Modern Carrier Battle Group..Strategies and Tactics


Interesting Mr Brumby i like much these stuff confirm what I thought and Jeff had say around 30 Tomahawks rather for a Ticonderoga than a Burke, 30 on 122 missiles do this 25 % in the chart.

But right now USN don' t have much SM-3 very expensive about 200 in more 72 SM-2 Bl IV and buy 100 SM-6 also expensive by year so right now only some combattants armed with it.

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As you said, SM-3 is very expensive to acquire. Under the US policy of SSLS, typically two missiles will be directed at a target to ensure a 100 % kill. This is a highly unfavourable cost exchange ratio and is one of the primary driver in shifting towards a mid tier kill zone besides the use of lasers and rail gun to turn around this ratio as part of offset strategy.


Lieutenant General
Firstly Equation you mention National Interests which is renowned for do worst anti Chinese propaganda and you know it :mad:


On politics and geopolitics it still does for the most part, don't know what you are yammering about since the subject is about missiles and anti-ship missile defense.:rolleyes:o_O Perhaps even this is about anti-China according to your take?:confused: I guest the National Interests ran out of anti-China subject to talk about perhaps? I doubt it, they will rinse and recycle old rhetoric later on.[/


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Not yammering here only i prove with especialy YJ-18 "NI" is neutral for weapons for all countries, they have do also recently an very good article on T-14 tank he say very good, i don't see not particular Western propanganda, anti China Russia or about others countries no no.

But seems you have a allow me in this case why you post a NI article, curious.
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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
I precise, i don't want to be unpleasant but i see often these remarks as i have say not justified for armaments and I do not see any favoritism or negativism about a specific country.

Precising also i read in National Interest only article about real militaries things especialy weapons* then after in others category of articles i don't know and politic don' t interested me only ofc moraly some behavior when a country get wrong about international law especialy.
And confusion seems to be there true military things and politic i don't mix both.

*Articles in general very reliable interesting in more a excellent Blogger specialist for Russians submarines have mentionned recently one these articles.
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Lieutenant General
Not yammering here only i prove with especialy YJ-18 "NI" is neutral for weapons for all countries, they have do also recently an very good article on T-14 tank he say very good, i don't see not particular Western propanganda, anti China Russia or about others countries no no.

But seems you have a allow me in this case why you post a NI article, curious.

Because in a bigger picture it has to do about the effectiveness and sophistication of China's A2/AD against carrier battle groups that's why. They didn't even mention China's other more sophisticated Anti-ship weapons such as the DF-21D, DF-26, and DF-ZS (WU-14) HGV. A few neutral or at least NOT anti-China article still does not make them get labeled as Western Propaganda because most of the time they are.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Ok your more clear, for ASBM but this matter remains difficult coz DF-21D exist, in service, deployed but right now i am not sure operationnal coz target with these missiles remains extremely difficult and no sure right now they have what they need for do that.

For DF-26 different very new we don't have all spécifications, especialy range 3000/4000 up to 5000 km ? then logic right now some sites don' t talk about it and i don' t get units equiped, DF-21D almost sure a Brigade up to 3 i have 3 approached units each have 12 TEL.

But i remenber an "NI" article where DF-26 is mentionned. But not in bookmark :)

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
If possible could one of you fine gentlemen translate this article. The Google translation ..well.... sucks. Thank you!

