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DW News again... :rolleyes:

An "expert", who "lived in China for years", said: (Start from 7:29)

These people need to just give it a rest, it's becoming embarrassing. Stop telling people what system they need to adopt, drop your colonial attitude towards others, live and let live. They are unbearable.

China has done well for itself, it had grown to be the number 2 economy (number one if you go by some measures), and the most traded nation in the world leading in many fields and yet these people keep talking about political systems. Ask them how democracy worked for Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.


Registered Member
The comments do not disappoint
View attachment 147453
Can you imagine how evil that smell was to make Indians object, let alone forcing the plane to turn around?
These people need to just give it a rest, it's becoming embarrassing. Stop telling people what system they need to adopt, drop your colonial attitude towards others, live and let live. They are unbearable.

China has done well for itself, it had grown to be the number 2 economy (number one if you go by some measures), and the most traded nation in the world leading in many fields and yet these people keep talking about political systems. Ask them how democracy worked for Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.
white Europeans have always been this arrogant, even before colonialism, you can read historic attitudes of 16th century Europeans who bear strikingly similarities to attitudes of say some Muslim Islamic state wahhabist types who opine about how superior they are as muslims despite living in squalor.


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There is a real good reason for that.

It is an emotional attachment, that is being broken, and people do not handle rejection well.

Whatever bonds that the junior partner had with the Americans, that is in serious doubt now.

When the towers went down on 9/11, the overwhelming reactions among Canadians was we were with the Americans on this.

Canada was a part of this coming war on terror. Because Canadians identify with the Americans, and felt the same way.

Prime Minister Harper set up a base in Kandahar Afghanistan where over 100 Canadians were sent to their deaths.

They died because that bond between Canada and America was worth it.

Now Uncle Trump sings a different tune.


You know, I am not white, so I cannot really judge how things are in the minds of the majority of Canadians.

Just reading the papers, seems like this bond is no longer there, just my impression.

The province of Ontario has over 100,000 jobs related to the auto industry, the same industry that the Americans want back inside their country and the hell with everyone else.

There is a real chasm there.

Not sure if time can heal that.


So the Canucks treat America as a pacifier? Screw them. Trump is right after all.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Europoors have lost their goddamn minds.


This on the heels that Romania's leading candidate for president was disbarred from running in recent days. Europe isn't as fanatical as media figures and establishment politicians would have you believe, but unfortunately any alternative voices are not given space.