New Type98/99 MBT thread


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Why all the latest photos posted in this thread couped with the "is this the new T-99GZXCVY supertank?" tags? Exspecially when all the photoes have either been GCIs or completely different tanks which are easy to check up if you just bother. It however demands somesort of objectivity and not the silly "I want to belive its the new Type 99G" thinking.

This image shows ZTZ96Gs, easy to reqocnise from the ZTZ99 series due its hull, note that the hull keeps rasing towards the end and not sloping back as in the ZTZ99. Also these tanks lacks the Shtora-1-type countermeassure kit atop the turret.

And last, a picture of three tanks (let them be any tanks) is a solid indication that the army in question has....three of such tanks in its inventory (not neccerically in full service). To have solid indication of some system being massively delivered to the corresponding army needs little bit more.


Junior Member
Since winter road evaluations were just going on in the Spring, this is at most a T&E deployment with a handful of tanks.


Everyone has seen this video before? It's from youtube. It compare and claim that the Type 99's stabilizer is inferior to the Japanese Type 90.

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However, after compared with the pix on the main site, I found that the tank in the video is likely to be the type 96 rather type 99. OK, some expert please confirm this.

After all, I would like to ask one question: How good is the type 99 's stabilizer and its fire control system?


VIP Professional
Looks like a 96 to me.

Also something funny about the video. The T-96 is running full bore on hard solid dry ground, but the T-90 is over soft muddy ground. That's going to affect the speed and ride of the tank so I don't think the T-90 is moving as fast or crashing to the ground as hard as the T-96. But give the T-90 credit in one area, the active self leveling suspension can also contribute to the gun stabilization control, although in my opinion, being too complicated is not something I have faith in.

If youtube theatrics is what decides the best tank, then look at this then.

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Lieutenant General
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Interesting section on Type 99 and Type 96
军迷们受某人三代坦克专辑的荼毒很深,中国125 坦克炮/弹只处于当今世界坦克炮的中上水平(额只和米帝和德国的120比)远远未达到世界第一的水平。某人的什么穿深960只是个神话,现实中我国125 能达到800就很牛了(估算,换算某数据),当然米帝和德国也不会好太多。99和96的125由于炮的不同,威力也是不同的,两者差距相当于83-105 和94-105的威力差距。现实中99使用现役某弹的数据在600-700之间(具体的额不说)
瞄导合一,发射炮射导弹,目前额们只有三个型号的装甲车辆可以。99 二代步和100轮突。观瞄能力没有炮射导弹远,几公里的射程都是白搭,额觉得还是老老实实用穿甲弹和破甲弹吧,这个东西还给毛子比较好。
虽然引进的L7 105炮性能一般,但是我们通过100滑的研制,对于这个这个口径火炮的设计积累了很多经验,研制了自用的105坦克炮,并以此为原型发展了若干种型号的105坦克炮,包括88A和59D-2使用的94加长105,发射某弹的威力在500左右。
同时周边国家坦克发展的更新换代明显放缓,先前预计的M1 勒克莱尔,豹二坦克大量出现在我国周边的情况并没有出现,所以96的防护劣势问题并没有十分突出。
增加附加装甲,在一定程度上提高了坦克的防穿 防破的能力。
防护型前者好,传动 发动机技术水平两者相当
I think unlike a lot of posts online, this is a very realistic look at the capability of 99 and 96. Talks about the motor and engine of Type 99 being not that good, barely at 3rd generation level. He says the entire stuff about being able to penetrate 960 mm at 2000 m is a myth. If it can reach about 800, that'd be pretty amazing. The current performance is around 600 to 700 mm. They have tossed away 2A46 series, because it's just not that good. For comparison sake, the best of 2A46 series can reach the performance of the 125 mm on Type 96.

It mentions a bunch more stuff, about problems facing Type 99 and 96.
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I always suspected that the 960mm was for some sort of prototype/demonstration/proof of concept technology which never quite made it into service for a variety of reasons (single piece ammunitions probably aren't compatible with the ZTZ-99's current autoloader, to my knowledge).

Edit: Or if it was two piece ammunition, the only way to really improve the performance is put more powerful propellant and increase the mass of the penetrator, both of which are doable. However, the penetrator, though heavier, isn't going to be so stable because of its relatively short length and the increased recoil from improved propellant are both going to wreck havoc with accuracy at long range, making the use of such a weapon purely academic at best.
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Well, after doing some measurements with the 125mm round picture, I think it is reasonable to say that it may be as powerful as the M289A3, but certainly not as accurate. The length ratio of the penetrator is certainly well over 30:1 (the penetrator itself is probably 25-20mm in diameter) if the penetrator runs the whole length of the first ammunition piece (which seems a logical assumption, given Indian and South Korean APFSDS types) and the piece itself is about 750mm in total length. These measurements are based off the assumption that the discarding sabot itself is 125mm, which is a given.

The Chinese 125mm piece apparently has about 200mm extra length compared to the M289A3, which would mean more propellant. As for the penetrator itself, it could mass as much as a penetrator of the M289A3 if the Chinese simply increased the length of the depleted uranium tip as opposed to the rest of the penetrator, which is simple enough.