Sweet. How many Type 99s do you think have been delivered already?
At least one Division (The 112th Heavy Mechanized Infantry Division, the heaviest and most modern of all the PLA, of the elite 38th Group Army) was confirmed to have at least two regiments worth of ZTZ99As replacing their previous ZTZ99s. In particular the 334th regt and the 336th regt have each two battalions of those (31 tanks). So the inventory is at least 124 copies in total. As for the basic Type 99/ZTZ99, the estimates are at least up to 600 in various units of the Beijing MR, Shenyang MR and Lanzhou MR.
It must also be noted that these two regiments also have each two battalions (31 again) of the newest ZBD04A heavy IFV in their TOE (who are, in return most probably backed by the new NLOS missile carriers and automatic 120mm mortars based on the same chassis), making them pretty much the premiere armoured fist in the PLA.
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Man, they shall get a new chasis for the fat new turret. The tank looks proportionally out of shape.