News on China's scientific and technological development.


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Over 30 Chinese cities are eyeing intelligent computing center construction. The compound annual growth rate of China's intelligent computing power scale is predicted to exceed 50% in the next 5 yrs, a key new source of economic growth, a State Information Center report said..



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not SME on these techniques but am familiar with materials metrology overall.

The LOPC raman spectrum has a broad peak indicating a complex chemical environment (surrounded by many heterogeneous functional groups, perhaps in an amorphous structure) for the functional group being looked at causing small peak shifts.

The NMR peak broadening and broad XRD peaks further support this.

My question is, why? Usually these materials are not something actually useful. It's basically coal.


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What I think what China needs more of is to fund some group of PHDs on some moonshot project. Just give them near unlimited funding and tell them to go ham. It seems like researchers in China is focused on short term business, well trodden fields or commercial projects, which works out well in the short term and is practical but means that China is missing out on making headway into some revolutionary technology.

Just look at boston dynamics, just a team of a few hundred engineers just working on the same field for decades, they didn't have any products to sell until Spot, so they were bleeding money until then. but their robotic tech is decades ahead of literally everyone else in the industry just because they were able to just spends decades on this one obscure field that no one was paying any attention to because there was no financial reason to develop the technology, being that humanoid robots are so far away. You can see the same thing with shit like mRNA vaccines, EUV, reusable rockets, just well funded small companies or teams of researchers working in some extremely niche areas that basically no one else was doing any research on, with no promise of success, sometimes for decades. But when it pays off, it pays off hard, with them completely dominating the field for more than a decade or more.

Future moonshot fields: artificial organs-grown by pigs or 3D printed, commercial fusion, anti-aging drugs, human level robots, neural brain interfaces, artificial wombs, next gen GMO crops/livestock, gene-edited humans etc etc are all going to be pioneered by the West at this rate. Sure it might take another 1-2 decades for them to become reality and China could catch up quickly, but China is always playing catch up.


Lieutenant General
Well that maybe happening already because I'm reading all the time how Western doctors, scientists and engineers can't find funding or their ideas aren't taken seriously at home and they go to China where they're welcomed with open arms given funding, labs, factories for their ideas. Someone posted recently an article about a Japanese man who went to China to teach at a university because of the lack of enthusiasm in Japan. I remember years ago before EVs were big reading about an American whose invention of placing electric engines in the wheels of cars wasn't taken seriously so he went to China where they were keen on his idea. Now you see in EVs engines in the wheels. I don't know if they're connected.

In the West remember there's religious implications that impedes scientific research. When there was controversy over stem cell research, the best stem cells back then came from new born babies and the controversy in the West is supposedly they got them from aborted fetuses hence the backlash because Christians were claiming it encouraged abortions. The West isn't as open-minded as one thinks. Some of the best stem cell science comes out China where Westerners go to China for treatment.

Every modern weapon has some component that has its roots going back to China. One of them is chemistry. Remember chemistry was considered witchcraft in the West but not in China. The West would've been stuck chucking spears and shooting arrows at one another if it weren't for China. The Chinese opened a whole new world for West. The term "chucking spears" is intentional because that's the language the West uses to describe cultures today that they see as primitive and they were in that position if it weren't for China. Oh yeah they'll argue that's not the case that eventually the West would've embraced chemistry... and that's the same of how Westerners see others culturally or genetically lacking but they won't let go of it because that's what they prefer to believe. And now you see how the West is alarmed at the rise of China in science and engineering because what they want to believe is going against reality.


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Speaking of long term projects, Chinese researchers made breakthroughs in next gen semiconductor materials recently.

The first is from Nanjing University:
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Approaching the quantum limit in two-dimensional semiconductor contacts​


The development of next-generation electronics requires scaling of channel material thickness down to the two-dimensional limit while maintaining ultralow contact resistance
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. Transition-metal dichalcogenides can sustain transistor scaling to the end of roadmap, but despite a myriad of efforts, the device performance remains contact-limited
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. In particular, the contact resistance has not surpassed that of covalently bonded metal–semiconductor junctions owing to the intrinsic van der Waals gap, and the best contact technologies are facing stability issues
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. Here we push the electrical contact of monolayer molybdenum disulfide close to the quantum limit by hybridization of energy bands with semi-metallic antimony (011¯2
) through strong van der Waals interactions. The contacts exhibit a low contact resistance of 42 ohm micrometres and excellent stability at 125 degrees Celsius. Owing to improved contacts, short-channel molybdenum disulfide transistors show current saturation under one-volt drain bias with an on-state current of 1.23 milliamperes per micrometre, an on/off ratio over 108 and an intrinsic delay of 74 femtoseconds. These performances outperformed equivalent silicon complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor technologies and satisfied the 2028 roadmap target. We further fabricate large-area device arrays and demonstrate low variability in contact resistance, threshold voltage, subthreshold swing, on/off ratio, on-state current and transconductance
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. The excellent electrical performance, stability and variability make antimony (011¯2) a promising contact technology for transition-metal-dichalcogenide-based electronics beyond silicon.

