Sponsoring the terrorists in Syria is interference in Syrian internal affairs contrary to the Charter of the United Nations. The main sponsors are Saudi Arabia and Qatar, both clients of US and US themselves. Without that sponsorship there would have been no near 200000 dead in Syria. And Assad, whatever his demerits, is not as bad on the human rights side as Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Yemen, Egypt and many other US clients.Sorry, delft, when you say that someone "unleashes" something on another, then blame falls to the one unleashing it.
A simple example suffices. If I have a Tiger on a chain and go to a park and "unleash" the tiger and it kills a child...I promise you, I would be arrested and held responsible for that child's death. That was the way I took it.
As to the Taliban not operating outside of Afghanistan, when their various leaders helped Al Queda in the run up to 911, both by harboring them, and what's more materially helping them and coordinating with them, they were acting with the enemy that attacked the United States.
Nice, delft. A classic, ludicrous liberal spin that someh ow the 911 attacks on the US were caused by the US.
No, delft, not even close.
Yes, we in the US helped the Mujahideen fight the Russians and provided them means to do so. That does not equate to a part of that movement attacking the US many years later as being the fault of the US.
Not even a nice try...quite offensive actually.
I pray to God that your own people are never attacked in such a way by these animals, Delft. But I can tell you this...most people in the United States, including myself, would do all we could to come to your assistance if you were...and help you fight back. Not somehow, in a backhanded fashion, blame you for being attacked by them.
The Al Qaeda people were trained by the CIA in terrorism. When and why the fell out I don't know but President Clinton already tried to hit them with cruise missiles. Anyway they were part of the US campaign in Afghanistan and they were mostly Saudi Arabian. You cannot start the history in 2001.