North Korea Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
You are simply ignoring how Ukraine operated after its independence. They sold the Varyag carrier to China including all its technical documentation like construction schematics. They gave China access to the Su-33 prototype which then got copied as the J-15. It is hardly surprising they would have done the same with the RD-250 technical specifications being sold to North Korea. That the Ukrainian government claims they officially knew nothing about it is just a smokescreen. Plausible deniability. There was corruption a plenty back then and everyone got a cut.

The RD-250 is an hypergolic staged combustion engine. They have designed hypergolic engines and staged combustion engines in post Soviet Ukraine. So they know all the requisite technologies well enough. So claiming they lacked the technical expertise to guide North Korea in their further developments of the RD-250, like I have heard some people say, is just plain nonsense.

Also. After WW2, the US got to keep all the scientists who designed the V-2 rocket i.e. Werner von Braun's team. They also took all the existing V-2 rockets and schematics which were left at the factory. The US thought this would have been enough for the Soviets not to be able to replicate the technology. The Soviets just rounded up the factory construction workers, they were still around, and asked them to build more V-2s. Which they did. They then just recreated the schematics from working samples, moved the tools from the factory to the Soviet Union, and started producing it there.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
You are simply ignoring how Ukraine operated after its independence.
So you made decision to be disingenuous by lying about me, I am not surprised.

They sold the Varyag carrier to China including all its technical documentation like construction schematics. They gave China access to the Su-33 prototype which then got copied as the J-15.
China has resources and funding to achieve such acquisition unlike North Korea.
DPRK is DPRK and not PRC which you resort to mentioning latter for former.
They are not comparable as latter has what former doesn't for such.

It is hardly surprising they would have done the same with the RD-250 technical specifications being sold to North Korea. That the Ukrainian government claims they officially knew nothing about it is just a smokescreen. Plausible deniability. There was corruption a plenty back then and everyone got a cut.
Its hardly surprising your demonstration of ignorance on subject of North Korea as if Ukraine have done so it would have had to be before sanctions regime done by United Nations Security Council that is on effect since year 2006.

If such occured before it then we would not have seen North Korea using for their space launch vehicles their upscaled engine on basis of one in R-17 missile which they reverse engineered in early 1980s through sample acquired from Egypt in late 1970s and later in early 1990s developed upscaled rocket engine.

The RD-250 is an hypergolic staged combustion engine. They have designed hypergolic engines and staged combustion engines in post Soviet Ukraine. So they know all the requisite technologies well enough. So claiming they lacked the technical expertise to guide North Korea in their further developments of the RD-250, like I have heard some people say, is just plain nonsense.
RD-250 is not closed cycle aka staged combustion rocket engine as it is open cycle and North Korea tried to succeed with 4D10 first for years in early to mid 2010's then RD-250 style rocket engine in 2017 with more success than 4D10.

If your narrative was legitimate then Ukraine would have been producing RD-250 before North Korea yet they don't and North Korea would not bother with 4D10.

Also. After WW2, the US got to keep all the scientists who designed the V-2 rocket i.e. Werner von Braun's team. They also took all the existing V-2 rockets and schematics which were left at the factory. The US thought this would have been enough for the Soviets not to be able to replicate the technology. The Soviets just rounded up the factory construction workers, they were still around, and asked them to build more V-2s. Which they did. They then just recreated the schematics from working samples, moved the tools from the factory to the Soviet Union, and started producing it there.
North Korea by acquiring single sample of R-17 from Egypt in late 1970s has reverse engineered and manufactured clones with changes to design over decades that lead to last variant being medium range ballistic missile.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
You still don't get it. Ukraine probably sold the tooling in the early 1990s after they closed down the production facilities and this tooling likely ended up in North Korea. Of course they don't have capability to manufacture the RD-250 anymore. They don't have the tooling anymore, and three decades have passed.

