News on China's scientific and technological development.


I wonder how this 'impact factor' is determined and how useful it is?

As India and many other countries publish papers in English and most papers in China publish in Chinese, it may actually have very little impact on the world stage if not translated, but that does not mean the quality is lower.

Well, roughly put, an impact factor (IF) is a ratio of the number of paper cited in peer-reviewed papers over the number of total published papers in a journal. It's basically an indication of how much others think of your work. If many people cite your paper, that suggests your work has high impact and better quality.

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IF has been considered a key parameter indicating the quality of a journal and the quality of the research for those who publish in the journal. In fact, when we apply for a faculty position at a university, they will check all our publications and find out the IF values for the journals we publish in. This value will help them determine who is more capable as a scientist. Also, when a assistant professor is up for tenure review, the quantity and quality of his/her publication will also be one of the key determining factors. And IF will be normally used as the only indicator of the quality of the research one has done. As matter of fact, one professor whom I know got his # of publication dropped from 35 to 27 during his tenure review because he has 8 papers published in journals with IF below 1.5. Normally, a journal with IF below 1.5 is considered to accept everything submitted to them, and thus not a peer-reviewed journal. Although this is only a perception since these low IF journals do have peer-review process, people tend to be very serious about this. And he nearly missed the cut-off line and almost lost his job because of it.

However, IF is not without its share of controversy. Some journals have low IF because the field is too small. But as I stated in my previous post, these journals usually have IF of ~3 and people in the field know this. When people see an IF of ~3, they normally consider the journal a top-of-the-line journal in a small field.

Most prominent Chinese scientific journals are also in English. So the playing field is even.

Plus nothing stops them from publishing in international journals. I mean who doesn't want to share his/her findings with the world? As for the English skills, Chinese scientists may not have the best verbal English, all of them have excellent reading/writing skills. For one thing, one key component in doing research is to be able to read publications by others. And vast majority of scientific findings have been published in English. So these Chinese scientists have to have excellent English skill just to continue their research. Also ALL Chinese college graduates MUST achieve certain level of English before they can graduate. If they want to get a graduate degree, they have to pass more English tests and obtain higher certificates. Although many Chinese scholars may not speak a lot of English and they may not be able to understand you verbally, they ALL have excellent reading/writing skills. SO nothing stops them from sending their findings to high impact international journals. And they do consider these international journals highly. I think once my wife showed me a website of Qinghua University, which proudly display the annual number of papers published in Science/Nature. I don't remember the exact #, but it was in single digit.
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Banned Idiot
My wife meet some Guys at Beijing Uni who teaches english tp Phd students there, who told her of a possible vacany doing the same thing for 2010/11 year so if she was interested, she might like to keep in touch, but i dont think so, after another 3 months there i trhink she would have had enough.


The Loongson 3 should be good for Microsoft Windows too.

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China Details Homemade Supercomputer Plans
The machine will use an unfashionable chip design.

By Christopher Mims
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It's official: China's next supercomputer, the petascale Dawning 6000, will be constructed exclusively with home-grown microprocessors. Weiwu Hu, chief architect of the Loongson (also known as "Godson") family of CPUs at the Institute of Computing Technology (ICT), a division of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, also confirms that the supercomputer will run Linux. This is a sharp departure from China's last supercomputer, the Dawning 5000a, which debuted at number 11 on the list of the world's fastest supercomputers in 2008, and was built with AMD chips and ran Windows HPC Server.

Enter China: A prototype four-core Loongson 3 will be produced at commercial scale by STMicro starting this year.
Credit: Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

The arrival of Dawning 6000 will be an important landmark for the Loongson processor family, which to date has been used only in inexpensive, low-power netbooks and nettop PCs. When the Dawning 5000a was initially announced, it too was meant to be built with Loongson processors, but the Dawning Information Industry Company, which built the computer, eventually went with AMD chips, citing a lack of support for Windows, and the ICT's failure to deliver a sufficiently powerful chip in time.

The Dawning 6000 will be completed by mid-2010 at the latest, says Hu, and could be up and running as early as the end of 2010. It is the second time that a representative from the ICT has promised a supercomputer built entirely using Loongson processors.

The development of Loongson 3 began in 2001 as a product of China's 10th five-year program. All of the chips in the Loongson family are based on the MIPS instruction set--originally developed in the 1980s but now out of favor in desktop and server computers, although still used in many embedded devices. Currently, the Top 500 list is dominated by x86 chips, with non-x86 CPUs powering less than 15 percent of the high-performance systems on the list.

"This is a very high-performance MIPS architecture where, when it's run in a cluster configuration, it becomes very powerful," says Art Swift, vice president of marketing at Sunnyvale, CA-based MIPS Technologies, which developed the MIPS architecture.

A paper published in 2009 proposes using Loongson 3 chips in clusters of up to 16 cores to accomplish extremely high performance. Tom Halfhill, analyst at Microprocessor Report, calculates that in this configuration, meeting the petaflop performance mark (one quadrillion operations per second) could require as few as 782 16-core chips.

