It is quite ridiculous that anyone can believe the WUC BS version of events.
If you were out on a protest and police started shooting people with live bullets, you would run away from them. It's basic human self-preservation, and it takes a lot of training and/or indoctrination to override this highly ingrained human instinct.
The likes of the BBC's reporting of this story is still biased, only less blatantly then previously. Even the haters in the western media couldn't find a convincing way to twist this story to bash China, and the WUC's truly pathetic attempt to try and blame this on China probably didn't give them much ammunition to use. I wonder if this will prompt the WUC's western paymasters to wonder what all their 'donations' are buying them.
But instead of fighting a hopeless cause, the BBC used its secret weapon of 'content editing'.
One day after the above BBC article was written, and two days after the actual event, the story is already effectively buried, on the BBC website it is only a tiny one-line text link at the very bottle of the page, where you usually expect to find old or insignificant stories.
If you check on the dates on the other stories, you can easily see that it is not a matter of simple chronological order and the story getting pushed down because its been a busy few news days. The placement of this story on the website was deliberate. Just as it is a conscious choice on the part of the BBC to keep negative stories about China in prominent places on their site and to keep the stories there for unusually long periods.
The likes of the BBC hasn't gotten less biased, they are just getting more clever about how they do things.