News on China's scientific and technological development.


The Chinese themselves don't use the useless PPP metric. Look at the speeches of Xi Jinping or Li Keqiang. They all reference GDP per capita in nominal terms. China is still far behind the US in terms of how rich it is, and will likely remain that for many decades to come.

Of course, quality of life cannot only be measured in GDP per capita, but this discussion is not about such broader metrics. It was about wages specifically.

Sounds like a cope. Go to China's national statistics bureau's website and look at the average disposable income for China and then convert it into dollars. It's very low. Are you telling me that the Chinese themselves are manipulating their data? This conversation is silly.
China uses the way that makes its GDP appear the lowest because it wants to remain classified as a developing country for as long as possible and nominal GDP is the only measure by which it can prevent itself from appearing as the largest economy in the world.

That absolutely does not mean that PPP is useless; PPP is a measure of how much the country produces (70% of which is domestic consumption in China's case) while nominal is the country's international trade power. Nominal can be manipulated and played with but PPP is the true indicator of economic activity.


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Pigs are also "stuck in the neck": less than 2% of local pigs, how to fight the turnaround of breeding pigs?

In recent years, the problem of chip stuck neck has almost become a national topic, and we have also talked many times on Shan Renxing.

But maybe we didn't expect that the food that is closely related to us is also stuck in the neck.

Not long ago, state leaders emphasized during their research in Hainan that seeds are the key to China's food security. Only by holding Chinese seeds tightly with one's own hands can we stabilize China's rice bowl and achieve food security.

This reminds me of an article by CCTV Finance last year called "8 varieties of local pigs are extinct! The local pig market share dropped from 90% to 2%! Where did the local "Second Senior Brother" go? ".

Not only are the chips blocked by foreign countries, but even pigs, especially breeding pigs that specialize in breeding live pigs, are also blocked by foreign countries.

Today, we will talk about the current status of China's grain industry through the subdivision of "breeding pigs", and at the same time, think about our own subdivision.

The downfall of native pigs

Pork occupies an irreplaceable position on the Chinese table, and China is also the world's largest pork consumer.

From the perspective of supply and demand, the global consumption of pork in 2019 is 100 million tons, and China consumes nearly 45 million tons, and the EU, which ranks second, consumes more than 20 million tons; The United States is 29.4 kilograms, and China's per capita pork consumption is more than the United States.

Pigs are also "stuck in the neck": less than 2% of local pigs, how to fight the turnaround of breeding pigs?

The reason why the demand for pork is so large is that on the one hand, the absolute advantage of the population, on the other hand, compared with cattle and sheep, live pigs have a shorter slaughter cycle and higher breeding efficiency.

Therefore, the key link of the pork business lies in the breeding of breeding pigs. They are like the chips in the mobile phone, which determine the performance and experience of the mobile phone.

In the past, the market share of local pigs once reached 90%.

But today, the market share of local pigs is less than 2%, and it is almost impossible to find any traces. The market is mostly large white pigs, landrace pigs and Duroc pigs bred by imported breeding pigs.

According to data from CCTV Finance, in 2020, China will import 30,000 breeding pigs, and the price of each breeding pig is 30,000 to 50,000, of which 40% are from Canada, 30% from the United States, while France and Denmark account for 15% and 10% respectively. .

Why did the native pigs decline?

There are two main reasons:

First, compared with local pigs, the lean meat rate of imported breeding pigs (breeding) is higher, which can reach about 60%, while that of local pigs is only about 40%.

Second, the slaughter cycle of imported breeding pigs is shorter.

The feeding cycle of local pigs takes about a year, but imported breeding pigs only take half the time, that is, 6 months to be released for slaughter.

And in terms of feeding cost, the meat-to-feed ratio of local pigs is 1:5, that is to say, it takes 5 catties of feed to grow a pound of meat, and the meat-to-feed ratio of imported pigs is 1:3 or even 1:2. It requires 2 to 3 kilograms of feed. In terms of feeding cost, local pigs have no competitive advantage at all.

