The the Type 99B must be easily at least in the 60 to 65 ton range. Must be the heaviest Soviet lineage MBT ever built.
that's toy stuff, I don't think it's 99B, it is VT1A different modular armor upfront, so looks the turret biger, also the toy menu make mistake in the picture,that type 99 is type 98, type 99A just type 99 or maby 99A, It is all made with the modular composite armor, it just the one will attend the parade, we can refer what popeye recent post the picture.
in the picture we can clearly see those 99 tanks with strong modular composite armor,PLA Global Magazine reporter stated this 99G
type 99 turret already has strong modular composite armor, it no needs add more modular armor,unreasonably increase the turret bigger only to lose the flexibility to make tanks, advenced tank dosn't need to do that, after Iraq war, russia add modular armor in T-72, T-80, but T-90 made with modular composite armor design, dosn't need to do that,Leopard II and M1A
2 never add modular armor on the turret.
Heavy main battle tanks to fight from Cold War era,the former Soviet Union has a strong cluster of tanks at any time attack the European plains, tanks, bloc confrontation became a strategic thinking, many countries have manufactured havy tanks, and a lot of model tanks weighing more than a 60ton.
Paradigm shift in modern warfare, urban warfare,three-dimensional warfare, tanks concept also changed to lightening, stealth-based, modular composite armor manufacturing,so,I don't think type 99 will not become over 60ton,on the contrary, with the advancement of technology, 99 tanks, there may be a variant of lighter models.