News on China's scientific and technological development.


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A team from the HIT campus in Shenzhen created tiny soft robots from eutectic Gallium-Indium alloy (EGaIn) for clinical applications. Magnetic nanoparticles of black iron oxide are mixed in the liquid metal to control movement and shape of the robots with programmable magnetic fields. The composite material is stable in acidic environment and can stay buoyant when submerged in liquid.

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我学者构建液态金属磁性微型软体机器人 可用于临床医学​








IIUC, it can reach "12mK" above the absolute 0.

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wowwww, 0.0012°K ...... what country/s can make refrigerator better ? I suspect the USA and Japan ?


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Dilution refrigerator manufacturers outside of China are Bluefors (Finland), Maybell (America), Oxford Instruments (Britain), Leiden Cryogenics (Netherlands) and Ulvac (Japan).

The lowest temperature achievable by a research grade conventional dilution refrigeration is 1.75 mK, and largest cooling power is 2000 microwatts @100 mK.. [
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Institute of Physics of CAS has developed cryogen-free dilution refrigerator which has reached base temperature of 7.6 mK for continuous operation and cooling power of 450 microwatts @100mk.

This Anhui University machine has base temperature for continuous operation of 8.5 mK and the cooling power of 435 microwatts @100mK. CAS has also developed dilution refrigerator for

Although lowest temperature and high cooling power are the two most important parameter but they aren't everything. Beyond say 10mk< temperature, a lot depends on design configuration, chamber space optimization, materials engineering for IR shielding, flexline wire capacity, cooling time etc.

Both dilution refrigerators from CAS and Anhui University are medium size. For comparison, similar machine from Bluefors [supplier to IBM, Intel etc.] has base temperature of 8mk-10mk, and 400 microwatts - 500 micrewatts cooling power @100 mK. [
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Similarly Maybelll/NIST has base temperature of 10 mK< and >500 µW cooling power @100mk [
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There are at least 6 different physics approach to build quantum computer. Among them, photonic quantum computer is the only system that doesn't require dilution refrigerator, and China is currently leading there.
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The research and development center of Chinese tech giant Huawei in Shanghai's Qingpu is scheduled to go into operation in 2024..

The project, located in Jinze Town which broke ground in 2020, covers about 2,400 mu (160 hectares) and will comprise scientific research and office buildings as well as supporting facilities..

"About 30,000 and 40,000 scientific research professionals will be introduced into the center"



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China's layout in this area has been started for a long time. I have the impression that China's Central South University and other university and companies began to systematically study underwater manganese nodule collection technology more than ten years ago and has multiple submarine crawler chassis experimental platforms with rich functions.


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Chinese scientists made the fastest silicon electro-optic modulator in the world. They set the new record of EO bandwidth to 110GHz.

While modulators based on heterogeneous materials such as lithium niobate alloys, polymer, or plasmonics materials have reached higher bandwidth, silicon modulators have the unique advantage that it is compatible with CMOS node process.

They actually did this in 2022 or even earlier. They had the paper accepted by IEEE for the Optical Fiber Communication Conference held in March 2022 (the fourth link below). The mainstream media in China pick up the story now because the paper is published again on Science recently.

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近期,北京大学电子学院王兴军教授、彭超教授、舒浩文研究员联合团队在超高速纯硅调制器方面取得创记录突破,实现了全球首个电光带宽达110GHz的纯硅调制器,是2004年Intel在Nature期刊报道第一个1GHz硅调制器后,国际上第一次把纯硅调制器的带宽提高到100GHz以上。该纯硅调制器同时具有超高带宽、超小尺寸、超大通带及CMOS工艺兼容等优势,满足了未来超高速应用场景对超高速率、高集成度、多波长通信、高热稳定性及晶圆级生产的需求,对于下一代数据中心的发展具有重要意义。10月20日,相关研究成果以《110GHz带宽慢光硅调制器》(“Slow-light silicon modulator with 110-GHz bandwidth”)为题,在线发表于Science子刊《科学·进展》(Science Advances)。


在该工作中,研究团队针对传统硅基调制器带宽受限的问题,利用硅基耦合谐振腔光波导结构引入慢光效应,构建了完整的硅基慢光调制器理论模型,通过合理调控结构参数去综合平衡光学与电学指标因素,实现对调制器性能的深度优化。研究团队基于CMOS兼容的硅基光电子标准工艺,在纯硅材料体系下设计并制备了在1550 nm左右通信波长下工作的超高带宽硅基慢光调制器,实现了110 GHz的超高电光带宽,打破了迄今为止纯硅调制器的带宽上限,并同时将调制臂尺寸缩短至百微米数量级,在无需DSP的情况下以简单的OOK调制格式实现了单通道超越110 Gbps的高速信号传输,降低了算法成本与信号延迟,同时在宽达8 nm的超大光学通带内保持多波长通信性能的高度均一性。研究团队在不引入异质材料与复杂工艺的前提下实现了硅基调制器带宽性能的飞跃,可实现低成本的晶圆级量产,展示了硅基光电子学在下一代超高速应用领域的巨大价值。