There are three lean-meat breeds of breeding pigs in the world today, namely Duroc pigs in the United States, Landrace pigs in Denmark and Great White pigs in the United Kingdom. Become the leading breed in global pig farming. Chen Yaosheng said that from a global point of view, it is an international practice to carry out localized selection and breeding of "Du Dachang" according to the needs of the domestic market. He said: "Since the introduction of 'Du Changchang' in the 1980s, my country has implemented localized selection and breeding, especially since the national pig genetic improvement program was launched in 2009, it has further accelerated systematic selection, thus ensuring that our country is close to 90% of the seed supply in the hog market.”

That is to say, most of the pork on our daily table is locally selected and bred using foreign breeding pigs. Even so, on this basis, there is still a 10%-30% gap between my country's core pig breeding population and developed countries in terms of litter size, feed conversion rate and other key traits. Zhu Li, a professor at Sichuan Agricultural University, said bluntly that one of the important reasons is that the best breeding pigs cannot be imported. He said: "It is impossible to bring back the best breeds. We may bring back pigs from the second tier. After the breeds are brought back, if there is no selection and management, they will basically degenerate after two years. In this case , the constant introduction of seeds is almost an inescapable curse."

Therefore, imported breeds have surpassed local breeds in terms of quality, cost and production efficiency, which is also the fundamental reason for the decline of local pigs.

If the product is not good, you can't blame the market for not choosing you.

But behind the reason, there is a hidden competition, that is, the technical battle for breeding breeding pigs.

"Postpartum care of the sow" is a science

Breeding pigs is not an easy task.

Netizens often joke that "postpartum care of sows" is really a discipline.

Pigs are also "stuck in the neck": less than 2% of local pigs, how to fight the turnaround of breeding pigs?

Feeding breeding pigs should not only pay attention to the feeding indicators and nutritional indicators of the feed, but also select suitable genes and use genetic technology to cultivate high-quality breeding pigs.

However, these technologies are blocked by the monopoly of foreign companies.

This can also answer a question from the side, why do we already have more than 100 national-level pig breeding farms, as well as pig breeding giants such as Wenshi, Zhengbang, Tianbang, and Muyuan, but there is no world-class pig breeding enterprise? Are you going to import breeding pigs?

In fact, it is not. As early as 2014, Tianbang wanted to introduce seeds from CG, the world's second largest breeding company, and acquired a 41% stake in CG, becoming the second largest shareholder.

However, because they did not have an advantage in voting rights, the rest of the CG board of directors unanimously opposed the disclosure of the technology with Tianbang. They were unwilling to publish the breeding pig genome to Tianbang, and were only willing to sell the breeding pigs at a lower price.

In 2018, Beijing Dabeinong Technology Group announced that its plan to wholly acquire Waldo Farms, an American pig breeding company, was rejected by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), and the acquisition was forced to terminate.

These two cases have truly uncovered the tip of the iceberg.

Like many fields, the reason why foreign "pig-breeding" companies can become giants:

First, the layout was early, and it entered the global market at an early stage. After the market became bigger, it took advantage of scale to squeeze later competitors.

Second, the technology started early, and it can carry out scientific and systematic breeding, and use digital systems and genetic tools to screen and cultivate excellent varieties.

The third is a clear competitive strategy. After these foreign companies enter a certain country, they will not take over the entire industry chain at once, but will be joint ventures or agents to local companies.

I'll let you make money quickly, so you don't need to think about any technology research and development, how tiring.

So, this is why in many fields, we have big companies, but not strong companies.


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It's not just "pigs" that have fallen

In addition to pigs, in fact, the "seed situation" of many animals is not optimistic.

