Persian Gulf & Middle East Military News, Reports, Data, etc.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
Some pictures

Turkish navy sent a LCT (C-151) to Sea Of Friendship (Bahr El Sadaka) naval exercise conducted with Egyptian navy (7 to 14 October 2012) in order to show performance of ADIK's ship.







For me anyone who kills innocent civilians be it rebels or leaders is accountable, you cannot under any circumstances attack civilians, including women and children and not be guilty

This is based on the first protest which was carried out by civilians who were met with real live bullets many of them died, this was on the orders of the Assad regime

He should have speeded up reforms engaged this people rather than using military force, Hosni never did that his soldiers did not use live ammunition and the security forces although heavy handed did not use live bullets on civilians

This could have been a Egypt or Tunisia but he chose to go like Gaddafi, and in that lies the problem
How well do we know what happened? Perhaps there was a peaceful demonstration with terrorists in attendance to make sure there was violence. Remember we get most of our information from the same people who assured us ten years ago that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. ( Btw according to a new definition he had them: even pressure cookers with gun powder are nowadays called by some weapons of mass destruction ). The insurgents were sponsored from the beginning by Saudi Arabia and Qatar. What happened really that first day?
Wrt Libya we know, because of trouble with a helicopter, that the British had inserted five month before at least one agent to help organize the insurrection. Isn't it reasonable to suppose that the destruction of Libya gave hope to the terrorists sponsors to try to destroy Syria?
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asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
I have followed the protests from day one, not Syria but since the Tunisian fruit seller who burnd himself in protest

The Syrian protest started in the city of Derra, more over at Al-Omari mosque, when peaceful protesters took to the streets and were met with live bullets killing many

If Egyptian security forces used live fire the army would have lost all credibility, the people would have taken up arms and a civil war would have started, but the Egyptian authority were responssible and did not kill innocent and as a result even today they still have the support of the Egyptian people

Syrian military fired on civilians, Erdogan asked for restraint and even offered to send anti- riot gear, it was refused by Assad

Jeff Head

Registered Member
The 8th and final unit


Exports orders from Egypt is pending
Do you know the specs on those vessels? They look very nice, and seem to have a very good carrying capacity.

I wonder if they are ocean going?

The US now operates 34 of these LCU 2000 vessels, and is still building them. Plans for 42 total:



They are fully ocean-going and can either carry their cargo/vehicle/troops from port, or from deeper draft, large cargo or other amphibious ships into shore.

Their specs are:

Length: 174ft
Beam: 42ft
Draft: 8 ft
Displacement: 1,100 tons (full load)
Crew: 13
Speed 16 knots cruising
Capacity: 350 tons (Equivalent of eight C-17 loads)
Range: 6,500 miles (full load)
10,000 Miles (light load)

The US also operates eight of the following very large LSVs, which have a 2,000 ton capacity and can carry and deliver up to 26 Abrams tanks, or 43 LAVs, or 37 Strykers at one time. And they are ocean going as well:



In that second picture, for comparison, you see one next to a LCU-2000. They are BIG.

Their specifications:

Length: 274 ft
Beam: 60 ft
Draft: 12 ft
Displacement: 4,250 tons (full load)
Crew: 29
Speed 16 knots cruising
Capacity: 2,000 tons (Equivalent of twenty-five C-17 loads)
Range: 6,500 miles (full load)
8,200 miles (light load)

Although their complete draft is 12ft, they can operate and discharge equipment in as little as 6ft of water.

They have modular variants of this vessel which allow them to operate carrying purely container cargo, troops and/or vehicles, and one that places a landing pad over the main deck and allows them to carry several medium sized helicopters and land them on the upper deck and then store them below with an elevator.

Now the US is building the Theater Suppert Vessel (TSV) or Joint HJigh Speed Vessel (JHSV) as they are now officially known. Plans call for up to 25 of them and ten of them have already been funded and awarded. You have seen pictures of it before:




Not as big as the Class, LSV shown before...but very fast. In the second and third pictures, you can see how the initial vessel, which was converted from a commerical Austal ferry design, has changed to its standard design for the class, incorporating the lessons learned from TSV-X1 into what will be klnown as the JHSV class, showing JHSV-1 and HJSV-2 here.

Here are its specs:

Length: 315 ft
Beam: 88 ft
Draft: 12 ft
Displacement: 1,300 tons (full load)
Crew: 40
Speed 40 knots cruising
Capacity: 1,250 tons (Equivalent of fifteen C-17 loads)
Range: 4,700 miles (full load)
6,500 miles (light load)

The one thing about these vessels? They are not US Navy vessels. They are US Amry vessels. A little known fact is that the US Army operates over 300 ships of its many as the US Navy. Reagen's 600 ship Navy really did come about!

As ity turns put, recently the decision was made to make the JHSV a USNS vessel operated by Sealift Command of the US Navy. You know there is a LOT of politics going on with that decision. LOL!. But, the others remain US Army vessels.
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asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
I think they can operate up to sea state 5 is that ocean going?

Each LCT can take 7 tanks or assortment of 25+ vehicles, the Turkish requirement was speed, 22 knots during a full load test!

But that isn't the full story the real deal are the 7,000+ ton LST, each with the lift capacity to load 25 tanks! There is two under construction with opition of two more, these are reall for long range deployments and heavy cargo load

Here's brochure of LCT

We can see in a few years Turkey will have this kind of lift capacity, a formation of 4 x ADIK LCT and 1 x LST can be transporting upwards of 50 MBTs in a high speed landing with all cargo and marines, in reality they will have 2 +2 LST and 8 LCT and a LHD


asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
The one thing about these vessels? They are not US Navy vessels. They are US Amry vessels. A little known fact is that the US Army operates over 300 ships of its many as the US Navy. Reagen's 600 ship Navy really did come about!

As ity turns put, recently the decision was made to make the JHSV a USNS vessel operated by Sealift Command of the US Navy. You know there is a LOT of politics going on with that decision. LOL!. But, the others remain US Army vessels.

If you add up the navy, army and sea lift command I think its more than 1,000 vessels?


Turkey is not so innocence in this case. The primary in route for fighters of this conflict is Turkey.

Probably not. But one wonders if Turkey can avoid something like this if he choose to side with Assad, or remain neutral. Maybe the bombings may come even earlier.

I think they actually don't want to piss off anyside, which is why despite all the rhetoric they havn't really made moves against Assad. Maybe that is going to change now?


Lieutenant General
Probably not. But one wonders if Turkey can avoid something like this if he choose to side with Assad, or remain neutral. Maybe the bombings may come even earlier.

I think they actually don't want to piss off anyside, which is why despite all the rhetoric they havn't really made moves against Assad. Maybe that is going to change now?

Something like this was pretty much inevitable as soon as Turkey decided to pick sides and actively meddle and add to the internal strife of a neighbour. This is hardly a new or unforeseeable phenomenon, the Americans even have a special term for it called 'blowback'.