Number of Ships PLAN must have to be supreme

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Lee Delbert

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Yes you are all right china currently doesn't need an aircraft carrier but come to think of if a confrontation with US occur how could China launch a Naval and airstrike against US mainland? I believe China should not rely of Nuclear Balistic Missiles it will be destructive in world.

Regarding the ships even Chinese made ships were not as advance as the US were, you should not forget China now possess anti ship missiles which is faster and longer range compared to the US anti ship missiles. China has an edge.

Yes China hasn't enough capability to build such a number of ships but if they will increase the number of shipyards and expand the current shipyards China will have that capability.

regarding military build up or arms race South Korean economy is definitely smaller the China and they can't win and how could India do it? look at the poverty rate in India and its economy I believe India must focus of its economy first than its armed forces, regarding Japan they have pledge to spend only 1% of their GDP to the defense and with that amount of resources they can't catch up if China will increase its spending and start an arms race.

China can have those amount of funds to spend probably using some of the dollar reserves ( China was now rank one in terms of reserves in the world ) and triming down corruption can also help China to save money and it can be used for the Armed forces.

regarding Frigates China has already numerous frigate and probably a stealth one was underdevelopment already so I think after mass producing it some day will be already enough.


Senior Member
China does not even have a blue water navy!!! This is just a pipe dream.

First, the navy has to protect the shores and the country.

Second, the navy has to make Taiwan reunite.

After that, China will have easier access to the open ocean. After China breaks out of the first island chain, the second island chains should be easier.


VIP Professional
China shouldn't be spending much money on Navy Size building at the moment. I believe it should continue it prototype and test ship building policy. As these ship would give them an increase combat capability and an way to continuosly refind and develop it technology.


Senior Member
VIP Professional
Lee Delbert said:
Yes you are all right china currently doesn't need an aircraft carrier but come to think of if a confrontation with US occur how could China launch a Naval and airstrike against US mainland? I believe China should not rely of Nuclear Balistic Missiles it will be destructive in world.

Regarding the ships even Chinese made ships were not as advance as the US were, you should not forget China now possess anti ship missiles which is faster and longer range compared to the US anti ship missiles. China has an edge.

Yes China hasn't enough capability to build such a number of ships but if they will increase the number of shipyards and expand the current shipyards China will have that capability.

regarding military build up or arms race South Korean economy is definitely smaller the China and they can't win and how could India do it? look at the poverty rate in India and its economy I believe India must focus of its economy first than its armed forces, regarding Japan they have pledge to spend only 1% of their GDP to the defense and with that amount of resources they can't catch up if China will increase its spending and start an arms race.

China can have those amount of funds to spend probably using some of the dollar reserves ( China was now rank one in terms of reserves in the world ) and triming down corruption can also help China to save money and it can be used for the Armed forces.

regarding Frigates China has already numerous frigate and probably a stealth one was underdevelopment already so I think after mass producing it some day will be already enough.

1.) Having faster and longer range anti-ship missles are useless unless you have an very good guidance system that will work in a hostile ECM environment the the USN can generate. Also, the faster the missiles, the easier it is to spoof. IF a missile traveling at Mach 3 losses tracking for just a few seconds, it will be off course by dozens of miles.

2.) F-18 EF hornet have a much longer range than PLAN antiship missiles. China does not have the edge.

3.) Japan is only spends 1% of GDP on the military because of POLITICAL constraints. All their politicians have to do is inflate the China threat, made easier by your naval build up, and you will see the Nihon Kaigun again.

4.) Korea has the money to build a world class navy. In fact, they are building them right now.

5.) Dollar reserves are better spent on infastructure projects. Though China may have the world's largest middle class, it also has the world's largest peasant population. Working to make their lives better ensures a stronger country.

6.) Again, you still have not addressed the crewing problems and the lack of experience personnel in the PLAN that can adequately command and crew these ships your proposing.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
This is a good discussion. My kind of meat..:) Excellent post all.

IDonT sez...
Again, you still have not addressed the crewing problems and the lack of experience personnel in the PLAN that can adequately command and crew these ships your proposing.

IDonT is so right on point with that question. You know the PLAN can build all the ships it wants to. But if the personell are not trained properly and if they don't take those ships to sea for regular training. All the modern ships in the world willl be for naught if they cannot operate properly.

Making the PLAN a true blue water navy will not happen overnight. It will take years. Roger 604 assesment of how to do this is correct.