Besides pork, Chinese people also like to eat chicken. Especially for young people nowadays, fried chicken with beer is a standard for many people to have dinner together. The fried chicken we eat is called white feather broiler. Even this white-feathered broiler is now in the hands of Americans. The core provenance of white feather broilers has long been in the hands of two American companies. If you don’t master the core provenance, you will definitely be slaughtered in the market. Therefore, China has also begun to work hard to cultivate our own white-feather broiler, so that the white-feather broiler has a "Chinese core".

It was not until 2019 that we China filled the gap of "no independent breeders" in China's white-feathered broiler industry. Maybe you have been eating fried chicken for many years, but you don't know, until the year before last, China had its own "fried chicken breeder". Before half my life, I ate foreign broilers.

Another example, duck, is also a Chinese favorite food. Regardless of whether it is Peking duck or Nanjing dried duck, ducks are very popular among Chinese people. But this Peking duck is actually not from Beijing. Many of the Peking ducks we eat now are British Cherry Valley ducks. This is interesting, I ate a bunch of Peking duck, but I don't know that the duck we eat needs to be imported from abroad. To say that this cherry valley duck is really bred from our Peking duck. At first, it was brought to Europe by the British.

Later, they themselves bred the native duck in Beijing into the "Cherry Valley Duck", a duck with fast growth rate and low fat rate. These ducks now sell 3 billion globally every year, ranking first in the world. Then, in 1991, the Cherry Valley Duck became a Sino-British cooperation project. After a change, he returned to China to earn money from the motherland.

"Cherry Valley Duck" grows fast, eats less, and is not greasy, and soon became the raw material of Peking duck, Nanjing salted duck, and dried duck. Only a few restaurants in Beijing use pure-bred Peking duck, and more than 90% of the others are Cherry Valley ducks. In this key technology, foreigners are "united as one". Purebred Cherry Valley ducks will not be sold to you. Not only is it expensive, but you can never use its ducks to breed your own Cherry Valley Duck.

From "Second Senior Brother" to fried chicken, to roast duck, many of the delicacies we often eat are foreign. Even, they occupy the vast majority of the unshakable market. This is definitely not a good thing from the perspective of agricultural security. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the agricultural "chip", firmly grasp the seed source, and fight the seed industry's turnaround. We must work hard to tackle key problems and use modern technology to implement a new round of livestock and poultry "seed projects".

How to fight the turnaround of breeding pigs?

Of course, today everyone is aware of this problem by now.

The clue can be seen from the Central No. 1 document in recent years.

In 2019, it is only a general statement to improve biological breeding; in 2020, it is proposed to ensure the supply of pork; in 2021, it is clearly proposed to "make a good breakthrough in the seed industry"; in 2022, it is directly proposed to "vigorously promote the breakthrough of key agricultural core technologies such as provenance".

Pigs are also "stuck in the neck": less than 2% of local pigs, how to fight the turnaround of breeding pigs?

In recent years, my country has gradually attached great importance to the protection of native pig breeds, built 62 national-level local pig conservation farms and protected areas, and carried out the collection and preservation of pig genetic materials, realizing the protection of pigs as they should be. The "Plan" issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs recently pointed out that on the one hand, large-scale joint breeding of leading varieties will be implemented, so as to achieve production performance as soon as possible on par with the international advanced level, and strengthen the supply of high-quality provenance.

The so-called joint breeding refers to the sharing of excellent genetic resources within a certain range. Zhu Li believes that joint breeding is the way to go. He said: "The problem now is that (good breeding pigs) are scattered across several core farms, for example, each core farm has 1,000 pigs, but if I have 10 such core farms combined, I have 10,000 pigs. With such a basic population, high-intensity selection can be carried out on it."

On the other hand, the "Plan" also proposes to strengthen the protection of local varieties. Continue to carry out the selection and breeding of lean-meat breeds and local pig breeds with obvious characteristics and advantages.

