North Korea to increase 'Military Deterent'.


Junior Member
Indianfighter said:
It is also unlikely that this missile shall ever be tested, as North Korea is unlikely to have such technology upon starving its people and prolonged technical isolation from the world.

Maybe so, but it is sitting right there on the launch pad, and it looks ready to fire to me, especially as the KPA has several divisions guarding it, and the fact that it is being currently fuelled. Apparently there was fog and heavy rain in that region today, so it delayed the launch. If it happens, it'll probably be tommorow, midday or afternoon - that's when the weather is meant to clear up. If they do fire this thing off, the U.S. will retaliate. It will not be seen as being pushed around by a bankurupt and poor country. It's inevitable. The DPRK has sworn to retaliate if they spot any U.S. aircraft in their airspace, so they can expect the American response to be similar.


Junior Member
VIP Professional
Indianfighter said:
The International community would have taken action against North Korea a considerable time ago, had it not for been the close proximity of South Korea and Japan.

Kim Jong Il is holding S.Korea and Japan as hostages. Thus a military action can result in a retaliation on these 2 nations and now even on the USA (with the development of this ICBM).

The other major reason for worry of the USA is that North Korea's missile may be proliferated to other potential enemies such as Iran, Syria, Libya etc.

It is also unlikely that this missile shall ever be tested, as North Korea is unlikely to have such technology upon starving its people and prolonged technical isolation from the world.

No, the South Koreans deep down know that for all of Kim Jong Il's rhetoric, he nor any of North Korea's generals will launch an attack against South Korea. The South Koreans could care less if North Korea launches a missile. It's the Japanese that are extremely worried about this since the entire Korean peninsula has quite a hatred for the Japanese.

As for North Korea's missile tech being outdated, I wouldn't say that. Pakistan has received quite a bit of help with its own missile program from North Korea. There was this one missile Pakistan received and made the guidance system much better-and it was later shared with North Korea. Point is, Pakistan wouldn't go and get help from a country who's missile tech is inferior and possibly unstable.

Undead Yogurt

New Member
crazyinsane105 said:
It's the Japanese that are extremely worried about this since the entire Korean peninsula has quite a hatred for the Japanese.

No, the Japanese also know NK would never do anything retarded like attack Japan. It is undesirable that NK should have a nuclear weapon and the means to deliver it because if that capability is proven, it pretty much guarantees the Kim regime immunity from forced removal by a foreign power, via outright invasion, covert ops, incitement, etc. And believe me, EVERYONE, including China, wants the Kim regime gone, and Kim Jong-il knows it, and is playing his part very, very well.

Don't you wish we had a real-life 007 to go in and wreak a little mayhem at the launch site?


Junior Member
Gentlemen, mark my words that North Korea will not launch that ICBM. Even if it does, it will be a failure.

The reasons for the above statement are :

1] Unlikely technological knowhow (crazyinsane, the missile N.Korea sold to Pakistan was in the 70s or 80s. At that time MiG-21s were lethal jets [NK had them] and it got regular tech support from USSR. That is no longer the case.)

2] Retaliation from the US and international community.

3] Even if it does launch it (for pride), it shall be a failure. In 2003, NK launched a missile, part of which flew over a horrified Japan and landed in the Pacific. NK said it was a sattelite launch.
Now whether it was indeed intended to be a sattelite or was a missile launch is unclear but the fact is that N Korea lies.

So if a launch takes place, then NK will definitely order its citizens to stop digging food from the gutters, wear matching red clothes and make a perfect 10 somersault at 2.15 PM and singing the Kim Jong Il anthem with a ear-to-ear smile.

US satelites and surveillance will surely tell us that the missile launch was a failure (if at all NK launches one).


Junior Member
Undead Yogurt said:
Don't you wish we had a real-life 007 to go in and wreak a little mayhem at the launch site?

Yeah this would actually make a good Bond movie. Like Die another Day, except with the Tpdong 2 instead of the Icarus satellite.
In fact, that might not be to far from reality - is it possible that the U.S. could send a SEAL team or CIA operatives to sabotage the missile before it can be launched? Are there any such forces in the Korean peninsula? What do you guys think?


Junior Member
I have heard that the CIA has several Safe Houses in North and South Korea for various uses. Evacuating VIP's, monitoring stations, etc. I have also heard of ROK Spec-Ops infiltrations into North Korea that are almost on a daily basis. However, the later is largely rumor, though it is highly possible.

However, the U.S government might not send in such agents for possibility of capture. That would cause a major international incident. Plus, how would one so easily explain the sudden destruction of these instalations? Especialy explaining it to a paranoid maniac like Kim Jong.


Senior Member
Do not underestimate the unity of the Korean people. S. Korea has experienced a dramatic wave of nationalism in recent years -- around the same time their TV/movie industry really took off -- and now they're a big football power too! They're renouncing their old role as just a platform for a US military base on the penninsula.

I think S. Korea will be the big winner when all the chips are down. US won't do anything unless S. Korea goes along with it, and S. Korea won't go along with anything that is massively destabilizing or harms S. Korea's own interest.


Junior Member
Roger604 said:
Do not underestimate the unity of the Korean people. S. Korea has experienced a dramatic wave of nationalism in recent years -- around the same time their TV/movie industry really took off -- and now they're a big football power too! They're renouncing their old role as just a platform for a US military base on the penninsula.

I think S. Korea will be the big winner when all the chips are down. US won't do anything unless S. Korea goes along with it, and S. Korea won't go along with anything that is massively destabilizing or harms S. Korea's own interest.

Well I don't think the South Korean people's interests lie in North Korea testing a long range missile - they're already under threat from Northern missile attack. KCNA might say that all South Korean people are opposed to U.S. prescence and arew being held hostage, but they never mention the protests in Seoul about the North's missile and nuclear programmes - and firng a missile over the U.S. is a good move for provoking war, which is what KCNA constantly accuses the U.S. of doing.


Junior Member
DPRKPTboat said:
Well I don't think the South Korean people's interests lie in North Korea testing a long range missile - they're already under threat from Northern missile attack. KCNA might say that all South Korean people are opposed to U.S. prescence and arew being held hostage, but they never mention the protests in Seoul about the North's missile and nuclear programmes - and firng a missile over the U.S. is a good move for provoking war, which is what KCNA constantly accuses the U.S. of doing.

KCNA is a load of crap! Have you read any of it? But I'm surprised that South Koreans have been protesting against the North Korean nuclear program. I mean, I haven't heard anything about them protesting human rights abuses there at all! And a lot of refugees from North Korea are speaking out against the South Korean government and people for not doing enough to stop it. But I do hear that students have been trying to take down the MacArthur statue. One day a lot of students come down to the statue to try and knock it down....... but then a bunch of veterans from the korean War come and block them and the students leave. :rofl:


Senior Member
VIP Professional
Don't you wish we had a real-life 007 to go in and wreak a little mayhem at the launch site?
It's not fair that NK can't get an item that the USA have, but it being in the hands of a feeping idiot/moron/lo-life like Kim. I don't like him, and I am sure that China would prefer a South Korea that is without the US over a lo-life like Kim.
I am not sure if China really would support South Korea in a war with North Korea. (Did you guys hear about Chinese troops gathering up on the PRC/DPRK border when the NK-US relations over the bomb really heated up? There was an article back in ezboard I think.) China does not want America on its doors, and such a war will definitely involve the US.
If China does get involved, Kim might get overthrown anyway, but a new leader might be in power.

You know, North Korea's population is dropping like flies, I wonder how will it collapse due to shortage of people.