News on China's scientific and technological development.


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boston dynamics, just a team of a few hundred engineers just working on the same field for decades, they didn't have any products to sell until Spot, so they were bleeding money until then. but their robotic tech is decades ahead of literally everyone else in the industry just because they were able to just spends decades on this one obscure field that no one was paying any attention to because there was no financial reason to develop the technology, being that humanoid robots are so far away.
Boston Dynamics is sad case, a company that could had been the DJI of robotics but they focus too much in making complex, costly projects for the US goverment and less in developing affordable good robots for the average consumer.

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You can see the same thing with shit like mRNA vaccines, EUV, reusable rockets, just well funded small companies or teams of researchers working
LoL, I have my doubts that you even know what you are talking about, Pfizer and ASML are pretty big companies from my own understanding and MRNA and EUV are hardly small projects. SpaceX is probably the most subsidize US company ever and not a small company by any metric.


Registered Member
Chinese scientists made super steels strong and ductile at the same time. Their super steels are easier and cheaper to produce and process, too.

Paper in English:
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Ductile 2-GPa steels with hierarchical substructure​

Putting steel through the process​

High-strength steels with good ductility are attractive for a number of applications, but these alloys often require the use of expensive elements or complex processing methods. Li et al. found that a high-strength steel composed of iron, manganese, silicon, carbon, and vanadium can be made with a different processing strategy. A combination of forging, cryogenic treatment, and tempering creates an alloy with very high strength that also has good ductility and formability. The strategy should be an option for other compositions of steel. —BG


Mechanically strong and ductile load–carrying materials are needed in all sectors, from transportation to lightweight design to safe infrastructure. Yet, a grand challenge is to unify both features in one material. We show that a plain medium-manganese steel can be processed to have a tensile strength >2.2 gigapascals at a uniform elongation >20%. This requires a combination of multiple transversal forging, cryogenic treatment, and tempering steps. A hierarchical microstructure that consists of laminated and twofold topologically aligned martensite with finely dispersed retained austenite simultaneously activates multiple micromechanisms to strengthen and ductilize the material. The dislocation slip in the well-organized martensite and the gradual deformation-stimulated phase transformation synergistically produce the high ductility. Our nanostructure design strategy produces 2 gigapascal–strength and yet ductile steels that have attractive composition and the potential to be produced at large industrial scales.

News story in Chinese:
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1月13日电(记者 王景巍)1月13日,记者从东北大学获悉,该校轧制技术及连轧自动化国家重点实验室王国栋院士、袁国教授研究团队在国际顶级期刊Science上,发表了在超高强钢铁材料增塑机制及组织创新设计方面的最新研究成果,这表明了中国在超高强钢铁材料领域又取得了新的突破。

据悉,强度和塑性的同时提升是钢铁材料领域长期以来存在的重大理论难题,也是从基础研究到技术创新和应用实践的瓶颈。尤其当强度达到2000 MPa级别时,塑性出现断崖式下降,均匀延伸率普遍低于10%,其根本原因在于传统马氏体的初始高密度位错难以继续增殖,且无序排列的几何取向结构微观塑性变形极不均匀,容易产生局部应力/应变集中。因此,探索新的增塑机制,以节约型合金设计和简单高效的制备工艺,获得低成本高塑性的2000 MPa超高强钢仍然是巨大挑战。

面对上述挑战,东北大学研究团队创新提出“马氏体拓扑学结构设计+亚稳相调控”协同增塑新机制,成功制备出系列低成本C-Mn系新型超高强钢,打破了超高强钢对复杂制备工艺和昂贵合金成分的依赖,也突破了现有2000 MPa级马氏体高强钢抗拉强度—均匀延伸率的性能边界,实现了1600~1900 MPa屈服强度,2000~2400 MPa抗拉强度和18%~25%均匀延伸率的极致性能。





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What I think what China needs more of is to fund some group of PHDs on some moonshot project. Just give them near unlimited funding and tell them to go ham. It seems like researchers in China is focused on short term business, well trodden fields or commercial projects, which works out well in the short term and is practical but means that China is missing out on making headway into some revolutionary technology.

