New Chinese Military Developments


Banned Idiot
improve seeker for KH-31P

2009-12-03 08:53:10 来源: 网友评论 0 条

美国环球战略网11月12日对中国最近做出的对世纪80年代引进的俄制的Kh -31P更换更新国产引导头的事宜做了评论。认为中国设计制造的新的反辐射雷达引导头比俄罗斯原装货精度更高。但显然中国更希望获得美国AGM-88的技术并整合到Kh-31P上去。


东方网11月17日报道 美国环球战略网11月12日刊登了名为《中国正寻求强有力的反雷达导弹》的文章。它对中国最近做出的对世纪80年代引进的俄制的Kh -31P更换更新国产引导头的事宜做了评论。文章认为中国设计制造的新的反辐射雷达引导头比俄罗斯原装货寻的频率范围更广,精度也更高。但对于美国更先进的AGM-88D/E,中国显然更希望获得其技术并整合到Kh-31P上去。



Pencil Pusher
VIP Professional
Re: improve seeker for KH-31P

A simple summary of the passage.

"The author is referencing to US media on the seeker that China had build for their KH-31P missile. This imporved seeker is said to be much more accurate than the Russian's one and was able to detect a wider range of radar frequency (2 to 18GHz). Although more accurate and (i believe) generally offer a better performance than the Russia build one, it is still inferior to the US made AGM-88 missiles. And that China is very interested in acquiring the AGM-88 seeker's technology to be integrated to their Kh-31P missile. all the other are a comparison of the US build AGM-88 and its variants."

I believe China is on the right track... although she didn't have the accuracy of the US build system now, but I believe that as soon as their Beidou system is fully functional, the accuracy of their missiles will naturally improved. And by now, it seemed that China's seeker technology is closing in on the Russia, or may have already surpass the Russian's.
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Senior Member
Re: improve seeker for KH-31P

wow why does globalstrategy have to mention that China "wants" AGM-88...its like saying China is developing 4th gen but really wants F-22 lol.

but is this article talkin about YJ-91? 10m CEP prolly isnt good enough, and against Taiwan's air defence, the 110km range needs improvement too. i say 5m CEP and 150 km would be good numbers.

oops its called strategy page, mixed it up with globalsecurity lol
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Banned Idiot
Re: improve seeker for KH-31P

Global strategic page is not reliable sit, why some one still post the whole article like that?
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Pencil Pusher
VIP Professional
Re: improve seeker for KH-31P

but is this article talkin about YJ-91? 10m CEP prolly isnt good enough, and against Taiwan's air defence, the 110km range needs improvement too. i say 5m CEP and 150 km would be good numbers.

Actually if you look at US AGM-88. Their accuracy was achieved alot by GPS system that was already fully functional. The chinese in order to achieve that type of accuracy would required the GPS system. In any military action against Taiwan, I believe that the GPS will be denied to the Chinese. Thus I think the main bottleneck still lies with the Beidou system that was still not fully and completely functional.

Another way of bypassing the Beidou system in Taiwan scenario was to develope better target acquirisition and controlling system in the form of UAV or command aircraft that will need to be above or near Taiwan's airspace to provide data link and transfer and guiding the missile down more accurately.
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Pencil Pusher
VIP Professional
Re: improve seeker for KH-31P

wow why does globalstrategy have to mention that China "wants" AGM-88...its like saying China is developing 4th gen but really wants F-22 lol.

I don't trust the article too. But we couldn't say that China didn't want the AGM-88 technology too. It is just that at this present time, US will definitely not sell the technology or any military technology to China. So they have no choice but to develope their own. If one day, China is able to get advance western technology and weapon system, I believe it will be a great blow to their homegrown weapon system industry.

Using that logic... if (that is a IF), US allow sales of any amount of F-22 to China, I believe the Chinese would jump at that deal and their own 4th gen aircraft development will either stop or be seriously hampered.


Re: improve seeker for KH-31P

I don't trust the article too. But we couldn't say that China didn't want the AGM-88 technology too. It is just that at this present time, US will definitely not sell the technology or any military technology to China. So they have no choice but to develope their own. If one day, China is able to get advance western technology and weapon system, I believe it will be a great blow to their homegrown weapon system industry.

Using that logic... if (that is a IF), US allow sales of any amount of F-22 to China, I believe the Chinese would jump at that deal and their own 4th gen aircraft development will either stop or be seriously hampered.

Yes, agree ... weapon embargo to China from US and EU is actually a good thing for Chinese, as it forces them to develop their own ones .... with any means ..... even "steal" it .... it doesn't matter ... the only matter is whether you have it or not


Junior Member
VIP Professional
Re: improve seeker for KH-31P

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is the original article on, I don't understand why Chinese media are so keen on quoting from that site, is there a collective bullshit detector malfunction in China or something?


Banned Idiot
Re: improve seeker for KH-31P

actually the technology is within reach of Chinese engineer,during the zhuhai airshow,NORINCO display combine laser guide/GPS bomb.other was mention was combine semi active laser guided/millimeter wave seeker for 155mm guide round..
this fused sensor,mean the ground designator do not have to maintane there lasing, until the impact,from the moment laser seeker pick up or received the "reflection".the ground designator can move away from firing zone.
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Junior Member
Re: improve seeker for KH-31P

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is the original article on, I don't understand why Chinese media are so keen on quoting from that site, is there a collective bullshit detector malfunction in China or something?

I'm guessing they are liable to believe an article as long as it puts China in a positive this case the claim that China is ahead of Russia...
Just like many Americans would scorn any article putting China at post-1980s technology ;)