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"US ‘to cease all future military exercises in Europe’"
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Nothing will happen to NATO.

Things will be fine.

Mommy and daddy are not getting a divorce.

They just need some time apart. A separation could be good for now.

Just do not tell the kids. They may suspect something. We do not want the kids, Canada and Australia, to be all concerned.

Real life.



Lieutenant General
Would US think that way? Wont some be extremist like, only wanting to detroy CN economy, evenif losing US fleets?

It’s kinda funny for the supposedly most imaginative master race in the history of man, the best Americans strategists can come up with is to do endless re-imaginings of WWII for how the future war against China will go.

Taiwan will be the crowning achievement for China’s final re-emergence as the world’s dominant power. Beijing is not going to even try to do that in a remotely underhanded, sneaky or nefarious manner, as doing so will tarnish and undermine that much greater prize.

I increasingly think the fight for Taiwan won’t actually involve Taiwan.

The Taiwan situation only exists because of America. So the logical foolproof solution to that Taiwan problem isn’t to try to bluff America or scare America, it’s to simply make America disappear. Because without America, Taiwan will return to the mainland without needing to fire a single shot.


Registered Member
To be honest when @Chevalier first started posting here I thought he was Andrew Anglin in disguise. LOL

I've realized that modern forms of liberal hedonism count as cultural destruction. Excessive consumerism and degeneracy destroys social norms. Then as social norms slips, the younger generation are no longer motivated to translate the wisdom of old traditions like filial piety. Each gen gets worse and radicalizes further. In only a few generations, country's entire previous history becomes alien and uninterpretable to the Westernized population. Maybe even criticize their ancestors through democracy ideology lense. At that point those people are merely whites with some minor Taiwanese or Korean characteristics.

Neolibs deny and destroy history of traditions and that's antithetical to generational human progress. Compare with how Chinese modern culture acknowledges their historical context and how communist ideas must be adapted to Chinese way of life.
This is Andrew Anglin's website, for those who don't know. Hilarious reading, and subtle wumao shill to boot.

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Registered Member
Wow,this aditya has really raised asskissing to a stratospheric height I thought no normal human could reach-the grovelling,simpering sycophantic cringe is beyond belief-this must be baked into their DNA from centuries of being conquered and enslaved -now the jeets are just totally willing slaves.Incredible.
I could use some slaves for my range. I go through about 300-500 rounds per session, various distances. One thing I don't have is moving target practice, especially random pattern moving targets.


Registered Member
Just a daily reminder that Europeans and Canadians are so angry because Trump is targeting THEM, and not other people.

If he instead targeted black or yellow people, they would be the first in the line to fight for their daddy. Lets all hope that Trump beats them good

There is a real good reason for that.

It is an emotional attachment, that is being broken, and people do not handle rejection well.

Whatever bonds that the junior partner had with the Americans, that is in serious doubt now.

When the towers went down on 9/11, the overwhelming reactions among Canadians was we were with the Americans on this.

Canada was a part of this coming war on terror. Because Canadians identify with the Americans, and felt the same way.

Prime Minister Harper set up a base in Kandahar Afghanistan where over 100 Canadians were sent to their deaths.

They died because that bond between Canada and America was worth it.

Now Uncle Trump sings a different tune.


You know, I am not white, so I cannot really judge how things are in the minds of the majority of Canadians.

Just reading the papers, seems like this bond is no longer there, just my impression.

The province of Ontario has over 100,000 jobs related to the auto industry, the same industry that the Americans want back inside their country and the hell with everyone else.

There is a real chasm there.

Not sure if time can heal that.
