Movies in General


Tyrant King
I am sure about it... Sure that the return of the Batman forever/Batman and Robin epic fails have returned. next will be the nipple suit and neon blue batmobile....

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Junior Member
Never liked Ben Affleck, he has done superheroes before but still.

Well he might be okay, people said the same thing when Michael Keaton was cast, so i guess i'll wait until i see the film to judge.

Until then, cautiously optimistic


Lieutenant General
Ben Affleck is better than Armie Hammer who supposedly turned down the role. They should get Matt Damon to play Robin... or Jimmy Kimmel.

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Junior Member
I think people are being too hard on Affleck, even if he did bad in Daredevil, i think he has potential to deliver a good performance, like in Hollywoodland.

Just steer clear of the Frank Miller fanwank bullshit.