The goal is to continuously improve the level of development and utilization of local pig genetic resources by 2035, and cultivate 10-15 new breeds and supporting lines. To achieve such a goal, Chen Yaosheng said that it is necessary not only to find out the real estate of local varieties, but also to promote the development and utilization of these varieties. He said: "The national census of livestock and poultry genetic resources has been launched in 2021. After finding out what the family is, we will further improve the protection system and increase protection. We will vigorously promote the development and utilization of local varieties, dig deep into their high-quality characteristics, and cultivate unique flavors. The meat is mainly delicious and the characteristic pig breeds that take into account the growth rate can better meet the diversified market consumption needs."

Policies are becoming more and more perfect, and more companies are required to "research and develop core technologies". Why do many of our companies appreciate Huawei?

It's not because of how much business Huawei has done, but because Huawei has personally practiced a way to become a giant, that is, daring to sit on the coldest bench, gnawing on the hardest bones, and daring to spend huge amounts of money on research and development.

In fact, in the breeding and feeding of breeding pigs, we also have room for overtaking in corners.

This curve comes from Internet technology.

NetEase has been digitally raising pigs since 2009, using sensors to remotely monitor pigs' conditions, food intake, and even excrement. Using an automatic liquid feeding system for feeding, 6 people can monitor and manage the entire pig farm. .

Alibaba Cloud also engages in AI pig raising, and establishes a health file for each pig through image recognition technology; Jingdong Agriculture and Animal Husbandry uses IoT technology to control the feeding time, allowing pigs to be slaughtered 5-8 days ahead of schedule.

Wen's team has also mass-produced "pig chips", which can judge the performance of breeding pigs.

If the current domestic pig breeding enterprises can do basic research and use artificial intelligence, big data and other emerging tools for breeding, it is very likely that a "Huawei in the breeding pig industry" will be born in the future.


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The Chinese themselves don't use the useless PPP metric. Look at the speeches of Xi Jinping or Li Keqiang. They all reference GDP per capita in nominal terms. China is still far behind the US in terms of how rich it is, and will likely remain that for many decades to come.

Of course, quality of life cannot only be measured in GDP per capita, but this discussion is not about such broader metrics. It was about wages specifically.

Sounds like a cope. Go to China's national statistics bureau's website and look at the average disposable income for China and then convert it into dollars. It's very low. Are you telling me that the Chinese themselves are manipulating their data? This conversation is silly.
average wages are correlated with, but are not, GDP per capita. it can be higher or lower. UK's average wages, for instance, are about half UK GDP per capita.

average disposable income (not the term used - the term was disposable income per capita) is not wages because not everyone works for a wage nor are people paid exactly what they're worth in terms of output.


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Pharmaceutical companies invest in R&D to enhance competence, expand international presence

Thanks to their much-improved innovation capabilities, Chinese pharmaceutical companies, especially those focusing on innovative medicines, are playing an increasingly important role in global new drug development, according to experts and business leaders.

A most recent case is an out-license agreement settled between Chinese biopharmaceutical company Harbour BioMed, or HBM, and UK company AstraZeneca earlier this month, for a novel drug candidate known as HBM7022.

Currently in the preclinical stage, the molecule cross-links tumor cells and T cells by targeting a specific tumor-associated antigen and a protein complex and thus leads to potent T cell activation to fight the tumor.

According to the deal agreement, AstraZeneca will be granted an exclusive global license for the research, development, registration, manufacturing and commercialization of the drug candidate and shall be solely responsible for all costs and activities associated with its further development and commercialization.

HBM shall receive an upfront payment of $25 million with the potential for additional payments up to $325 million pending the achievement of certain developments, and regulatory and commercial milestones. HBM is also eligible to receive tiered royalties on net sales.

Wang Jingsong, founder, chairman and CEO of HBM, said the drug candidate is one of the company's representative innovative bispecific antibodies generated from its self-developed antibody development platform called HBICE and has significant potential value on a global basis.

A bispecific antibody is a molecule designed to recognize two different antigens or two different epitopes on the same antigen to treat tumors and other diseases and therefore is widely believed to have superior clinical therapeutic effects compared with traditional monoclonal antibodies.