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Halfhill says the Loongson 3 is little different from the latest-generation chip, Loongson 2F, which is already available in consumer PCs. The main differences are that it includes hardware translation of x86 instructions (used in most of the microprocessors made by Intel and AMD), and it incorporates multiple cores--from four up to a proposed 16--each capable of processing commands independently. Conspicuously absent from the Loongson 3 is multithreading, which allows a single core to execute multiple instructions simultaneously. (Both Intel and Sun have already incorporated multithreading into some of their chips.)

Generations 2 and 3 of the Loongson use the same general-purpose core, but the Loongson 3 tethers more cores together. A quad-core Loongson 3 chip is currently in prototype, and a final, 64-nanometer version of the chip was "taped out" in late December, meaning the final description of the chip will soon be sent to the manufacturer, STMicroelectronics.

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"China Drawing High-Tech Research From U.S.

Published: March 17, 2010

XIAN, China — For years, many of China’s best and brightest left for the United States, where high-tech industry was more cutting-edge. But Mark R. Pinto is moving in the opposite direction.

Mr. Pinto is the first chief technology officer of a major American tech company to move to China. The company, Applied Materials, is one of Silicon Valley’s most prominent firms. It supplied equipment used to perfect the first computer chips. Today, it is the world’s biggest supplier of the equipment used to make semiconductors, solar panels and flat-panel displays.

In addition to moving Mr. Pinto and his family to Beijing in January, Applied Materials, whose headquarters are in Santa Clara, Calif., has just built its newest and largest research labs here. Last week, it even held its annual shareholders’ meeting in Xian.

It is hardly alone. Companies — and their engineers — are being drawn here more and more as China develops a high-tech economy that increasingly competes directly with the United States.

A few American companies are even making deals with Chinese companies to license Chinese technology.

The Chinese market is surging for electricity, cars and much more, and companies are concluding that their researchers need to be close to factories and consumers alike. Applied Materials set up its latest solar research labs here after estimating that China would be producing two-thirds of the world’s solar panels by the end of this year.

“We’re obviously not giving up on the U.S.,” Mr. Pinto said. “China needs more electricity. It’s as simple as that.”

China has become the world’s largest auto market, and General Motors has a large and growing auto research center in Shanghai.

The country is also the biggest market for desktop computers and has the most Internet users. Intel has opened research labs in Beijing for semiconductors and server networks.

Not just drawn by China’s markets, Western companies are also attracted to China’s huge reservoirs of cheap, highly skilled engineers — and the subsidies offered by many Chinese cities and regions, particularly for green energy companies.

Now, Mr. Pinto said, researchers from the United States and Europe have to be ready to move to China if they want to do cutting-edge work on solar manufacturing because the new Applied Materials complex here is the only research center that can fit an entire solar panel assembly line.

“If you really want to have an impact on this field, this is just such a tremendous laboratory,” he said.

Xian — a city about 600 miles southwest of Beijing known for the discovery nearby of 2,200-year-old terra cotta warriors — has 47 universities and other institutions of higher learning, churning out engineers with master’s degrees who can be hired for $730 a month.

On the other side of Xian from Applied Materials sits Thermal Power Research Institute, China’s world-leading laboratory on cleaner coal. The company has just licensed its latest design to Future Fuels in the United States.

The American company plans to pay about $100 million to import from China a 130-foot-high maze of equipment that turns coal into a gas before burning it. This method reduces toxic pollution and makes it easier to capture and sequester gases like carbon dioxide under ground.

Future Fuels will ship the equipment to Pennsylvania and have Chinese engineers teach American workers how to assemble and operate it.

Small clean-energy companies are headed to China, too.

NatCore Technology of Red Bank, N.J., recently discovered a way to make solar panels much thinner, reducing the energy and toxic materials required to manufacture them. American companies did not even come look at the technology, so NatCore reached a deal with a consortium of Chinese companies to finish developing its invention and mass-produce it in Changsha, China.

“These other countries — China, Taiwan, Brazil — were all over us,” said Chuck Provini, the company’s chief executive.

President Obama has often spoken about creating clean-energy jobs in the United States. But China has shown the political will to do so, said Mr. Pinto, 49, who is also Applied Materials’ executive vice president for solar systems and flat-panel displays.

Locally, the Xian city government sold a 75-year land lease to Applied Materials at a deep discount and is reimbursing the company for roughly a quarter of the lab complex’s operating costs for five years, said Gang Zou, the site’s general manager.

The two labs, the first of their kind anywhere in the world, are each bigger than two American football fields. Applied Materials continues to develop the electronic guts of its complex machines at laboratories in the United States and Europe. But putting all the machines together and figuring out processes to make them work in unison will be done in Xian. The two labs, one on top of the other, will become operational once they are fully outfitted late this year.