The other is from Tsinghua:
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One-dimensional semimetal contacts to two-dimensional semiconductors​


Two-dimensional (2D) semiconductors are promising in channel length scaling of field-effect transistors (FETs) due to their excellent gate electrostatics. However, scaling of their contact length still remains a significant challenge because of the sharply raised contact resistance and the deteriorated metal conductivity at nanoscale. Here, we construct a 1D semimetal-2D semiconductor contact by employing single-walled carbon nanotube electrodes, which can push the contact length into the sub-2 nm region. Such 1D–2D heterostructures exhibit smaller van der Waals gaps than the 2D–2D ones, while the Schottky barrier height can be effectively tuned via gate potential to achieve Ohmic contact. We propose a longitudinal transmission line model for analyzing the potential and current distribution of devices in short contact limit, and use it to extract the 1D–2D contact resistivity which is as low as 10−6 Ω·cm2 for the ultra-short contacts. We further demonstrate that the semimetal nanotubes with gate-tunable work function could form good contacts to various 2D semiconductors including MoS2, WS2 and WSe2. The study on 1D semimetal contact provides a basis for further miniaturization of nanoelectronics in the future.


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This is of course not true. Fusion and quantum computing/communications are examples of the long term projects that China has been working on. Also check out the long term plans of China's space programs.
This guy is dangerously wrong about China. LMAOO

China is global leader in 21st century technologies. the fact is, Europe is falling behind rapidly and its only US actually competing with PRC.

5G/6G , Quantum tech , Artificial intelligence , material science , Fusion , EV , Green energy , communication ,virtual reality in all these fields, China spending aggressively with long term planning. Shanghai will become biotech hub by 2030.

and guy talk about 3D printing tech. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

China has one of the largest 3D printing industry globally and widely used on all high tech platforms.

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Another milestone in fundamental researches by Chinese researchers. Scientists from DICP of CAS found a way to manipulate individual molecules in chemical reactions to precisely control the reaction result.

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Stereodynamical control of the H + HD → H2 + D reaction through HD reagent alignment​

Steric effects in chemical reactions​

Although steric (orientation-dependent) effects in reactive scattering are well known to exist in the theory of chemical dynamics, there is a need for combined experimental-theoretical studies that rigorously explore these effects at the most fundamental level. Using polarized stimulated Raman pumping to prepare the hydrogen-deuterium (HD) molecules with the HD bond axis aligned either parallel or perpendicular to the H atom velocity, Wang et al. obtained high-quality stereodynamical data for the H + HD→H2 + D reaction. These measurements demonstrate that the HD orientation has a substantial effect on this most fundamental chemical reaction, and is further supported by excellent agreement with quantum mechanical calculations. The present work is an important milestone in the field of reaction dynamics. —YS


Prealigning nonpolar reacting molecules leads to large stereodynamical effects because of their weak steering interaction en route to the reaction barrier. However, experimental limitations in preparing aligned molecules efficiently have hindered the investigation of steric effects in bimolecular reactions involving hydrogen. Here, we report a high-resolution crossed-beam study of the reaction H + HD(v = 1, j = 2) → H2(v′, j′) + D at collision energies of 0.50, 1.20, and 2.07 electron volts in which the vibrationally excited hydrogen deuteride (HD) molecules were prepared in two collision configurations, with their bond preferentially aligned parallel and perpendicular to the relative velocity of collision partners. Notable stereodynamical effects in differential cross sections were observed. Quantum dynamics calculations revealed that strong constructive interference in the perpendicular configuration plays an important role in the stereodynamical effects observed.

Check out the video embedded in this news release in Chinese:
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近日,中国科学院院士、大连化学物理研究所研究员杨学明与研究员肖春雷实验团队,联合中科院院士张东辉与副研究员张兆军理论团队,在这一研究方向上取得重要进展。该研究通过控制分子化学键方向,实现了化学反应的立体动力学精准调控。1月13日,相关研究成果以长文(research article)的形式,发表在《科学》(Science)上。审稿人对于该工作给予了高度评价。



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Repost the news regarding the researchers recently selected by the New Cornerstone project:
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The project's web site:
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