Maybe there's a misunderstanding between the two of us, because I think I didn't say anything contrary to your explanation.
I'm aware that image intensifiers "use" the very little "visible" light and also near IR (?), not heat radiation, and intensify/ brighten it up, up to several thousand times, to let the human eye see again in the (nearly) dark.
However, if one directs a flashlight at your II, and that light is still intensified, you are blinded and the optics may suffer damage. Now, I think modern II can adjust to that and stop intensifying bright light further, in order to not blind the operator.
This is what I wanted to say. I understand that said flashlight does not affect thermal visions.
Wich is also why I said for future applications it seems more promising than II, plus thermals give also advantages at day.
Side mounted MMW radar is interesting stuff for sure, if it can be made small enough to function reliably for a single soldier.
Some time ago I've read about microphoes mounted on HMMWVs to detect the direction of snipers by the bang of the rifle.
How about mounting such things on a helmet/ vest for situational awareness. Can you comment somewhat on that?