Not exactly. One will have to look at rules of engagement involved, and technical level of both sides. A Fokker Dr.1 won't beat a F-22 Raptor in traditional air to air combat, but if you change the rules in the exercise, you can make the Fokker win.
Yeah... put rules like, the F22 cant take off the airfield and let the Dr.1 Fokker to drop a bomb... surely the Fokker win. now let's be serious, we obviously are talking about RoE in modern air warefare, both jetfighter in equal footing, no advantages for either side, thats how the U.S. Air Force measure how good the jetfighter is I bet the PLAAF do something like it too, whe I read the article of the J10 vs J11 I dind read anything that make me think one of them was holding back, The pilot's skills is another unvaluable thing in the air battle but somethime even that can overwhelm circumstances. I read another article of the India coupe'04 USAF and Indian AF challenge each the other, the USAF where using F-15s (by that time theres no F-22s in service yet) india was ussing SU-30s Scince SU-30s are more maneuverable than the F-15s and the mock aerial combat was just at clouse quarters The F-15s where unable to exploit their avionics and weapon systems sightly more advanced than the SU-30s
even better trainned USAF pilot lost horrible against the SU-30s
funny the results remain classified for a short time but they released like a year ago, USAF trade 9 F-15s for each SU-30s
Maneuverability is Vital in clouse air combat, I imagine than the smaller and lighter J10s manage to outmaneuver the larger and heavier J11s, besides the wight and size, theres another more important thing for maneuverability... the aerodinamics, both planes seems to both very aerodinamic, so I gess the other 2 factors where more desesive for give the victory to the J10s