For decades now, the West has imposed mountains of restrictions on sales of technology and materials to China. Those restrictions continue today. Yet these same jerks demand that China must freely export everything she owns, and cannot even impose taxes on the extraction.
At the minimum, China should reclassify all the materials in question, as key strategic military production factors, subject to military export controls. The WTO rules, at the insistence of the West, has always exempted restrictions based on military needs. The game is rigged, and the rules are set by the West. But the same rules can be used to the full advantage to protect China's interest.
And in fact these materials are strategic and of military importance. Otherwise the West would not be complaining. And also IN FACT many of the materials on the list are indispensable for military manufacture - for military aircraft, missiles, satellites, etc.
For example, it should be clearly legislated that, until and unless the relevant nation(s) remove the restrictions of military and/or dual use exports to China, those nation(s) are not going to get ANY of China's military/strategic materials, such as rare earths.
Moreover, multiple cartels should be set up with other producers, on the government level, much like OPEC. With that China gains important bargaining power.