Paper on Science:
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Slow-light silicon modulator with 110-GHz bandwidth​


Silicon modulators are key components to support the dense integration of electro-optic functional elements for various applications. Despite numerous advances in promoting the modulation speed, a bandwidth ceiling emerges in practices and becomes an obstacle toward Tbps-level throughput on a single chip. Here, we demonstrate a compact pure silicon modulator that shatters present bandwidth ceiling to 110 gigahertz. The proposed modulator is built on a cascade corrugated waveguide architecture, which gives rise to a slow-light effect. By comprehensively balancing a series of merits, the modulators can benefit from the slow light for better efficiency and compact size while remaining sufficiently high bandwidth. Consequently, we realize a 110-gigahertz modulator with 124-micrometer length, enabling 112 gigabits per second on-off keying operation. Our work proves that silicon modulators with 110 gigahertz are feasible, thus shedding light on its potentials in ultrahigh bandwidth applications such as optical interconnection and photonic machine learning.


Silicon modulators are the essential building blocks for silicon photonics (
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) since they are responsible for converting electrical signals to optical ones, which are indispensable in any information technology applications such as data transmission, interconnection, processing, and computing (
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). Leveraged by the complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS)–compatible feature of silicon photonics (
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), silicon modulators are expected to support wafer-scale manufacturing, massive production, and low cost; thus, they are particularly promising in realizing next-generation optoelectronic applications in which an aggregate data throughput of Tbps-level is required on a single chip (
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), and therefore, modulators with high bandwidth and compact size are dispensable in achieving a lane speed above 100 Gbps (
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). However, despite extensive efforts, such as material engineering (
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), device optimization (
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), and applying new photonic structures (
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), have paid to promote the operation speed of silicon modulators, the reported electro-optic (EO) bandwidth has been hindered at the level of about 60 GHz to date as a bandwidth ceiling (
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), which raises concerns about the potential of silicon photonic toward ultrahigh-bandwidth applications. In particular, when looking at the advances that equal or higher bandwidth had been demonstrated upon heterogeneous materials (
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) on silicon such as lithium niobate (
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), polymer (
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), and plasmonics materials (
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), it raises a question that whether hybrid integration of a different material on silicon is a necessary approach for high-speed modulation, even in the cost of complex and CMOS-incompatible processes being involved. On the other hand, reducing the device dimension is also critical for dense photonic integration (
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). Although using resonant or slow-light effects (
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) can markedly improve the modulation efficiency to enable compact size, it also brings a longer photon lifetime that may limit the bandwidth (
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). Therefore, how to realize pure silicon modulators with ultrahigh bandwidth and compact footprint under CMOS-compatible manufacturing processes remains an important but elusive problem.

Paper on IEEE:
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We demonstrate an ultra-compact silicon slow light modulator with a record-high EO bandwidth of 110 GHz, a modulation length of 124 μm , an optical bandwidth of 8 nm around 1550 nm, and OOK transmission beyond 110 Gbps without DSP is achieved.


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A total of 37 GM corn varieties and 14 GM soybean varieties have been given the green light for commercial planting in a country whose enormous soybean consumption still relies heavily on imports. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs announced the approval on Tuesday.

Finally there's major movement on GMO crops. This is a big deal considering how much potential GMO crops have. I think it's possible for China to be fully sufficient in food, both in calories and luxury foods like meat, quite soon in fact. But this depends on new technology, while China has been extremely slow on the uptake. China needs to change it's regulations and fully support the development of this new technology if it wants rapid development. There's a lot of room for growth here, since yield per surface area in China is quite a bit lower than on other western nations. It also needs to get people to accept this new forms of food. There's tons of potential in genetic engineering to vastly increase food yields, China just needs to actually use and develop the technology.

With climate change, extreme weather and geopolitical tensions messing up the global food supply, I think China really really needs to hasten the rollout of GMO crops. I don't see the reason for continuing to give America so much money and leverage over China food supply.

There's a few main issues I can still see with China's GMO policy, other then the slow implementation speed.

