News on China's scientific and technological development.


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Chinese researchers made artificial sunflowers that can follow source of light in 3D space. Check out the embedded videos:

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Paper published in English (paywalled):
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Bioinspired Phototropic MXene-Reinforced Soft Tubular Actuators for Omnidirectional Light-Tracking and Adaptive Photovoltaics​

Endowing artificial advanced materials and systems with biomimetic self-regulatory intelligence is of paramount significance for the development of somatosensory soft robotics and adaptive optoelectronics. Herein, a bioinspired phototropic MXene-reinforced soft tubular actuator is reported that exhibits omnidirectional self-orienting ability and is capable of quickly sensing, continuously tracking, and adaptively interacting with incident light in all zenithal and azimuthal angles of 3D space. The novelty of the soft tubular actuator lies in three aspects: 1) the new polymerizable MXene nanomonomer shows high compatibility with liquid crystal elastomer (LCE) matrices and can be in situ photopolymerized into the polymer networks, thus enhancing the mechanical and photoactuation properties; 2) the distinct hollow and radially symmetrical structure facilitates the actuator with fast photoresponsiveness and phototropic performance through retarding the heat conduction along the radial direction; 3) the MXene-LCE soft tubular actuator simultaneously integrates sensing, actuation, and built-in feedback loop, thus leading to a high light-tracking accuracy and adaptive phototropism like a hollow stem of plants in nature. As a proof-of-concept demonstration, an adaptive photovoltaic system with solar energy harvesting maximization is illustrated. This work can provide insights into the development of artificial intelligent materials toward adaptive optoelectronics, intelligent soft robotics, and beyond.


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China develops "ultra-robust stetchable electrode" for wearable heating devices and human-healthcare monitoring systems.

PLA might find it useful for troops stationed in the cold places like Xizang and Xinjiang.


News report in Chinese:
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Ultra-robust stretchable electrode for e-skin: In situ assembly using a nanofiber scaffold and liquid metal to mimic water-to-net interaction​

The development of stretchable electronics could enhance novel interface structures to solve the stretchability–conductivity dilemma, which remains a major challenge. Herein, we report a nano-liquid metal (LM)-based highly robust stretchable electrode (NHSE) with a self-adaptable interface that mimics water-to-net interaction. Based on the in situ assembly of electrospun elastic nanofiber scaffolds and electrosprayed LM nanoparticles, the NHSE exhibits an extremely low sheet resistance of 52 mΩ sq−1. It is not only insensitive to a large degree of mechanical stretching (i.e., 350% electrical resistance change upon 570% elongation) but also immune to cyclic deformation (i.e., 5% electrical resistance increases after 330 000 stretching cycles with 100% elongation). These key properties are far superior to those of the state-of-the-art reports. Its robustness and stability are verified under diverse circumstances, including long-term exposure to air (420 days), cyclic submersion (30 000 times), and resilience against mechanical damages. The combination of conductivity, stretchability, and durability makes the NHSE a promising conductor/electrode solution for flexible/stretchable electronics for applications such as wearable on-body physiological signal detection, human–machine interaction, and heating e-skin.


The published paper in English:
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China develops new way to detect trace of a common explosive substance, perchlorate, with a detection limit of as little as 0.02 fg (femtogram). 1 gram is 10^15
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Published paper in English:
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Ultrasensitive dual-mode visualization of perchlorate in water, soil and air boosted by close and stable Pt–Pt packing endowed low-energy absorption and emission​

The accurate, ultrasensitive and rapid onsite analysis of perchlorate either in water, soil or air is urgently needed for public security checking, explosive ordnance disposal, environment monitoring and forensic analysis. To achieve it, a Pt(II) terpyridyl complex-based sensing platform that can realize the onsite ultrasensitive, colorimetric and luminescent dual-mode, rapid and direct detection of perchlorate in water, soil and air was successfully developed by systematic molecular design.
The high-contrast color change from pale-yellow to purple-red and turn-on mode red luminescent emission can greatly eliminate environmental fluctuations and background autofluorescence, thus enabling the detection of perchlorate more accurately, discriminatively and efficiently even in a complex environment.
The excellent water-solubility of the Pt(II) terpyridyl complex and the introduction of the hydrogel matrix largely enhance the sensing capacity and achieve the direct ultrasensitive detection of perchlorate microparticulates in soil or air, with a limit of detection of 0.45 ng by naked eye and 0.02 fg by common optical microscope.

News release in Chinese:
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在此基础上,该团队提出了利用水凝胶反应介质与探针之间的耦合效应对传感材料发光信号局域增强的提升策略。通过将该铂(II)配合物探针与具有均一网络结构的PVA水凝胶耦合,利用自组装生成的微米级一维纤维状聚集体与水凝胶网络的相互作用,实现了对发光产物的完全锚定,实现了对0.75 μm(0.73 fg)高氯酸盐单颗粒的比色-荧光双模传感信号的直接观测,对空气中高氯酸盐悬浮微粒的检测限低至0.02 fg。


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The first super-sized SLM metal 3D printing equipment in the Pearl River Delta was successfully developed in Jihua Laboratory

Recently, the JHL600 ultra-large-format SLM metal 3D printing equipment independently developed by the additive manufacturing team of Jihua Laboratory has achieved phased progress. Design, processing and procurement, independent development, installation and debugging of industrial computer and slicing software, and a series of joint debugging of software and hardware have broken through a number of interdisciplinary problems, and have completed more than 10 invention patent applications, of which one has been obtained. Invention patent authorization and two software authorizations, the device already has the printing function.
Through more than 260 mechanical design drawings, more than 100 electrical principle design drawings, a complete set of self-developed PLC control programs, more than 500 purchased parts selection and procurement records, more than 9,000 lines of slice software source code and more than 26,000 lines of industrial computer software source Such a complex arrangement and combination of codes have completed the development of the first super-sized metal 3D printing equipment in the Pearl River Delta, which can achieve a maximum forming size of 800x600x600mm³, ranking among the world's largest large-format laser selective melting equipment.



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Lieutenant General
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The problem on the face of it is how they think intelligence is genetic. That is the basis of what many believe regarding why or why not someone can be innovative or not and that which is why it's going to be hard for them to give up believing it. All their tactics to stop China from advancing is believing China can't do it without them.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
They also basically ignore China invented most things from like 800 AD to 1200 AD. You know like paper, paper currency, compass, wood block printing, gunpowder, etc. So what makes them think China cannot be a major innovator again? It is pure hubris.
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Registered Member
They also basically ignore China invented most things from like 800 AD to 1200 AD. You know like paper, paper currency, compass, gunpowder, etc. So what makes them think China cannot be a major innovator again? It is pure hubris.
@gelgoog bro my take, a major factor is the Chinese Chauvinism, it has its Pros and Cons, use wisely it can do unimaginable things BUT success led to complacency as what happen during the Manchu Era, as China lag behind technologically which resulted to a hundred years of humiliation. The good thing is that the lesson had been ingrained and hope to inspire the future generation.


@gelgoog bro my take, a major factor is the Chinese Chauvinism, it has its Pros and Cons, use wisely it can do unimaginable things BUT success led to complacency as what happen during the Manchu Era, as China lag behind technologically which resulted to a hundred years of humiliation. The good thing is that the lesson had been ingrained and hope to inspire the future generation.

China's current nominal per capita GDP is about 20k, nowhere near the rich nations, but some Chinese internet warriors are already full of it.