Russian media said China's latest 99 G tanks full performance beyond T-90 [转贴] [Posted]
据俄罗斯《装甲车辆》网报道,就在俄军方还在憧憬不知何时才能问世的T-95坦克之际,中国的设计师们已悄然完成了对最新式的99G型主战坦克的测试工作。 According to the Russian "armored vehicle" network, in the Russian military is also looking forward to I do not know when can we come out of the T-95 tanks of the Chinese designers have quietly completed the latest of 99 G-type main battle tanks tests . 与中国先前研制的坦克不同的是,99G装备有模块化的主动防护系统,能够更为有效地抵御串列高爆反坦克武器的攻击。 China previously developed by different from the tanks, 99 G is equipped with modular active protection system can more effectively resist the serial high-explosive anti-tank weapons attacks.
除此之外,99G上还安装了经过改进的JD-3型主动激光防御系统。 In addition, 99 G also improved the installation of the JD-3-active laser defense system. 该装置由一部激光照射告警系统和一个量子振荡发生器组成。 The device from a laser warning system and a generator of quantum oscillation. 在接收到有敌方坦克测距激光束照射的信号后,JD-3上的告警系统会自动下达指令将炮塔转向激光束发射源所在的方向。 In a reception to the enemy's tanks ranging laser beam irradiation of the signal, JD-3 on the warning system will be automatically directed to a laser beam turret will be fired in the direction of the source. 之后,它会发射出一束能量较低的激光,以确定目标的准确位置,当这一步骤完成后,其发射的激光束的能量会在瞬间内猛烈增强,从而直接摧毁敌方的光学系统或是使操作人员失明。 After that it will launch a bouquet to a lower energy laser to determine the precise target location, when this step is completed, the launch of the laser beam of energy will be enhanced in an instant, fierce and direct destruction of the enemy's optical system Or the operators of the blind. 目前,在全球已服役的现代化坦克中,还没有任何一种装备有类似的防御系统。 At present, in the modern world has served in the tanks, no one is equipped with a similar defense system. 这一独特的功能无疑将使99G成为战场上一个极其危险的对手。 This unique feature will undoubtedly become a battlefield of 99 G on an extremely dangerous opponent.
与此同时,中国的设计人员还对坦克的火控系统进行了改进。 At the same time, China also on the design of the tank fire control system was improved. 该系统包括瞄准手和车长使用的瞄准仪(配备单独的稳定装置)、激光测距仪、热成像仪、数字化弹道计算机、武器稳定仪、大量的传感器(负责搜集大气条件、炮筒损耗等数据)、目标自动追踪系统和配备有彩色显示器的多用途车长操作台。 The system includes targeting drivers using hand and the aim for (with a separate stability devices), laser range finder, thermal imaging device, digital ballistic computers, weapons and stability instrument, a large number of sensors (collect atmospheric conditions, such as Bao Tong Loss Data), automatic target tracking system equipped with color displays and multi-purpose vehicles long console. 全景式热成像仪获取的图像可直接传送到车长和瞄准手面前的彩色显示器上。 Panoramic thermal imaging device access to the images can be delivered directly to aim at the hands of drivers and front of the color display. 另外,该型坦克还装备有惯性和卫星导航系统,接收到的信息同样也可显示在车长面前的显示器上并与电子地图相叠加。 In addition, the tanks also equipped with inertial and satellite navigation systems, to receive the same information can also be displayed on the car long before the display with electronic maps of the stack. 99G坦克还配备有现代化的无线电台。 99G tanks are equipped with modern radio.
99G型主战坦克还具有非常出色的机动性能。 99G main battle tanks also has very good mobility. 有消息称,全重为55吨的99G换装了一台功率为1500马力的发动机,最高时速为80千米/小时。 It is said that the whole weight of 55 tons of 99 G has installed a power of 1,500 horsepower engine and a maximum speed of 80 km / hour.
其装备的125毫米主炮既能够发射高精度制导导弹,也可发射新一代的穿甲动能炮弹--它们的性能已全面超越了俄军现在使用的各种坦克炮弹。 Their equipment is 125 mm Zhupao to launch precision-guided missiles, capable of launching a new generation of armour-piercing shells kinetic energy - their overall performance has exceeded the Russian military is using all kinds of tank shells.
有一些报道称,中国的坦克制造厂家首批将生产超过200辆的99G坦克。 Some reported that China's first batch of tanks manufacturers will produce more than 200 of the 99 G tanks.
如果将99G与俄罗斯的T-90做一对比,那么毫无疑问,中国人的这一最新武器系统在所有技术指标上均超越了俄军目前最强大的主战坦克。 If the 99 G and Russia's T-90 to do a comparison, then there is no doubt that the Chinese people in this latest weapons systems on all the technical indicators are beyond the Russian armed forces currently the most powerful main battle tanks. 虽然两种坦克均以老式的T-72为基础研制,但它们现在的相似之处仅仅在于底盘滚轮和主炮的口径。 Although the two tanks are old-fashioned T-72 is based on research and development, but they are now the only similarities between the wheel and the chassis of the calibre Zhupao. 中国的设计师们创造性地发展了T-72的所有长处,同时又毫不吝惜地摒弃了其所有缺点。 China's designers creatively developed T-72 all the strengths, but also who generously give up all its shortcomings. 而俄制坦克似乎还在原地踏步--即使是T-90的最新改进型号也算不上是二十一世纪的坦克。 The Russian-made tanks appears to be marking time - even T-90 model is the latest improvement is not really the 21st century tanks. 就总体性能来说,T-90只相当于上世纪80年代末的国际水平。 On the whole, performance, T-90 is only equivalent at the end of the 1980s, the international standard. 然而,俄军目前只装备了大约60辆这种已不怎么先进的坦克。 However, the Russian military equipment is currently only about 60 that have less advanced tanks.
自前苏联解体以来,俄罗斯的坦克制造企业仅对俄军装备的几种主战坦克进行了现代化改进,其中就包括经过简单改装的T-72。 Since the breakup of the former Soviet Union, Russian tanks only Russian military equipment manufacturing enterprise of several main battle tanks to improve the modernization, including a simple modification of the T-72. 而较之中国99G的装备水平,这种经过升级的T-72坦克上安装的瞄准系统只能用“原始”来形容。 99 G than China and the equipment level, this escalation of the T-72 tanks installed on the target system can only be used "original" to describe. T-72上的热成像系统的探测距离非常有限,一旦俄军的坦克兵驾驶其在战场上与敌方的新型坦克相遇,无疑将会重蹈伊拉克军队在海湾战争期间的覆辙。 T-72 on the thermal imaging system of detection range is very limited, once Russian soldiers driving tanks in the battlefield and the enemy of the new tank meeting will no doubt repeat of the Iraqi army during the Gulf War mistakes.
最近八年以来,不断有俄坦克生产企业正在研制“超级坦克”--T-95--的消息传出。 Since the last eight years, there have been Russian tanks manufacturing enterprises are developing "super tanks" - T-95 - the news came out. 但年复一年,这种坦克到底是何模样、研制工作已进展到何种程度却始终无人知晓。 But year after year, this is what look like tanks in the end, development work has progressed to the extent to which it has always been unknown.