First thing is that GMO crops are still limited for crops meant mainly for livestock, they are not meant for human consumption yet. That needs to change. GMO crops for humans have been a thing for decades, with hundreds of studies backing them up, safely issues really shouldn't be such a contentious topic. There should be GMO variants for every plant and animal that we eat.

Secondly, regulations being so strict and time consuming China, companies are mainly focusing on modification of existing genes, adding, removing or modifying existing gene within a particular crop, which limits things. For example, you can over-express the gene that already exists that regulates resistance to drought in a plant, but you can't add an entirely new gene to a plant that doesn't already have it. This really limits the kind of modifications you can do with a GMO crop. You can't make holy grail crops like C4 rice for example.

Thirdly, no real focus GMO livestock. Unlike GMO crops, there's no policy, 5 year plans, no regulations, nothing. We're probably a decade away from seeing the first GMO livestock on chinese soil. Well work on GMO livestock is slow even in the West due to well founded concerns but it's still years ahead of where China is at, America and Japan already have GMO fast growing fish being farmed. Forget super fast growing chickens or ultra fat cows, just some simple gene editing to help with disease resistance could save China billions every year. And China has the technology for this, it's just a regulation issue.

Fourthly, I can see China falling into the same trap that the rest of the world did, and focus solely on boosting yield and profits via faster growing cycles, pest and herbicide resistance. I think trying to do some novel crop variants like for example golden rice that has vastly more vitamin A has it's uses too. It's not just a race for more yield. If China can develop say a strain of rice that doesn't give that much more yield than conventional strains, but has vastly more protein and other vitamins or nutrients, it's more than worth the loss in yields. Or GMO crops that are great at restoring and maintaining soil quality and topsoil. Or GMO plants that are great at cleaning up heavy metal pollution. GMO crops that don't give any improvements in yield, but need vastly less water for use in farming in arid regions. Trees that produce honey year round. The possibilities are endless.

One big use of genetic engineering, and this is the biggest deal of them all is using genetic technology gene drives to completely wipe out various crop pests forever. Goodbye armyworm, Weevils etc etc forever. Obviously this is a big deal, has tons of potential to go badly and there's a good chance that said gene drive can escape China's borders and render a species extinct worldwide. Oh and it hasn't ever been done before.

Of course if you don't want to render them extinct, there's dozens of methods of using gene drives as pest control that is still much longer lasting, effective, cheaper and healthier than spraying pesticides everywhere. You could use a gene drive to reduce a species's fitness, alter them to have a shorter growing cycle, alter them to die when exposed to a extremely common safe chemical as a pesticide, altering their sex ratio, reduce their resistance to heat and cold, alter them to die when eating a certain rare amino acid then have GMO crops express that particular amino acid, or any other way to permanently reduce their population without constant usage of pesticides.

Even if you don't want to use a gene drive to permanently alter a species's genetics, there's still lots of ways that genetic engineering can help to control pests. Using the sterile insect technique for example. Or via the use of an already existing disease in the pest's population, just altered to be more deadly.

It's frustrating, I feel like with a few policy/regulation changes earlier with GMO crops and livestock, and with a some steady investments into certain key technologies, China can easily be more than self sufficient in it's food supply already. Instead it's probably going to take another decade as the regulations slowly sort themselves out and technology improves. Of course there's other next generation alternative protein/carbohydrate sources like precision fermentation, plant protein, cultured meat, insect protein, industrial synthesis of protein/fat/carbohydrates that China really should be looking more into and investing more into as well. I feel like with China's food security at risk, there really should be more focus on this.

I feel like it's another 2018 semiconductor situation again, where China's complacency really fucked them up and they really only got into high gear once they're in crisis mode. I don't know why, you have the tools, use them before shit hits the fan. I feel like the government is wayyyy too risk adverse for their own good. If this is the approach they're taking when rolling out decades old GMO technology in the middle of a global food crisis, I don't want to see the speed at which they will adopt other more controversial aspects of genetic technology like human gene editing.
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The Washington Post appears to have written this with an entirely straight face, apparently unaware that is actually a comedy. Washington is whining about Beijing funding and participating in an international administrative body created as a function of the UNCLOS treaty, suggesting that it is ominous and unfair that Beijing is allowed to participate in these rule-making processes while Washington is unable to do likewise because -- checks notes -- they boycotted the entire apparatus as infringing on America's god-given right to do whatever they like.


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in a big shot in the arm for domestic OLED producer, BOE, OnePlus has selected its new 2k screen for the new OnePlus phone, which is codeveloped bw OnePlus and BOE
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keep in mind that I think Xiaomi for the most part is still using Samsung screen

But it is good to see Oppo, OnePlus and Vivo in the future using BOE OLED screens