Quite a large number of PRC weapons here in Sri Lanka... Haven't heard of any big complaints. Even if there were, I strongly doubt they will go public with such things.
The one problem I've heard on several occasions is the, PL-5 lock-on failure on the LTTE plane. What was the technical reason for this?
One LTTE plane was shot down, but after that the LTTE changed tactics. It was reported that they heavily armor plated the engine to reduce the IR singnature...
Any comments on that?
Probably, the missile was poorly maintained or the missile became defective due to improper storage, keeping or maintained.
I just wonder where those rebels got spare parts for their aircraft before...
Probably, the missile was poorly maintained or the missile became defective due to improper storage, keeping or maintained.
I just wonder where those rebels got spare parts for their aircraft before...
China exports the weapon is few, moderate, China observes the United Nations joint pledge strictly about the weapon sell stipulation
Indeed, that was a real shock to Chinese commanders.before 1991,(or before desert storm) China do not even have high tech military industrial complex. PLA still preaching Mao's people warfare. after the 1991 gulf war,the talk of people warfare suddently cease to exit.