doubtful, thanks are tough and flying off a small rise and crashing to earth thousand sof times over a tanks lifetime doesn't stress it. Isolated impacts absorbed by the armors lattice of ceramics shouldn't stress it either. Each impact will only shatter enough tiles to defeat its imparted energy, not enough will be left to be absorbed by the tansk more delicate parts.
Tanks crashing back down to earth have shock obsorbing suspensions to assist in this, getting hit with a possible 7 KE rounds no.
I've been in an Abrams (M1IP) that was going to fast when it hit a concrete low water crossing. The front of the tank slammed into the oposite side roadbed 9concrete) hard enough to snap the bolts holding the engine grill doors closed, cause the commanders case of powedered gatorade to burst and to break the Tc's rib and black the gunners eyes and break his nose. So don't tell me the tanks shock absorbers do all the work, the ylesson the imapct but signifigant force stioll gets transmitted, and over the lieftime of the tank this adds up.
How does the ZTZ-99 compare with:
1. T-72
2. T-90S
And I have investigated tanks that have run into concrete hull down positions at full speed, one a M60A3 and one being a M1A1, in both incidents there was major damage to the turret race ring, tanks are tough but they do have their breaking points and spending many years as a Master Gunner on M48A5s all the way up to M1A2s I have seen it.![]()
How does the ZTZ-99 compare with:
1. T-72
2. T-90S
It will eat T-72's for lunch. It has a superior round via an improved autloader allowing for a longer penetrator as well as a superior gun being highly machined L/50 vs the T-72's poorly machined L/48, better armor and electronics. I am not aware of any T-72 othe rthan the 120mm conversion being able to fire a true long rod penetrator.
The T-90S might be a different story. The ZTZ-99 still has quite a few advantages like a hunter killer ability. But if the T-90S has the improved autoloader then its newer 2A46M-5 with the BM-42M is a real threat.
The only real T-series that are superior in any meaningfull way would be the T-72-120 w/ bustle rack storage out the Ukraine and the new T-80UM2 Black eagle with bustle rack storage.