VIP Professional
bd popeye said:
IDonT is so right on point with that question. You know the PLAN can build all the ships it wants to. But if the personell are not trained properly and if they don't take those ships to sea for regular training. All the modern ships in the world willl be for naught if they cannot operate properly.

Making the PLAN a true blue water navy will not happen overnight. It will take years. Roger 604 assesment of how to do this is correct.

I agree with you… Big fleet with modern ships does not mean anything without properly trained crews… For example look at Falkland’s war. Argentina had at the time one of the most modern navy’s in the world. They had 2 Sheffield class DDG, 4 Meko360 class DDG, Meko140 class corvettes, aircraft carrier, type209 class subs…
But they lacked logistic capabilities, trained crews, ships had maintenance problems and they lacked tactical and strategic knowledge to conduct that kind of naval operations…
Big fleet without trained crews, logistics and strategic knowledge is joust very expensive target for oppositions target practice.
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VIP Professional
1) The PLAN should spend more money in improving the YJ-62 which already have a good range of 280km. They need to increase the capability of it guidance system to cope with modern hostile ECM environment, possibly lower the RCS if possible and lower the flight altitude to under 20m.
The YJ-62 wouldn't give PLAN an edge over USN even without F-18 EF hornet because they have the Tomahawk which out range anything the PLAN have. Nevertheless it put PLAN Anti Ship missile hand in hand if not better then Missile in most navy in Asia.

2) The PLAN should develop Tomahawk style anti ship missile before moving on to the Land attack version as guidance system, radio altimeter and other possible techology for the anti ship version can be transfered or develop from currently YJ-62 technology making it easier to develop as it leave out the complex guidance, terrain comparison sytem needed for the land attack version. If the AsCM have an range in excess of 1000km, it would also give the PLAN an huge edge over any navy in asia. But this system would need support from Land Base Range or preferably AEW&C system for target acquiring.

3) The PLAN should further develop the HQ-9 or preferably a new sam system based on PL-12 active radar-homing terminal guidance technology. As they still need to improve overall air defence capablity as the currenty HQ-9 is based on 1980 era technology.

5) It must spend more time and resources in it anti submarine capability.

5) As I said before China shouldn't be wasting it resources in increasing the Navy Size at the moment. They should continue it prototype and test ship building policy. As these ship help China refind and develop it technology and give PLAN personnel a chance to refurbish it crew training doctrine and gain more experience. This would also provide PLAN with mid-high tech ship to train there crew for future masses build ship. For short term it would slighty increase the national defence capablites.


Banned Idiot
280km is only the range of the export yj-62, according to MTCR. The chiense version is believed to able to do over 300km.

ChangFeng (CF), HongNiao (HN), and DongHai (DH) are current chiense cruise missle projects, with ranges up to 1800km. Building cruise missles must be accompanied by extensive TERCOM maps, or sattelites. China must aquire these first. I believe the PLA in 2005 began deploying an 1000km cruise missle.


VIP Professional
280km is an confirmed figure, so I just used that. If the missle exceed 320km which is possible It would give PLAN the longest missile in any other Navy in Asia with the exception of USN and with an 1000+km ship launch AsCM it could possiblilty challage the IN Aircraft carrier battle group.

petty officer1

Junior Member
Numbers in size will never be a good idea... In this time.

IF AS YOU say china sould mass produce all of their most advanced ships, after 10 years, when every ship is finished. Our America Navy would be a decade ahead aready.(DDX, Ohio, aircarft carrier with f-22,f-35). china will be a big Red Navy compare to America 's state of art navy AGAIN!

But china is smart enough to not do that. Most chinese advance ships(include subs) is used more as testing platform(For now). Build them to conduct test and play war game and joint excercise with other nation to gain experience.

Build about one or two of them just for training officers and testing gear is MUCH cheaper building a big fleet that will STILL lose to American Navy...;)

China use those saved money to do research, training officer, design new ship, excercise, gaining experience, help rural poor, improve the standart of living, develop more advance civilan technology industry, IT, fight corruption, trade with other coutry.

In 20 years when China is really strong in money, high sprit, every one is rich. that will be the time to build the REAL chinese war fleet.

Chinese don't make the same mistake twice, they survive 5 thousand years not just for nothing. Not like Russia(with out money), Not like Nazi (BAD human right problem), and not like USA (Look at our kids in school today:mad: )

China is looking for a Long time plan.

China don't want to defend against America.

China Don't even want to be America.

China want to be something is better, stronger then America!

Kids in US need to wake up, the time is near

Petty officer1, Best wise.
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