Hello everybody. Just got back from Amazing Spiderman 2 (or latest 11 dollar donation to Marvel). Remember how I had nothing but good things to say about Captain America, The Winter Soldier? Well, I can't say the same about the film I just saw. In order to properly voice my grievances against the film I am going to spoil some, or actually, most of the film. So spoiler territory up ahead!
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Effects and Action:
I saw the film in 3D. I felt that it wasn't really worth the extra 2 bucks since the effects consisted mostly of random debris flying toward your face. Go see it in 2D and if you really wish to part with more of your hard-earned cash, watch it in IMAX. It will probably be amazing.
The CGI was great for the most part, though Electro and some of the Spiderman scenes during daytime looked a bit fake at times. They nailed the texture for Rhino's armor perfectly, but I expect them to do so since ILM did those well for Iron Man films for around six years now. Only major Marvel comic based film that sucked at the effect has to be The Wolverine. The Silver Samurai armor had to be the fakest looking mech I've ever seen on screen.
The actions were riveting for the most part and thankfully, there is no shaky cam involved at all! Even Winter Soldier used the obnoxious shaky cams. This means that every shot is clear and colorful, sort of like how it was in the Raimi Spider-Man films. For that alone the Director deserve some accolades. On the other hand, they used the slow-mo and freeze cam effects a great deal during the action scenes as well, which worked some times (like during Gwen Stacy's death scene and the part when Spider-Man saved civilians from Electro's first attack) but got obnoxious and unnecessary for the majority of other action scenes. Felt like they were just showing off half the time.
Peter Parker: There is a great deal of debate about whether Garfield or Maguire is the better Spider-Man. My take is that while Maguire is the better actor and his Peter Parker is easier to relate to, Garfield better captures the awkward jerk from the comic books. Most of his scenes, especially the ones with Gwen Stacy, are pretty cringe worthy to watch. In the first film I understood why he acted like that (first time dating), but I can't suspend my disbelief as well to him acting awkwardly in this film. How many years have they dated now???
Gwen Stacy: As for Gwen Stacy the acting is pretty good for the most part. I also like how she actively involved in helping Peter during the fights instead of just screaming and being a general hindrance like Mary Jane in the Raimi films.
Electro: Most disappointing "villain" since fake Mandarin in Iron Man 3. Will add more on this in the Plot section.
Green Goblin: Rich, obnoxious twat with an annoying voice, which is ok, I guess, for Harry Osborn. But as Green Goblin he is no where near threatening enough. At least he didn't wear a power ranger villain mask this time.
Rhino: Perfect waste of Giamatti's talent. Hope he gets a much bigger role in the sequel.
Ok, let's go with the cons first, since some of them are quite major and ticked me off as a movie goer. If Winter Soldier is the poster boy for how to do a darker and edgier superhero film, Amazing Spiderman 2 and Man of Steel are... not, to put it nicely. The story had so many threads going at once (Peter's relationship, his quest to figure out what happened to his parents, Harry Osborn dying, Gwen Stacy moving to England, Electro being a psychopathic geek, etc.) that it is extremely hard to follow what is going on for the middle 1/3 of the film. You have a scene about Peter breaking up with Gwen and then it suddenly jumps to Oscorp and then jumps to some other scene. It felt as if 20 writers were working on this simultaneously and unwilling to yield their vision, so they came up with this hodge podge nonsense.
Villains are not much better. Unlike how the trailer is trying to portray him, Electro is just an attention seeking Electro Engineer who was wronged by Oscorp and (perceived to be) wronged by Spider-Man not giving him enough recognition. I think what the writer tried to do was to copy Killian from Iron Man 3 and make Electro more complex and three dimensional, but did such a half-assed job that it made Killian look like the Joker in comparison. Green Goblin managed to chew the scenery so much that I was surprised that the sets didn't fall apart. Rhino only appeared in his "suit" at the end of the movie, and would have chewed more scenery than Goblin had he been given more than 5 minutes of screen time.
Another major complaint I have is the sheer amount of Iron Man ripoff in this film. From the Green Goblin armor to the Rhino armor to the plot points and villains... It felt that they tried to copy whatever is popular at the moment instead of sticking to the comic books. Raimi's films felt a lot more organic in that regard.
The relationship between Peter and Gwen is handled very poorly and the film felt as if it were a chick-flick at parts. I wish I had a fast forward button for Garfield's stuttering show of affection. Dear God.
That said, the film did have some redeeming qualities. The first and last third of the film are actually pretty good, in my opinion, because of linear story telling and a fine balance between action and character development. For example, there is touching moment when a kid that Peter Parker defended from bullies in the beginning of the film who later donned a Spider-Man Halloween costume (looks like Costco owes Parker some royalties) during Rhino's rampage on the streets of New York. He was about to be squashed by the towering, vicious robot when the real Spider-Man suddenly swooped in and.... Oh my God!
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I think is pretty much watchable for the special effects alone, so I didn't feel like I got cheated out of 11 dollars. Overall, 6 out of 10 stars.