saving.

The ejection seat adopts the all-fiber laser signal transmission technology to realize the optimal wiring of the optical fiber in the ejection seat, thereby obtaining the optimal bending radius of the optical fiber; the laser ignition program controller can realize the laser generator by using the laser ignition technology. Precise control of energy and ignition time; laser detonation technology realizes the separation of semiconductor bridge and gunpowder, thus improving the safety of ejection seat.

The success of this experiment has laid a solid foundation for the application of laser technology in aviation, aerospace, weapons and other fields.



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J-20 fighters to escort Y-20 aircraft for 1st time in repatriating remains of CPV martyrs from S.Korea

By GT staff reporters Published: Sep 14, 2022 08:23 PM

The PLA Air Force open day event kicked off in Changchun, NE China's Jilin on Friday. During Friday's air show, the Y-20, J-20, J-16 and other star fighter jets were on full display. The PLA Air Force's August 1 aerobatics team also delivered a wonderful aerial display. (Photos: Cui Meng/GT)

A Y-20 large transport aircraft perform at the PLA Air Force open day event kicked off in Changchun, Northeast China's Jilin. Photos: Cui Meng/GT

The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force will on Friday send its J-20 stealth fighter jets to escort the Y-20 large transport aircraft for the first time in the repatriation from South Korea of the remains of Chinese People's Volunteers (CPV) martyrs who sacrificed their lives in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea (1950-53) mission.

This is a move that will not only pay tribute to the CPV martyrs but also display the increasing number of J-20s in service, experts said on Wednesday.

The ninth batch of 88 CPV martyrs who fought and died bravely in a foreign land during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea is finally returning home, as the handover ceremony and burial event of their remains have officially been launched on Wednesday, the Chinese Ministry of Veterans Affairs announced on Wednesday.

The Chinese delegation will hold a ceremony with the South Korean side in the South Korean city of Incheon on Thursday, after which a repatriation ceremony is scheduled the next day at Incheon International Airport before the fallen heroes are transferred home aboard PLA Air Force state-of-the-art Y-20 transport aircraft. On Saturday, the remains of the martyrs will be buried at the CPV martyrs' cemetery in Shenyang, capital of Northeast China's Liaoning Province, following a ceremony, the ministry said.

Since 2014, for eight consecutive years, eight batches of 825 remains of CPV martyrs have returned to their motherland.

When the remains of CPV martyrs return to China on Friday, the J-20 will escort the Y-20 when the latter enters Chinese airspace, Shen Jinke, a spokesperson at the PLA Air Force, told media on Wednesday.

The two members in the PLA's 20-series aircraft will pay tribute to the revolutionary martyrs, Shen said.

J-20 fighter jets attached to an aviation brigade under the PLA Air Force taxi in close formation during a flight training exercise on January 7, 2022. Photo:

J-20 fighter jets attached to an aviation brigade under the PLA Air Force taxi in close formation during a flight training exercise on January 7, 2022. Photo:

This will be the first time the powerful J-20 stealth fighter jet has been deployed since the PLA Air Force started such missions in 2015. In 2020 and 2021, the PLA Air Force sent Y-20 transport aircraft to repatriate remains of CPV martyrs, and they were escorted by J-11B fighter jets.

The move will display the growing strength of the PLA, and replacing the J-11B with the J-20 shows that more J-20s are in service, Song Zhongping, a Chinese military expert and TV commentator, told the Global Times on Wednesday.

Official releases have confirmed that the J-20 has been in service with the PLA Eastern Theater Command and the Northern Theater Command, with reports indicating the aircraft is also being commissioned into other theater commands.

The CPV martyrs had made tremendous sacrifices in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and as their remains return to motherland, the PLA welcome them back home with latest transport aircraft and fighter jets, telling them that the motherland and its military are becoming ever stronger, with advanced weapons and equipment, Song said.

"No other country can bully China, as the Chinese military is capable of safeguarding China's national sovereignty, security and development interests," Song said.

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