Just look at boston dynamics, just a team of a few hundred engineers just working on the same field for decades, they didn't have any products to sell until Spot, so they were bleeding money until then. but their robotic tech is decades ahead of literally everyone else in the industry just because they were able to just spends decades on this one obscure field that no one was paying any attention to because there was no financial reason to develop the technology, being that humanoid robots are so far away. You can see the same thing with shit like mRNA vaccines, EUV, reusable rockets, just well funded small companies or teams of researchers working in some extremely niche areas that basically no one else was doing any research on, with no promise of success, sometimes for decades. But when it pays off, it pays off hard, with them completely dominating the field for more than a decade or more.

Future moonshot fields: artificial organs-grown by pigs or 3D printed, commercial fusion, anti-aging drugs, human level robots, neural brain interfaces, artificial wombs, next gen GMO crops/livestock, gene-edited humans etc etc are all going to be pioneered by the West at this rate. Sure it might take another 1-2 decades for them to become reality and China could catch up quickly, but China is always playing catch up.

China's mRNA vaccines have already been approved in Indonesia. They need to be less conservative by letting the world knows that they also have very effective mRNA vaccines.


Lieutenant General

Like I've been saying everything in the West cost more to do. That's their problem they can't escape from. They can invent things but the fact is the more advanced, the more it's going to cost. When that happens only governments will be your customer and that's if they need it. I mentioned this before that someone outside of China invented being able to have a video image appear in a glass window pane. Problem was it cost so much it wasn't commercially viable so they weren't going to make money from it until they got the Chinese to figure it out. Now the price has been brought down to a point where it can be commercially viable. Maybe not down to an everyday person being able to buy it... yet. Just imagine a department store where their front window displays can be a video image. Just image like in China where they like to light up buildings at night. A whole side of a skyscraper can be a video image.

I laugh how they think they can leave China behind. It's like rare earth production. The West has the technology but their labor and health costs make the price exorbitantly high. Poor countries can have low labor costs but they don't have the technology. China sits right at that sweet spot where it can do both. Other countries think they can beat China on costs. If that were true they would already be doing it. There's no other country like China. Any other country than China, it will always cost them more money.

The fact is the West can have something that no one else has and it'll cost so much or they'll be too afraid someone will steal it, they won't be able to sell it. Have something that anyone else can make themselves, they won't be able to compete on price because everything they do themselves costs more money. The future ain't bright for the West.
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Registered Member
What I think what China needs more of is to fund some group of PHDs on some moonshot project. Just give them near unlimited funding and tell them to go ham. It seems like researchers in China is focused on short term business, well trodden fields or commercial projects, which works out well in the short term and is practical but means that China is missing out on making headway into some revolutionary technology.

Just look at boston dynamics, just a team of a few hundred engineers just working on the same field for decades, they didn't have any products to sell until Spot, so they were bleeding money until then. but their robotic tech is decades ahead of literally everyone else in the industry just because they were able to just spends decades on this one obscure field that no one was paying any attention to because there was no financial reason to develop the technology, being that humanoid robots are so far away. You can see the same thing with shit like mRNA vaccines, EUV, reusable rockets, just well funded small companies or teams of researchers working in some extremely niche areas that basically no one else was doing any research on, with no promise of success, sometimes for decades. But when it pays off, it pays off hard, with them completely dominating the field for more than a decade or more.

Future moonshot fields: artificial organs-grown by pigs or 3D printed, commercial fusion, anti-aging drugs, human level robots, neural brain interfaces, artificial wombs, next gen GMO crops/livestock, gene-edited humans etc etc are all going to be pioneered by the West at this rate. Sure it might take another 1-2 decades for them to become reality and China could catch up quickly, but China is always playing catch up.
China isn't at the same development stage as US


Registered Member
The combine total is frightening to them.

Those idiots do not know what they are talking about. That world is gone, and not to return. Not in my lifetime, not in your lifetime.

Even those DDP leadership I find to be kind of dumb. They do not seem to know what is at stake here, for Taiwan.

Mainland China will degrade the industrial base first before any planned attack. That should not be too hard because, one, mainland is moving up the value chains, and two, Taiwanese moving over to mainland China!

Money talk. Bullshit ... in this case bullshit will get people killed between the straits.

You know, the number I am always interested in, is how many Taiwanese actually live on the mainland?

We never get a definite answer. People do not want people to know.


Registered Member
Honestly China is still under utilising its capable population. This is pretty evident when comparing all the various outputs in the core technologies domains as a function of population size. China's nominal output though is tremendous in part due to that population size. It has the means, resources, and talent pool to actually expend something meaningful on moonshot projects.