Actually Russia or Russians in general have been baddies for a long time, much longer than just current. Unless you mean current as in the upcoming top gun sequel. Russians in Hollywood are predominantly cast as bad guys like gangsters, illegal arms dealers, corrupted oligarchs, evil killers, well basically criminals, and their woman as prostitutes, mistresses etc...As for the former Soviet union well, rocky 4 and eighties military movies kinda give you a picture.So Iceman is an Admiral.Yes Russia is the current "bady" in Hollywood and China is the other current "bady" for MSM.
Imo, Part of it is geopolitics, and the fact Russian market doesn't have the sway of the enormous Chinese market. I dun know who got the worse treatment by Hollywood between them and brown people though. It's a toss up. And dun get me started on Hollywood's love of heroic white savior movies ala the last samurai.