Rebiya Kadeer is trying to push her own version of the events, but does not mention the taking of hostages at all. If the incident is prompted by the authorities "gunning down peaceful protesters", then how did it end? If the "protesters" stormed the police station after seeing their friends being gunned down, what then prompted them to leave afterward? Unfortunately, Kadeer is rather mum on that detail. Perhaps they're going to claim that the whole stand-off at the police station was fabricated by the PRC government.
What surprised me though, is the relatively fair-handed way this is being reported. It's certainly a far cry from the way the 2008 Tibet Riots were reported, and even an improvement over the 2009 Urumqi riots.
Rebiya is only gonna expose herself as a liar by glossing over the hostages part. I can't believe that people still genuinely believe that this is a "peaceful protest". Two police officers and two hostages are dead (the hostages died trying to ESCAPE) and they still try to portray this as some sort of PRC oppression.