China sinking an US Carrier in the South China Sea

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  1.击沉航母的底线:本人认为如果开战就必须出师有名,出师有理,出师有利,出师有节。真正体现我军是文明之师,威武之师、无敌之师!所以首先必须出师有理,占据道义的制高点。让全世界都知道,我们进行的是反侵略战争。是保家卫国,是别无选择的自卫反击战。以便我方“得道多助”,让对方“失道寡助”。所以必须划下动舞的底线:① 美国舰机已经进入国际社会公认的我国领土或者领海,而不是有争议的的海域。② 其舰机不是抵近侦察而是进攻我岛礁,给我国人民生命财产造成了损失,有了实际的侵略行为。③ 我国已经采取了抗议、谴责、驱离等措施,均无效果。④ 我国已经向联合国提交美国侵略我国领土、领海的报告,要求联合国对美国采取强有力的制裁措施,联合国不作为,或者美国拒不执行联合国的指示对抗制裁,继续侵略中国。⑤ 我国被迫还击,已遭受到一定的军事损失,国土域领海正在大面积的沦陷中。
  2.击沉航母的方法措施:既然决定要击沉对手赖以依存的战争平台,航空母舰战斗群。就要一击成功,彻底粉碎敌人的进攻,斩断敌人的侵略魔爪。给敌人以致命的打击。使敌人丧失战斗的意志与信心。不敢再战。如果一击不中,反而助长敌人多嚣张气焰。所以击沉敌人航母的方案要做到精密细致,万无一失。具体可从以下几个方面着手:① 预设战场;要想一击成功必须预设战场,通过佯攻,佯动、诱饵把对手的航母诱入我预设的伏击海域。在这一海域的水下。布设了深海声呐探测系统。太空中有北斗与各种侦察定位系统覆盖,中空有预警机、无人机、飞艇的侦测系统笼罩。航道上有布设着各种反舰水雷。特别是能够自动攻击的智能鱼雷。如伪装成鲨鱼的东海808自动攻击鱼雷。水下还有早已蹲坑静默潜伏的各种攻击潜艇。②在对敌航母战群实施攻击时,一定要集中优势火力采取各个击破的战术。不论敌人有多少只舰船,先集中攻击其中的一艘防御相对薄弱的航母,弹头都瞄准这一艘航母,不管其他舰机。只要先打沉一艘航母。剩下一艘就孤立无援啦,至少使可以升空的战机减少了一半。然后在集中火力打沉另一艘航母。至于随从战舰失去了飞机的保卫,他就成了我空军与海军航空兵,空对舰导弹的活靶子啦。③ 多兵种合同作战;美国的航母战斗群,有很强大的防御系统,有自卫能力与抗饱和攻击能力。千万不要相信一两枚东风21D或者东风26就能搞定。它上面的标三防空导弹拦截能力也可以说独步天下。再加上其它舰载武器,如密集阵,激光武器、电磁干扰系统。一般的攻击密度根本就进不了他的身,所以必须进行超饱和攻击。对其进行多兵种联合打击。如水面舰艇使用C805反舰导弹,这种导弹射程380公里,3.5马赫掠水飞行速度,很难拦截。战机使用鹰击18反舰导弹,射程20公里,末端攻击速度3马赫,也很难拦截。轰六K使用长剑10巡航导弹,射程1000——1500公里。可掠海飞行。各军种统一指挥步调一致,不论从何处发射的武器弹药,根据弹头运动速度与轨迹,计算好发射时间,让弹头同时到达目标上空。超出航母防御系统能够同时拦截的最大数量。让其防不胜防,拦也拦不完,保障使其中弹沉没。 ④在攻击时最先到达目标上空的弹头,要使用超大功率电磁脉冲弹头。即使被拦截成功,在战区上空爆炸。其产生的电磁脉冲足以将战区内的电子系统全部瘫痪掉。这样敌方的防御系统就会失效,为后续而来的打击弹药扫清前进路上的障碍。⑤再水面与天空弹头到达目标上空的同时,水下潜伏的智能水雷与潜艇同时发起水下攻击。⑥ 在各种弹头立体式攻击目标之际。东风21D或者东风26的多枚弹头当空而下。这时敌人的拦截武器已经全部开动,尚且不能完全拦截攻击的弹头。再也没有拦截东风系列反舰道导弹的分身术。只有挨打的份。保障东风中程反航母弹道导弹一击成功,使航母葬身海底。


Registered Member
If possible could one of you fine gentlemen translate this article. The Google translation ..well.... sucks. Thank you!

