New members introduce yourselves!!


The Punisher
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Re: new members introduction thread - important that new members introduce themselfs!

Ahem, hate to interrupt, but this is an introduction thread, you two can talk more about your experiences via PM.

and of course, welcome aboard Slater!


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: new members introduction thread - important that new members introduce themselfs!!!

Well I think that everytime when guys actully being in military want's to share expiriences it should be allowed. It's good education matters to those still too young to do they part...(I wont accept any excuses of not joining in to army;) Also this is member's club room so no need to be too stiff

So welcome in my part, nice to have another piggyfarmer (just our artillery humour:p ) onboard


New Member
Re: new members introduction thread - important that new members introduce themselfs!

Hi people! I'm Shahid. I'm studying Physics.
I decided to become a member when reading the "Israel attacks Gaza strip" forum. I browsed hell of a lot of military oriented forums, but this is the first time I see a discussion on such a sensitive matter remain strictly professionnal for so long and doesn't turn into political bullshit with peoples insulting each others and almost singing their national anthem online.

Great work guys! Keep it that way.

By the way I'm not iranian but I live in Iran, wich gives me access to some first hand informations about what's going on in the region.
I have no actual military experience but I read a lot about military, modern and ancient warfare and weapons.

So boys, I hope we'll get along well,

And China is for sur the futur's superpower!
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VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: new members introduction thread - important that new members introduce themselfs!!!

Welcome aboard...Its nice to see some positive feedback towards our strickt policy to cut down all useless BS that flames in so many forums in threads like the Israeli situation...


Just Hatched
Registered Member
Re: new members introduction thread - important that new members introduce themselfs!!!

Hi everyone, been following this site since the earliest days when DF started putting bits and pieces together here, wanted to finally join the forum since finished my undergraduate degree in July, but the Melbourne international film festival has been keeping me busy for the last couple of weeks, :eek: so here I am today, greeting from down under, looking forward to some constructive discussions here, Daniel


Just Hatched
Registered Member
Re: new members introduction thread - important that new members introduce themselfs!

Hi, I'm moug, been a member here a while, haven't posted before, so decided to take the plunge, I'm Irish, in the military, and have a deep interest in all form's of the military, I hope to contribute something positve to the forum.....not much else to say, except I'll see you lad's on the forum :)


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: new members introduction thread - important that new members introduce themselfs!!!

welcome...quess I need to contact the upstair people to get some new vip-passes to hand over;)


New Member
Re: new members introduction thread - important that new members introduce themselfs!!!

Hello everyone.

race: Anglo/Saxon
location: Texas- USA
military background: 1975-1981 USAF, Singer Link Analog flight Simulators RF4-C and F4-D
occupation: cellular infrastracture Tech

Dont know where my family came from. We were here before there were any records. We fought in every US war with anyone or anything-mostly as cannon fodder.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
Re: new members introduction thread - important that new members introduce themselfs!!!

Hi everybody !

I am a 20 year-old student from Paris, France. I wanted for years to become an Air Force officer but a bad eyesight prevented me to do so. I really have no regret. Today, I am studying both Law and International Relations (Master level).

I discovered SinoDefence and this forum few month ago looking for informations about chinese modern strategical thought: I had just read the book by Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui (I don’t know the english title) and was working on a university dissertation about the reform of the European Defence Policy and the appearance of a crisis management doctrine.

In two or three years from now, I will probably spend a year or so in the Army (even if the military service is no more compulsury in France). Probably as a reserve officer in an infantry unit or in the airborne troops, depending on my physical abilities.

As Shahid mentioned, what really attracts me about the forum is the serious tone usually used.

See you guys!