News on China's scientific and technological development.


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Last month I posted this news about that NPU created ultra-strong eutectic high entropy alloy (EHEA). Now we have another team from CAS that created ultra-strong EHEA wire from probably different elements. What's unique of this new EHEA is that it becomes even stronger at "cryogenic temperature", i.e. 77K.

Published paper in English:
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Metallic wires with high strength-ductility at both room and cryogenic temperatures are always pursued for engineering applications. However, traditional metallic wires are tortured inevitably by strength-ductility trade-off dilemma. In this work, a gradient heterogeneous lamella structure, characterized with hard gradient-distributed B2 lamellae embedded in soft FCC lamellae matrix, is introduced into AlCoCrFeNi2.1 eutectic high entropy alloy (EHEA) wire by well-designed multiple-stage heavy-drawn and heat treatment processes, which achieves an outstanding strength-ductility synergy. This EHEA wire exhibits not only high tensile strength of 1.85 GPa and sufficient uniform elongation of ∼12% at room temperature, but also ultra-high tensile strength of 2.52 GPa and even slightly elevated uniform elongation of ∼14% at cryogenic temperature. In-depth microstructure characterization indicates that the gradient heterogeneous lamella structure facilitates a radial gradient distribution of geometrically necessary dislocation (GND) during tension, i.e., the GND density decreases gradually from the surface region to the central region of EHEA wire, which induces pronounced strain gradient strengthening effect and thus greatly benefits the mechanical properties. Intriguingly, at cryogenic temperature, dense cross-slip which gives rise to intensively dynamic microstructure refinement is firstly observed in the B2 phase of EHEA wire. The activation of cross-slip provides sufficient ductility while inducing evidently dynamic Hall-Petch effect, becoming the most effective deformation mechanism contributing to the unprecedented cryogenic tension properties. This work sheds light on designing ultra-strong EHEA wire and other advanced metallic wires.

News release in Chinese:
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近期,中国科学院力学研究所戴兰宏研究团队在该问题研究上取得进展。研究人员选择了具有片层结构的AlCoCrFeNi2.1共晶高熵合金,通过设计多道次拉拔工艺,成功制备出一种具有独特梯度片层结构的共晶高熵合金毫米丝材。丝材内硬相B2片层与软相FCC片层交替相间分布,从丝材外表面到芯部,B2片层几何特征呈现梯度变化(图1)。为了进一步提高丝材的强塑性协同能力,研究人员精细控制了热处理的温度和时间,以促进丝材部分回复而抑制动态再结晶的出现。所研制的共晶高熵合金丝材不仅具有优异的室温强塑性能 (断裂强度1.85GPa,均匀延伸率12.1%),同时表现出更为突出的低温(77 K)强塑性能(断裂强度2.52GPa,均匀延伸率14.3%)(图2)。通过对变形前后的丝材进行EBSD扫描和KAM分析,研究人员发现介观尺度梯度非均质片层结构促使丝材内的几何必须位错(GND) 在变形过程中沿径向呈现梯度分布,即几何必须位错密度从表面区域向中心区域逐渐减小(图3)。这种梯度分布的几何必须位错密度可以产生显著的应变梯度强化效应,从而大幅提高丝材的力学性能。对比分析室温和液氮低温下丝材微观变形特征发现,室温下丝材内B2相变形以位错主导,FCC相变形则以位错和层错共同主导(图4);低温下丝材内B2相在变形过程中开启了大量位错交滑移网格,而FCC相则激活了细密的三维层错-孪晶网格(图5),多种位错变形机制的协同激活实现了丝材强塑性的同步提升。该研究为高性能金属丝材开发提供了新的思路。

相关研究成果近期以Ultra-strong heavy-drawn eutectic high entropy alloy wire为题发表在Acta Materialia上。研究工作得到国家自然科学基金“无序合金的塑性流动与强韧化机理”重大项目、“非线性力学的多尺度问题”基础科学中心项目、中科院战略性先导科技专项“复杂介质系统前沿与交叉力学”项目等的资助。


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Since the first pile was laid in December 2019, it took only 33 months for China to build the smart zero-carbon terminal of Tianjin Port from a deserted beach, with the operating efficiency of the single bridge increasing by more than 40 percent, and the personnel allocation reduced by 60 percent compared with that of the traditional terminal.

At the fourth phase of the Shanghai Yangshan Deep Water Port, the remote-control distance of equipment exceeds 100 kilometers. At the automated port terminal in Qingdao, Shandong Province, 16 automated bridge cranes and 76 automated track cranes run smoothly, and 83 automatic guided vehicles shuttle back and forth. These are the latest achievements in the construction of smart terminals in China in recent years.


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I am a loyal onePlus user. My phone is ove 4 years old, and is showing no degradation in performance whatsoever. In comparison I used to foolishly use a Google Pixel for 2 years, and it was just trash at that point. Barely could turn on due to faulty battery. Never making the mistake of buying a regime brand again.