China sinking an US Carrier in the South China Sea

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I don't know how you got this hot potato;), but I think if it is translated in detail and "allowed" to be discussed here there will be lots of flames. The reason? I can give a very brief summary.
  1. It is an "what-if, what-to-do-if" article about "possible" U.S. confrontation to China in SCS centered around CBG and discussed sinking of it.
  2. It made it clear that although China does not and should not actively go for a direct confrontation to US, China must prepare for the worst scenario so not to be caught in a surprise. On this topic, the author is very much against the war-loving fan-boys.
  3. It sets the threshold of such act such as U.S. navy crossed into undisputed Chinese territorial waters, and attacked Chinese personnel's and infrastructures etc.
  4. Then it talked about the means of retaliation including sinking it.
  5. The last part talked about the handling afterwards.
Most modern naval shipping has some degree of Stealth I used Zumwalt because it has the most. but Arleigh Burkes, Daring class, Kongō, Atago, Kolkata, Visakhapatnam, Type 52 C and Type 52D, Sejong the Great-class,Steregushchiy class, Gepard-class all have stealthy designs, they may not be able to fully penetrate sea denial zones but they can pierce the edges, physical stealth is signature reduction. It reduces the range of detection by enemy radars with the aim of allowing you as the attacker to get in your weapons range well the enemy cannot see you. a Destroyer or frigate may be stealthed to the point where rather then a detection by enemy radar at thousands of miles it can close to a couple hundred, fighters and Stealthy drones have even smaller sizes and more reduced radar cross section meaning where an enemy may detect a F15 at hundreds of miles an F22 and close to a few dozen.
Destroyer and Naval weapons have far longer range and more available then fighters meaning they can stand off at the edges of enemy radar detection range get data from a network like Link 16 or MADL and engage in strikes from over the horizon.
Carriers and LHA/LHD types could not do this as they are far larger and even stealthed would still have a large cross section. and be visible from a very long range.
your argument of the longer range of warships as compared to that of aircraft is misplaced here (while being formally correct, of course), and in an actual combat it would be incomparably safer to send aircraft off of the carrier to engage the Opfor, than to send for example a Destroyer Squadron to engage the Opfor, simply because the aircraft would be able to "hit and run" (hit as in launching an AShM, run as in flying away for a refill), while the surface combatants would be exposed to the Opfor shooting back; please note I assume realistic conditions, not any imaginary superiority, as I talk peer-to-peer conflict (and not for example the USN going against some Navy of Windward or Leeward Islands :)

anyway I quickly scrambled the chart below, to consider the tactics in case the encounter happened:

1all in red is a Destroyer Squadron, sailing in the direction of the Opfor coast, towards 'edges of sea denial zone' from your post;
1all in blue is a Destroyer Squadron of the Opfor, on patrol because of the info about the Red Force coming;
from what I've read the likely tactical move of the Blue Force would be split (various 2. in blue: half of it egresses at first (so that Red Force pursues: 2all in red), the other half turns to sides of the Red Force, not to encircle :) but to position helos for mid-course correction(s) of the AShMs

OK now I changed my mind and we may actually play it here, if you don't consider it silly LOL
(I would be the Blue Force; your move):


Junior Member
Just wondering where the Chinese learnt the manoeuvres - likely Russian or US? a combination of both to produce their own manoeuvres? Like everything else, they are yet to be tested. The WW II Japanese IJN were trained by the British RN (don't know about carriers, except IJN learnt about Taranto in 1941 - defeat of the Italian Fleet by the RN old bi-plane aircraft surprise launch by RN Carrier). Japan used this strategy/tactic for Pearl Harbour Surprise attack. However, we also know that the Japanese Carrier Group in WW II were badly defeated by the much superior USN Carrier Groups. Good lessons of History for Naval War Colleges.