New Member
1.) I would argue that the JMSDF has greater endurance than PLAN due mainly to its greater logistical capabilites and the fact that it routinely operates far from home waters with the USN.
2.) Aegis is a combat information system and not a purely defensive system. By intergrating sensors, weapons suites, and command, it provides superior ability to prosecute threats. It was designed to counter the Soviet Union's saturation attacks. The Kongo, basically and Arleigh Burke class destroyer, will have no problem intercepting 12 anti-ship missiles. AAW defense its is strong point.
3.) JMSDF is technologically more advance than the PLAN. Aegis, F-15, E-3, regardless of their origin counts as part of their order of battle. IF push comes to shove, Japan has the electronics infrastructure to build or recreate its own avionics, radar, etc. The point is moot, the US, as an ally will always sell to them.
Don't be fooled by Japan's pacifist constitution. Its weapon system's are ARTIFICIALLY defanged and not by a whole lot of margin. The Kongo class ships do not specifically carry the TLAM, yet it carries the Mk 41 VLS launcher. It takes half a day to load the TLAM into them from US stocks.
1. the PLAN has more logistal resupply ships (oilers) than the Japanese navy and bigger total tonage as well.
2. I hate to do this ( compare platfrom VS platform) but here it goes: Aegis is a great area defense system, maybe the best there is. But Aegis can not do its work unless there are aircover, we have to remember that Aegis was designed to be part of the U.S navy CV taskforce, the CV provide longrange aircover and AWACS, in time of war, the F18 will pick out most the enemy fighters, so what is left over enemy fighters ( hopefully none) from the airwar got to do the job of fireing antiship missiles at the CV group. Thus, the Aegis is the second ring in the total defense of the CV group. Now the Japan has got no CV, so a Kongo's defense is as long as it's AD missiles range, in this case about 150km for the SM2 ( am I right? from memory, did not check). So let say, PLAN have got a flight of 4 JH7A's each armed with a center drop tank, 2 PL5 AAM and 4 YJ83. These 4 JH7A is coming toward the Kongo. How they do it? they will fly Hi-low-low to get there, that say, one of these JH7A developes some malfunction and have to turn back ( very likely thing to happen), now the PLAN have got 12 YJ83 on three JH7. We know that the radar of JH7A can pick out a Kongo sized ship well before 200km, let just say that one of the JH7A pop up from sea level to take a radar look, that pop up will get Kongo's radar noticed, so the Kongo konw now they have got company, at about 200km range, but still too far for the SM2, but that pop up by the JH7A also got the Kongo locked on by the JH7A radar, so between 200km to 150km distance, all these three JH7A pop up ( they may have to re-lock on the Kongo) to 500 feet and fire all 12 YJ83, and before the JH7s got into SM2's firing range, they would have turned back. Now the Kongo knows there are SSM's coming at it, at 150km distance, the Kongo have got about 7-9 mins to deal with the SSMs. I know the Kongo has got over 96 SM2s, and a very good CIWS and great electronic counter measures. But the Kongo is on the defensive side of the game, one YJ83 pass through the net, you are done. This is how I look at the picture, The SM2 have never really faced with a truely great SSM, and we all know YJ83 is a great improvement over the older YJ82. Now we know this, the two CIWS on Kongo can deal with total of 4-6 targets at the same time at hight subsonic speeds, If the SM2 shot down 6 of the 12 YJ83, I think we all agree the SM2 has done its job, then it will be left for the CIWS and counter measures to deal with the 6 YJ83 left over. It does not look good to my eyes for the crew of Kongo. As I said before, I do not like one on one comparisions, because you get nothing but arguments, but let just say this, the Japanese Navy have 5 Kongo ( modified one) and China has got over 60 JH7 and JH7A in the PLANAF, plus 30 Su30mkk ( notice I did not count the H6M and H6H in the PLANAF service), you get the picture.
3. In a modern war, you use what you have already got to fight the war, not what EQPs that will coming later, because there will be no later, the enemy would not give you the time to design, develop, and test you new toys, this is not WWI or WWII. It will be all said and done over with in 3 month. If the U.S is directly in the war between China and Japan, and on Japan's side, then forget what I said.
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