Re: New members introductions - New members Introduce yourselves
"Your IP is the same as a known spammer..I must ban you."
We have zero tolerance for spammer; we have zero tolerance for users creating multiple accounts; and we have zero tolerance for spammers creating multiple accounts.
If you really want to know, here is the reason:Olny 2 posts and getting banned, that's some record I am reading.
I wander the reason whether is because the ID name (which I have no idea whether offends); or the "i dont like the Communist Party" part? Hope it is not because the latter one, what reputation SDF would get then? - (man, those words comes from a "station lefty" like me?)
"Your IP is the same as a known spammer..I must ban you."
We have zero tolerance for spammer; we have zero tolerance for users creating multiple accounts; and we have zero tolerance for spammers creating multiple accounts.