Totally agree. I used Amazon Firephone for a while when I was in college. Oh God, hell no I am not using that trash of a phone ever again! I stick to Huawei ever since, other than purchasing a cheap Samsung phone in the US. (Huawei is basically unusable in the US for a heavy YT user)


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As it goes I had a look at Redmi in a shop today, didn't know they sold them here but they do. According to the shop guy they're cheaper than Samsung (my usual phone) at the lower end but about the same price at the top. Technology/capabilities similar. Anyway will consider it once my A20 dies (screen already royally cracked), I've never worshipped at the church of Steve Jobs.
I wouldn't recommend the Xiaomi flagship models tho, there are better Chinese alternatives to them - Vivo X90 Pro+, One Plus, etc. Or Huawei Mate 50 Pro if you don't care about Google services.


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This is quite interesting. Origin Quantum (合肥本源量子), who came out with their first commercial quantum computer 2 weeks ago as I discussed here News on China's scientific and technological development. has now signed agreement with China Mobile for quantum computer machine verification. They will develop quantum computing algorithms together. Looking for the possibility of quantum computing being applied to network optimization, network autonomy, network security, and the metaverse. Huge computing power requirements for 5G and then 6G networks. 1.3 billion mobile phone users in China and 900 million with China Mobile. A lot of data to process and sift through.

If you look at recent data center news, China Mobile is a huge driver behind all of them. this is news just from 2 business days!

China mobile Shandong with 600M RMB project for 5G data center
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China mobile Changjiang delta (Suzhou) investing 3.1B RMB on new digital economy industrial park for creation of 5G test lab, 5G national + edge computer data center.
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China Mobile Zhejiang East messaging communication data center with 7000 more rack capacity?
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More on progress from Origin Quantum since they debuted their commercial quantum computer
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so somehow they managed to get quantum computing to work with super computer here. It's one of the areas that Origin Quantum has been in charge of development. It looks like this system allows distributing tasks and collaborating between quantum computer and user computer.

It's quite a good concept. Quantum computer right now is still quite limited. So, you have super computer do tasks that quantum computers just can't do. This seems to be like a good step toward further commercialization of quantum computing.


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The world's fastest “camera” built by HUST​

On November 19th, Professor Li Zhengyan and his team at the School of Optical and Electronic Information of HUST built one of the fastest optical field cameras in the world. With an imaging frame rate of 256 trillion frames per second, the “camera”, or compressed optical field topography (COFT), is able to generate a 3D optical field map of a femtosecond laser pulse in a single shot.

In recent years, a large number of time-resolved measurement techniques have been invented in the field of ultrafast optics worldwide, yet the majority of these methods are unable to achieve spatial resolution. The compressed optical field topography invented by Li Zhengyan's team can capture the 2D spatial distribution of the optical field of a femtosecond laser pulse in only one shot, and then characterizes its 3D spatiotemporal distribution.

According to Professor Li, COFT will be used to optimize the processing of laser precision machining equipment in large laser devices and industrial applications. In the future, the team will further improve the technology and enhance cooperation with experts in the field, and hopefully develop spatiotemporal characterization equipment for large-scale laser facilities.

Upon his return to China in 2017, Li Zhengyan began working as a professor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology. “During the early stages of the research, we encountered many challenges. On the one hand, we had to repeat trial and error; on the other hand, we needed to keep accumulating experience as the technology and related algorithms were new to us,” he said.

“At the very beginning, Tang Haocheng and Men Ting, who handled experiments and data processing in the team, were only first-year graduate students. They complained that working on this project was like squeezing water from a stone, because of the steep learning curve. However, with a solid foundation, determination, and firm support, they were eventually able to overcome all the difficulties.”

In the fall of 2021, the compressed optical field topography was initially completed and was used to carry out measurements on plasma ionization front traveling at the speed of light.

Despite all the achievements, Professor Li believes that there are still technical hurdles to be overcome and that the quest for ultra-fast light field cameras is not over. “We have found the right path to our goal, but we still need to work hard in the given direction,” Li Zhengyan said.

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Chin Unicom having its annual partner conference and renewing partnership with JD, Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent.

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Can you imagine AT&T or Verizon have the same level of engagement with Google and Amazon the way that China Telecom and Unicom are having with the Chinese tech companies.

The Chinese mobile network providers is a very critical part of China's industrial buildup. 5G and industrial internet is a large part of that.

look at the deep involvement here from Baidu in the development of smart cloud, providing chip, mainframe, big model and industrial application. Helping industries provide their own AI capabilities.


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More on progress from Origin Quantum since they debuted their commercial quantum computer
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so somehow they managed to get quantum computing to work with super computer here. It's one of the areas that Origin Quantum has been in charge of development. It looks like this system allows distributing tasks and collaborating between quantum computer and user computer.

It's quite a good concept. Quantum computer right now is still quite limited. So, you have super computer do tasks that quantum computers just can't do. This seems to be like a good step toward further commercialization of quantum computing.
Origin Quantum actually published an article on this
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I think unlike some of the other big players, they are more into commercializing the technology and getting others to use them. Whereas the Google and IBM of the world are probably just doing R&D in their labs and not as concerned about commercializing things.

This is a good view of their perspective. Quantum computing is still a very specialized computation field. As such, you need to combine it with super computer to have it be more useful for public.

There is a lot of development left in both the software and hardware portion of this.