Applied Materials has built a 360-employee operation here in Xian after announcing an 18-month program last year to reduce employment by 10 to 12 percent, or 1,300 to 1,500 jobs, including layoffs in the United States and Europe. Mr. Pinto said that the company was readjusting its work force as manufacturing shifted to Asia, but that the Xian facility involved a new approach to researching the design of an entire assembly line and was not replacing laboratories elsewhere.

Mr. Pinto is a well-known figure in Silicon Valley in his own right. While still a doctoral student at Stanford in the early 1980s, he wrote the first widely used two-dimensional computer simulation of how semiconductors work. This allowed engineers to test each one on a computer before building prototypes, shortening the semiconductor development process.

Later, he became a celebrated researcher at Bell Labs.

With China’s economy gaining strength, Mr. Pinto and his wife, then living in Santa Clara, began insisting in 2005 that their sons study Chinese once a week.

Now 10 and 11, the boys are improving their Chinese and mastering the art of eating with chopsticks.

Applied Materials has greater challenges, including fighting technological theft, a chronic problem in China.

The company has taken measures, including sealing its computers’ ports here, to prevent the easy use of flash drives to record data. Employees are not allowed to take computers from the building without special permission, and an elaborate system of computer passwords and electronic door keys limits access to certain technological secrets.

But none of that changes the sense that tectonic shifts are under way.

When Xei Lina, a 26-year-old Applied Materials engineer here, was asked recently whether China would play a big role in clean energy in the future, she was surprised by the question.

“Most of the graduate students in China are chasing this area,” she said. “Of course, China will lead everything.”"


That is why I've decide to stay in academia. The next big move/outsourcing will be high tech/science industry. The only thing the US cannot outsource is the actual basic scientific research. That, to me, is the safest bet...


Senior Member
That is why I've decide to stay in academia. The next big move/outsourcing will be high tech/science industry. The only thing the US cannot outsource is the actual basic scientific research. That, to me, is the safest bet...

I agree that it "is the safest bet," but things do change.

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"Computerworld (blog) - ‎Mar 8, 2010‎
Zhang Yaqin, head of Microsoft's Chinese R&D unit, says the company will spend $500 million on research and development in China this year, plus another ... "


I agree that it "is the safest bet," but things do change.

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"Computerworld (blog) - ‎Mar 8, 2010‎
Zhang Yaqin, head of Microsoft's Chinese R&D unit, says the company will spend $500 million on research and development in China this year, plus another ... "

I am in no way disputing the fact that China is also increasing their research funding. I guess what I'm trying to say is that American companies may outsource their high tech and R&D, but the US govn't would NEVER outsource basic scientific research. So that's why I believe it is a safe bet. This is the kind of research done in university labs, headed by college professors and funded by govn't grants. These are the stuff that may never leave the lab and may or may not have any real-world application. But then again, these are also the stuff that can give the highest return, like curing cancer and allowing human to live forever.

Red Moon

Junior Member
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It seems China is the only country in the world that can realize the economies of scale to make stuff like this practical. German and Japanese maglev trains are only experimental, but it seems now the Shanghai/Hangzhou maglev train project is going ahead. In fact, I'm not sure it will work, unfortunately. It is being criticized as too expensive. But if it does it will be great.

Even though Shinkansen has existed since the 60's, and the TGV has been operating since the 80's, neither country was able to bring the price down to a level where their technology could be exported. However, aside from all the high speed rail being built in China, at this point Chinese companies have already started on projects in Venezuela, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, and are negotiating more with a slew of countries, including the US.

This kind of stuff is bound to increase China's "soft power".


it seems now the Shanghai/Hangzhou maglev train project is going ahead. In fact, I'm not sure it will work, unfortunately. It is being criticized as too expensive. But if it does it will be great.

The way I see it, every piece of new tech is expensive at the beginning. Usually the people with more disposable income will be the sole users. Once the cost is down, more average joe's will be able to take advantage of these technologies. The same will be true for the Maglev. As more people take it, the ticket price will go down. AND the Maglev will be competing with not only the trains but also planes. Many people will difinitely feel safer with the Maglev and opt to take the Maglev instead of planes. We know how crowded the Chinese airports are nowadays. Those frustrated travelers could be attracted to the Maglev, which will increase the usage and cut down the $$$.
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Red Moon

Junior Member
I agree with what you say about prices coming down. Actually that's part of my point. But I'm not referring to the ticket prices. I want the price of such projects to come down, so that China can make a bunch of maglev trains and even export them the way it is being done with regular "bullet" trains. This is what I am not sure will work. The article mentions that the cost, energy-wise, is one half that of road transportation, and one third that of air transportation. In the case of roads, I assume they are talking about buses, and in both cases, I assume they mean per passenger. The problem is that the article did not compare maglev with regular high speed rail in terms of cost, because I suspect the efficiency figures for regular high speed rail are as good.