News on China's scientific and technological development.


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Recently, the world's first electrolyzed water hydrogen production equipment with a single hydrogen production capacity of 2000Nm³/h has successfully rolled off the production line. The equipment is developed and produced by CSSC (Handan) Peric Hydrogen Energy Technology Co., Ltd. The energy consumption of the system can reach or even exceed the first-level energy efficiency standard of the national standard, which can significantly reduce the operating cost by 30%. It can be widely used in green energy and hydrogen chemical industry , hydrogen metallurgy, energy storage, transportation and other fields..



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Chinese researchers made the first 1200V GaN-on-Si vertical power device in the world.

Paper in English:
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1200-V GaN-on-Si Quasi-Vertical p-n Diodes​

This work reports 1200-V quasi-vertical GaN-on-Si p-n diodes with a 6.6- μm -thick high-quality GaN drift layer showing excellent static and dynamic performance. The as-fabricated GaN-on-Si p-n diode gives a high current on/off ratio of ~1010, a low ideality factor of 1.2, a low specific on-resistance (Ron,sp) of 1.3 mΩ⋅ cm2, and a high breakdown voltage (BV) of 1210 V. The p-n diode can properly operate at a high temperature of 175 °C, and the device performance can be effectively recovered after the power cycling test. A reduced dynamic on-resistance (Ron) dependence on the off-state voltage (VOFF) and on-state conduction time (TON) is observed in this p-n diode and attributed to the filling dynamics of electron traps. A normalized dynamic Ron of 0.7 is realized after switching from a VOFF stress at 1000 V. As the first 1200-V GaN-on-Si vertical power device, this cost-effective p-n diode with high performance holds a great promise for high-voltage power applications.

News release in Chinese:
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中科院苏州纳米所孙钱研究团队先后在漂移区的掺杂精准调控、器件关态电子输运机制及高压击穿机制、高性能离子注入保护环的终端开发等核心技术上取得突破,曾经研制出关态耐压达603V、器件的Baliga优值(衡量器件正反向电学性能的综合指标)为0.26GW/cm2的硅衬底GaN纵向肖特基势垒二极管,相关指标为公开报道同类型器件的最佳值(IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 473-476, Apr 2021; Applied Physics Letters, vol. 118, no. 24, 2021, Art. no. 243501; IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 68, no. 11, pp. 5682-5686, 2021)。

在前期工作基础上,近期团队基于6.6 μm厚、穿透位错密度低至9.5 x 107 cm-3的高质量硅基GaN漂移区材料(为公开报道器件中的最低值),成功研制了1200 V的pn功率二极管。器件的理想因子低至1.2;在反向偏置电压为1000 V的条件下,器件在温度为175 oC的工作环境,仍然能正常工作,10次功率循环的测试表明器件具有较佳的可靠性,且受偏置电压和导通时间影响的动态导通电阻降低现象得到了研究,相关工作以1200-V GaN-on-Si Quasi-Vertical p-n Diodes为题发表于微电子器件领域的顶级期刊IEEE Electron Device Letters 43 (12), 2057-2060 (2022),第一作者为中科院苏州纳米所特别研究助理郭小路博士,通讯作者为孙钱研究员和特别研究助理钟耀宗博士。
So recently, I saw the news that openHarmony has reached its 3rd anniversary.
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Despite many bumps along the way, I think it's fair to say that this is a successful OS so far. The key decision that Huawei made is to allow openHarmony be an OS that supports wide variety to devices, including all the industrial tools. As such, it reached market penetration of 470 million units by August of this year.
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With the possible threat that America may ban certain Chinese messaging apps from iPhone and Android stores at some point. It's more imperative than ever for Chinese phone makers and even large soft tech players like Tencent and Alibaba to start producing phones with openHarmony. Can you imagine the disaster if WeChat is banned from android App Store? As far as I can tell, Harmony 3.0 will support Android 12.
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As we know, Chinese smart phone companies do have the largest combined market share of any country. I believe it has the largest market share of desktops also. While it maybe too much to get other countries to use KylinOS, it shouldn't be too much for Chinese smart phone/tablet/laptop makers to slowly roll out more and more devices with Harmony OS. Of course, initially just for China and Asian markets. The compatibility with Android apps will be a good selling point. Eventually, smart phone producers like Xiaomi and Oppo can advertise more phone models with Harmony OS.

As I discussed in BRI/Global south thread, China is looking to win the next revolution of industrial 4.0 among others. Taking over the digital infrastructure that people from other countries (especially global south countries) use is the way you win.

Sounds to me China should provide full support for openHarmony on National Security reason. Huawei cannot be allowed to fail.

Make it another example of USA shooting itself on the foot or groin.


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2022-12-23 07:59:08Xinhua Editor : Li Yan
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A group of Chinese scientists has developed a new method to preserve mouse follicles at a very low temperature, increasing their viability by more than 30 percent after recovering, compared with conventional methods.
The results shed light on a promising approach for fertility preservation in women, according to the study published in the journal Nature Communications.
For prepubescent girls and women in urgent need of cancer treatment, follicle cryopreservation is almost the sole option to preserve their fertility. However, the protective agents used in the current method of follicle cryopreservation often lead to a poor effect due to their high concentration and high toxicity, said the paper.
Researchers from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), in collaboration with counterparts from the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University, developed a method of vitrification cryopreservation of mouse follicles encapsulated in hydrogel by "nanowarming," a novel cryopreservation technology.
The researchers reduced the demand for the highly toxic protective agents through the method and lowered its concentration to a quarter of the conventional way, said the paper, revealing that the viability of mouse follicles was increased by more than 30 percent.
In further research, oocytes obtained from these follicles were in vitro fertilized and developed into healthy mouse pups after embryo transfer, said Zhao Gang, the research leader at the USTC.
The patent for this technology has been filed and is expected to be applied clinically in related hospitals in Anhui Province in the next year, Zhao added.


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More on progress from Origin Quantum since they debuted their commercial quantum computer
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so somehow they managed to get quantum computing to work with super computer here. It's one of the areas that Origin Quantum has been in charge of development. It looks like this system allows distributing tasks and collaborating between quantum computer and user computer.

It's quite a good concept. Quantum computer right now is still quite limited. So, you have super computer do tasks that quantum computers just can't do. This seems to be like a good step toward further commercialization of quantum computing.
these guys are doing some good stuff
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they are driven by some really young researchers. Over 200 researchers with average age of 27. Over 60% have PHD. Already China's #1 Quantum computing shop and the first to build commercial quantum computing product.

I also saw Bengbu medical center visiting Origin Quantum.
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I have a lot of questions about commercialization of Quantum computing. How much of the calculation can be done by quantum computer and how much must be done by super computer. It's fascinating to see medical industry, mobile industries, finance industries, smart manufacturing and biochem also mentioned as fields that can utilize their technology.


these guys are doing some good stuff
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they are driven by some really young researchers. Over 200 researchers with average age of 27. Over 60% have PHD. Already China's #1 Quantum computing shop and the first to build commercial quantum computing product.

I also saw Bengbu medical center visiting Origin Quantum.
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I have a lot of questions about commercialization of Quantum computing. How much of the calculation can be done by quantum computer and how much must be done by super computer. It's fascinating to see medical industry, mobile industries, finance industries, smart manufacturing and biochem also mentioned as fields that can utilize their technology.

Quantum computer is coming to commercialization, but doesn't mean traditional computer will be gone, I believe both will exist for different purposes. I don't see Quantum computer will be widely used as Personal Computer or a laptop in the office, well not in our lifetime anyway

Quantum computer is extremely good for certain tasks, and only big researchers and companies are able to utilise it and afford it