You do realise that there is also at least another 500mm of armor plating behind those ERA plates right?
Add that to the score and suddenly the M829A3 looses...
The slope of the armour will also effect its effectiveness as well as its composition. It would be foolish to think that the Chinese and Russians are still using simple steal only armour for their tanks.
But all this is pretty much academic, if a tank takes a tank round full on, its done fighting whether the rounds penetrates or not.
I wasn't comparing tanks, I was comparing munitions to ERA. The slope of armor is always incorporated into these estimates.
And yes, Swiss engineers were reportedly working on a 140 mm gun variant of the Leopard II. It fired a massive APFSDS round that had an estimated 1,000 mm RHAe penetration. Too bad they shut that down for now.
I was comparing Munitions v.s. ERA because there is some inherit belief that you can just throw Kontakt-5 onto a BMP and call it Tank-proof.
As for the tank platform, people generally use data of M829A3s fired from an Abrams and the data of German APFSDS rounds from Leopards and etc.
In any case, the T-72 doesn't have super thick Glacis armor. According to , the Glacis of the T-72BM has about 510 mm RHAe. With Relikt that estimate goes to over 1000 mm of RHAe.
Technically speaking, the numbers don't add up, 850 mm perforation v.s. 1000 mm protection, protection wins. However, as APFSDS rounds come, the M829A3 is the best there is. Asides from that, I wouldn't say I know if T-99s use Relikt anyways.
800 mm for a Type 99? Based on no evidence other than weight? No.
That 800 mm figure is not an understatement, it's a guess. There's no hard proof, just pure speculation, not even a single analysis as to materials used or positioned or etc.
What you're neglecting to say is that the extra weight that Western tanks get (in particular, Abrams) is from the DU armor, which adds considerable amount of protection (600 mm RHAe v.s. HEAT) to any section of the tank. So no, you can't simply assume that more weight for less space means more armor, it depends on what material is used.
My insistence was based on my question of, "What ERA is used on the Type 99", to which someone responded by showing a picture of Russian ERA to which I responded that they will do no good against M829A3. I never explicitly said that the M829A3 would go through ERA + whatever happens to be behind it so please straighten that fact out with yourselves.