Analysts said due to changes in the regulatory and market environment in recent years, Chinese pharmaceutical companies have had to build up innovation and R&D capabilities for better development, which has enhanced their competence in global markets.

Those changes include lower market tolerance for low-end generics, faster new drug review and registration processes, a stronger play of market mechanisms and fiercer domestic market competition even among innovative drugs.

They predict China's pharmaceutical companies are expected to have a greater presence in global new drug research over the next few years.

A technician extracts active proteins in a laboratory at Harbour BioMed in Shanghai. Chinese companies are making greater contributions to global new drug development. [Photo provided to China Daily]

"China's medicine reforms in recent years have been pushing Chinese companies to increase investments in new drug R&D and innovation to enhance product portfolios, instead of simply profiting from the production and sales of low-quality generics," said Shi Lichen, founder of medical consultancy Beijing Dingchen Consultancy.

"Their innovation and R&D capabilities have been on the rise very fast," he said.

Data from the IQVIA Institute for Human Data Science showed China's share is already 13 percent of all next-generation oncology bio-therapeutics. China-headquartered companies are estimated to be developing 18 percent of all early-stage oncology drugs, up from 6 percent in 2015.

According to Pharmacube, a consultancy focusing on the healthcare sector, Chinese pharmaceutical companies achieved 53 out-license deals with foreign counterparts in 2021, in contrast with 39 out-licenses from 2017 to 2020. A total of 23, or nearly half of the out-license deals last year, were on innovative medicines or candidates.

Those deals include Chinese enterprise BeiGene's two anti-cancer asset out-license agreements with Novartis, which were respectively worth up to $2.2 billion and $2.9 billion.

Liu Jianhong, an analyst with Shanxi Securities, said after years of efforts, China has established a pharmaceutical innovation ecosystem up to global standards to some extent, which enables domestic enterprises to go global more readily, while fierce competition in the domestic market also drives local enterprises to go global for more market returns.

Strengthening investments and R&D to produce not me-too, but rather me-better, best-in-class and even first-in-class drugs have now become a trend in the domestic pharmaceutical industry, Liu said.

According to Wang with HBM, the company is capable of designing unique and novel formats of antibodies, including bispecific and multispecific antibodies.

HBM aims to exponentially enhance the clinical efficacy and safety of these drug candidates which are unachievable by combination therapies, and aspires to lead the next wave of immunotherapies in oncology and immunology, he said.

Susan Galbraith, executive vice-president of oncology R&D at Astra-Zeneca, said the company is excited to enter into the agreement with HBM.

The HBM7022 is designed to harness the body's immune system's T cell response, with potential for strong efficacy across solid tumors, including gastric and pancreatic cancers, both of which comprise large populations of patients with major unmet medical needs, she said.


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Who will win the partial decoupling "war' ? Interesting report
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"In 2018-19, I was a civilian advisor in the Pentagon. I watched as the Trump admin marshaled a huge array of restrictions against China’s tech sector, often on military grounds. Export controls, investment limits, visa bans, sanctions, and more were used in unprecedented ways."
So he was part of the Chinese intelligence network alongside comrade Trump?

We sincerely thank him for contributing to the tech revolution happening right now in China. Its all thanks to the hard work by people like him and Trump


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So he was part of the Chinese intelligence network alongside comrade Trump?

We sincerely thank him for contributing to the tech revolution happening right now in China. Its all thanks to the hard work by people like him and Trump
@Overbom bro CCP newly recruited agent, want to make a name of himself and grab some limelight cause Agent Number 1 Trump will make a comeback in


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China is constructing a new grand research facility for fusion technology, the Comprehensive Research Facility for Fusion Technology (CRAFT), which is expected to be completed by 2025.

Next step after that is to build the Chinese Fusion Engineering Test Reactor (CFETR), and if all goes well, Hu Jiansheng, deputy director of Institute of Plasma Physics at Hefei Institutes of Physical Science predicts rollout of nuclear fusion for power generation in 30 to 50 years.