I'm going to take this sentence here as my writing prompt to vent. There's quite a few characters on this site that take the laughable view that China is underpopulated and should increase its population by another billion or some such nonsense, because apparently the US is going to add a billion people - I guess they're going to build a Stargate to another dimension to get those people, because that's about the only conceivable way they could accomplish that. Anybody who sees the insanity of this is an Enemy of the People and a useful idiot for the - and this isn't my term - "globohomo" agenda.
How is this growing Chinese population of their fantasies supposed to be fed? China can barely keep up with feeding its growing middle class with meat, and some people here want to compound that? The closest thing they give to an answer is "vertical farming". If anyone thinks soy skyscrapers are ever going to be a thing, I would advise them to reduce the dosage on their hallucinogens.
The funny thing is, the problem actually has an answer. There is a way to not only drop meat prices in China through the floor, but feed another billion people with a middle-class diet on a fraction of the agricultural land in use in China today while maintaining 100% self-sufficiency. All it requires is redefining "meat" - and with that, let me introduce you to the most strategic technology in existence today:
I hate to come off as a fanboy for any company (let alone an American one), but those guys are the real deal. I had one of their "hamburgers" a while back and I could tell right away it wasn't beef - because it didn't have any disgusting gristle in it. It's better than the vast majority of what gets sold as beef. China needs to get on top of this synthetic hemoglobin technology quickly.