You guys remember how we were just talking about all the MIB III and Red Dawn rip-off cut scenes and changes like it was ancient history? Well, apparently nobody told the BBC and they are running it like it's some new revelation. It's funny how life works out sometimes.
It just seems like such a random 'lets bash China' piece for the BBC to run. There is absolutely nothing remotely new about anything they are reporting to prompt or justify this piece. The ranting bloggers at least had the good grace to blog about the stories when they actually happened. The only rationale for that story seems to be, 'Oh look, Chinese leadership change immanent, must rain on that parade so how can we bash China today? Nothing remotely recent? Well just find something, anything!'.
It's interesting that the producers decided to include the old hat stories about cut scenes and changed baddies, yet they neglected to mention the fact that China just more than doubled the annual quota for foreign films, which actually happened after both MIB III and Red Dawn rip-off. Presenting an up-to-date assessment of the Chinese movie scene was clearly not what the producers had in mind when the made that piece.
The production value of that piece was also laughably bad, since they managed to get a shot of just small group of Chinese people apparently sitting with a sea of empty seats around them to illustrate the point that Hollywood movies are more popular in China.
Is it just me, or is the BBC actually getting worse? Because it seems CCTV no longer holds a monopoly on hapless and obvious propaganda pieces.
All of Western media are hapless obvious propaganda pieces. However they are SO much more effective than CCTV, because CCTV actually admit they are controlled by the government, however all the "free media" here are "free", so people actually listen to them and think they give you the truth, I wish I can have a portal going back 2 weeks before the Iraq invasion, every single channel on TV, CNN, BBC, CBS, NBC, ABC all freaking warmongering like crazy, and shooting down anyone that remotely ask any questions and label them as "unAmerican" "Unpatriotic"
There is NOTHING about "Free media" is "free". Although they don't lie very often, what they do is they only report one side of the news that support their agenda while completely ignore anything else the other side have to say, this does wonders to brainwash people into whatever they want to believe, and yes... people believe in them like they are addicted to crack.