New Speacial forces pictures


Banned Idiot
sumdud said:
Wait, doesn't China use the same armor suit that America have bought from China?

But would SOF use armor suits? They want speed.

Wait, didn't the US import a large number of Guardian God bullet vests from China? I don't know much about either the Interceptor or the God, but if the US did import Chinese vest (Steel Plate inserted) then I don't see why China's vest is inferior.

The deal ($20,000) was for iraqi soldiers and officers. I think type 56 rifles were also ordered. But as far as i know, the Guradian god is a version of the type 45 vest with modular webbing and new camo. The type 45 used aluminum-oxide plate, which can take only one hit.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
Well I also know some American SFs, ever see a 220 pound lineman (me) get thrown over a 160 pound, 5 foot 2 inches man's head... Ranger... but I think its not the special forces but the command that is the limiting factor in special forces operations.

Yes Chinese soldiers do have an enphasis on martial arts and I don't doubt that they can scale walls via drainage pipes as I have seen some crazy stuff being done in martial arts.

In command experience department the US is probably much better as it has had some expensive lessons in the past. While the individual soldier is probably strogn in different aspects; often it's the command's ineffectiveness in such tight situations that special forces face that causes disaster. Remember the average Ranger does not choose his entry or extraction vehicle, support, or armament those descisions are made above and I think in China's case may be to bureacratic.

RedMercury said:
I don't recall reading about this, do you have the source? I know that the US bought some body armor for the Iraqi defense forces from Chinese manufacturers, but I'm not aware that they intend to use it themselves. Perhaps only for testing purposes?

Most PLA grunt's only body armor is his helmet. The airborne and fist units may be issued with body armor (perhaps only flak jackets), but the bulk of the infantry (not to mention arty troops, non-frontline troops) only have their helmets.

Sorry fo the double post but...yes I think the US is using Chinese made body armor as the ones from a certain private/defense contractor factory (not all factories) seemed to perform the best in the world. Almsot all infantry units are equipped with body armor...the support staff are not. This would be hard to say though because there is no point doning body armor to guard a gate so they are not been seen outside training with armor... then again who really knows?
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Just Hatched
Registered Member
Hello, i'm new here. This is the best intro i can give for now.

The PLAC spec ops are not trained like western troops. The course is alot more rigorous and most by the end are required to master 'Qi'. Breaking bricks is but one of the most mundane tests for these guys. Close range combat is an area that these guys master and i'm quite certain that the type 95 assault rifle will not on most occasions fail to provide them with adequate long range combat power. Yes, they are equipt with world class body armor, ones that the US employs for their own soldiers, and furthermore, are aided with the inherent quality of intellect.

All i can say for now.

eric chu

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petty officer1

Junior Member
Just some newer ones for yall! (sorry about the "Yall", I am from Texas):p






And In some cases, PLA Will use SF in training for SWAT roles in Yunna and Canton provinces against drug trading and kidnapping. those provide some good experience for PLA SF. I heard in some cases chinese government don't even arrest those people. they just send in the PLA SF and kill all of them! Good experience for them.

And for those that read chinese can go read this book, Called "king of soldiers" in chinese, I got the half of the book here. It talk about a PLA recurit turn in to a PLA SF's story! enjoy:D

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New Member
Hello, i'm new here. This is the best intro i can give for now.

The PLAC spec ops are not trained like western troops. The course is alot more rigorous and most by the end are required to master 'Qi'. Breaking bricks is but one of the most mundane tests for these guys. Close range combat is an area that these guys master and i'm quite certain that the type 95 assault rifle will not on most occasions fail to provide them with adequate long range combat power. Yes, they are equipt with world class body armor, ones that the US employs for their own soldiers, and furthermore, are aided with the inherent quality of intellect.

All i can say for now.

hmm.. dude... their exercises are scripted. And those 'Qi' people you see are probably fromt eh publicity dept...


Junior Member
most likely not. PLA emphasis on close quarter combat is very, very well known. As for body armor, I personally haven't seens stuff from the mainland on par with the interceptors. But there are plenty of plates.


Junior Member
VIP Professional
notice the men holding their weapons. Here are some keys to look at which show good training.
Both eyes are open as they look down the weapon and gain a site picture. Look at the way they hold their weapons all the same while moving in echelon right formation. These walk threw drills are creating something call **muscle memory** were troops no longer have to think and the weapon and tactics become part of the memory imprint in which complex actions just happen just like breathing. This unit is in the process of becoming a well oiled cohesive fighting unit.....cheers ute.
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green beret

New Member
Might not look good... But Looks does not do a thing once in action. What you really need to look at is how well they do in action.

well, see the thing is that the U.S. Special forces have already seen combat many times over the past half a century from Korea to Vietnam, and Panama to Iraq and Afghanistan and a bunch of other small wars we fought. And may I add they did an awesome job in all of them.

But the Chinese special forces and the army in general... well hmmm have not fought one single war in the past few decades.

See, I have seen this alot from the Chinese: "Well your equipment might be better, but our soldiers will perform better in combat".

Well gee, guess we will never know because they have never been in combat in the first place.


Junior Member
Rumor is that the PLA-SOF (which is structured as recon units in the Western sense) has been doing COIN in some of the board areas. Of course you don't hear about this through any official channels for obvious reasons.