this seems useful for submarines to have. 30km is quite a respectful range for this.据《南华早报》23 日报道,中国科学家近期利用华为开发的数据编码方式,在一次水下通信测试中实现了里程碑式的突破,成功接收到了 30 公里外发送的信号,超过了北约目前公开的最长水下通信距离 28 公里。
this seems useful for submarines to have. 30km is quite a respectful range for this.据《南华早报》23 日报道,中国科学家近期利用华为开发的数据编码方式,在一次水下通信测试中实现了里程碑式的突破,成功接收到了 30 公里外发送的信号,超过了北约目前公开的最长水下通信距离 28 公里。
Talking about raising your productivity, here some construction workers are wearing air-conditioned shirts.
Don't know about other disciplines, but 996 should be no problem for passionate young coders. Some would even work through the night to finish coding a procedure or function before the spark of a new idea is gone the next morning. Must also not forget debugging code is very time consuming and frustrating.As I mentioned before, the vast majority of software engineers are not able to be able to focus for 12 hours a day and will encounter burn-out/drops in productivity. 4 hours of meetings every day would definitely be excessive, but 2-3 hour of meetings a day would not be unexpected at all. On top of that, there is a significant chunk of the day that goes towards under non-code activities, ie code reviews, overseeing deployments, checking emails, interviewing candidates, syncing up with team members, etc. When it comes to actually coding or designing, there is definitely some ramp up time associated. Generally, you aren't able to just pick up from where you left off and immediately start coding at your optimal pace. It takes a bit of time to fully get into the zone. That's why frequent context switches (commonplace with meetings spread out throughout the day) kills productivity for a software engineer.
Why would 996 be so pervasive in China if it didn't lead to more productivity gains? Why else does China moves so fast when it comes to engineering/technology?
Saw a lot of portable fans on the subway in China this year lol.Seems to be a more sophisticated version of the thing they sell on TikTok store.
Researchers develop novel deep learning model to predict battery lifetime
Deep learning powered lifetime prediction for lithium-ion batteries based on small amounts of charging cycles
According to some one who has connections with the software industry in China, IBM has moved the R&D work back to the US for years. All those affected in this round of layoffs were effectively testers, not researchers as we usually think.
Looks like IBM is shutting down all of their China R&D operations and laying off about 1000 Chinese employees. They’re shifting the whole center to India. I think other companies in China will be able to absorb the laid off employees depending on what specific R&D they were working on.