Of course it took time for North Korea to digest this technology, adapt it to their products, and serially produce it in enough numbers. Even in the case of the Soviet Union, with full blown state support behind the program, it took them five years to put their R-1 clone of the V-2 in service.

If Ukraine can improve more complex rocket engines like a staged combustion one, of course they can improve gas generator engines which are simpler. So they could have easily assisted North Korea to develop their rocket engine improvements. It is also open knowledge that Ukraine transferred technology to China which enabled it to eventually build the YF-100 engine. Which is based on technology of the RD-120 also produced in Dnepropetrovsk in Ukraine. So there is plenty of evidence not just of Ukraine selling technology to other countries after the Soviet collapse, but this production facility as well.

You have to remember Ukraine is the country which had people selling dozens if not hundreds of military helicopter engines to Russia through shell companies after 2014. Their avowed enemy which annexed Crimea.

But keep being disingenuous. Ukraine is incredibly corrupt.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
You still don't get it.
You still continue to be disingenuous and again lying about me.

Ukraine probably sold the tooling in the early 1990s after they closed down the production facilities and this tooling likely ended up in North Korea. Of course they don't have capability to manufacture the RD-250 anymore. They don't have the tooling anymore, and three decades have passed.
Prove it that Ukraine sold their tooling used for manufacturing RD-250.
All you did is suggest a possibility yet you portray such as being fact.
When for all we know those tools were not maintained and decayed.

Of course it took time for North Korea to digest this technology, adapt it to their products, and serially produce it in enough numbers. Even in the case of the Soviet Union, with full blown state support behind the program, it took them five years to put their R-1 clone of the V-2 in service.
If what you assert was true that North Korea acquired manufacturing tools and blueprints for RD-250 in early 1990s then we would have seen it by early 2000s at latest yet such did not happen as North Korea in 1990s upscaled R-17 engine to propel their first medium range ballistic missile Hwasong-7 while in early to middle of 2010s they tried to developed intermediate type with 4D10 clone along intercontinental with two of them for first stage, both unsuccessful.

If Ukraine can improve more complex rocket engines like a staged combustion one, of course they can improve gas generator engines which are simpler. So they could have easily assisted North Korea to develop their rocket engine improvements. It is also open knowledge that Ukraine transferred technology to China which enabled it to eventually build the YF-100 engine. Which is based on technology of the RD-120 also produced in Dnepropetrovsk in Ukraine. So there is plenty of evidence not just of Ukraine selling technology to other countries after the Soviet collapse, but this production facility as well.
Ukraine has technical documentation and research papers to reference to use for assistance to their clients by providing suggestions based on those hence not necessarily have to have manufacturing tools as what can be proposed is what is already proven and has been documented as reference material.

There is no evidence of Ukraine doing what you speculate and basically assert as happening which you repeatedly double down while providing nothing of value.

You have to remember Ukraine is the country which had people selling dozens if not hundreds of military helicopter engines to Russia through shell companies after 2014. Their avowed enemy which annexed Crimea.

But keep being disingenuous. Ukraine is incredibly corrupt.
Except you are one in here being disingenuous on top of that lying about me.


Junior Member
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I read that it has become an endless diatribe, everyone thinks they are on the side of the truth, but in the end the only visible truth is that the DPRK somehow made these missile thrusters, how or when and who is not that important at this point since today the DPRK has become autonomous in continuing development in the missile sector and beyond.
I hope that all of us will demonstrate the same passion to be able to evaluate other sectors of the DPRK's armaments and in particular the naval sector which has recently offered some innovations, but even more so the aeronautical sector which could also benefit from Kim Jong's initiative A growing desire to modernize the North Korean army.
I therefore wish everyone good research


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Up to now, I've only known two North Korean MiG-29UBs borts : red 286 and white 355.
KPAF MiG-29UB (286 & one more).jpgKPAF MiG-29UB (355) of 55th AR at Sunchon AFB.jpg