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BUT East Asian = Chinese, that's why it was called Sinosphere for a reason, how can western people differentiate us from each other? They can't. ;) I have a Korean friend and when go out and eat people talk to him in Chinese believing he is one of us....lol

Like I always say presently being Chinese is beautiful, its a byproduct of China rising and rejuvenation. Of the 5 stages of grief we are in a denial stage in ASIA, anger stage in the Collective West and India, Depression stage in Europe and acceptance stage in West Asia and Russia. It may takes 5 years for the US to proceed to Acceptance stage and if she does all of Asia and Europe will follow, while India with its Bharat pride will never graduate and remained their in perpetuity.
You need at least 90IQ to get into fourth grade


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This is the line Republicans always use to ironically to shut you up. In order for you to respect the US for giving you the right to say "it", you have to exercise by not saying it. The Marine I've talked about in this forum that I get into heated arguments with always uses this tactic that in order me to respect America, I have to not exercise my rights. He's brought in the loyalty card that whites like to bring up against Asians. He asked me once who's side was I on in debating him? He just wanted me to shut up because i was running circles around him because it is a sore spot for other Asians. I know that he can do nothing about it but to another Asian, they think all whites have this power to punish like take away your green card or citizenship. I know better. What was my answer to him questioning my loyalty? I said, "I certainly don't side with a white supremacist". He blew his lid after I said that and he made the mistake of rattling off a list of things he said he and his family have done to fight against racism in the past to counter me. He said stuff like he fought against Japanese internment... back in the 1940s? I'm surprised he didn't mention how he march with Martin Luther King when he wasn't much older than me. I wasn't even alive when he was assassinated. I said after his list, "Why don't you stop wasting time and just say you had a black friend once?" Nothing he said where I couldn't counter so that's when he threatened violence on me. Then I said without a beat, "You kill me and you go to jail for murder. I kill you for trying... It's called self-defense." Every step of the way was about getting me to shut up. It didn't work and after words he just kept repeating that I should stop or else... That's how you handle whites. Did I say anything wrong where it was my fault. No. So no one should be offended unless you're a racist.
Saying you have the freedom to say what you want is pretty much doublethink these days. If you have such freedom why does the word cancel culture even exist? That's a contradiction.

And before they go, oh that's just liberals etc, guess what. Those liberals hold more positions in power like HR, background checker , DEI checker etc compared to these guys who are at their mercy. So if anything the guys with the actual power can "cancel" you. So what's this again about having the freedom to say what you want?

Also it means nothing if some criminal who has no future says fuck Israel. A real test to measure how much faith you have in freedom of speech is to say Fuck Israel when you have power etc with a lot to lose.


When I was younger, travelling through italy and France, each day I secretly wished some punk would try to pickpocket me so I could wail on his sorry ass and break some wrists. Unfortunately, that day never came...
Eh, that day never comes when you're ready.

Me in my 30's: Ooooh I wish some foreign garbage would start some shit in China, let me catch him slapping a girl around or something. I'll maul him so bad his surgeons think he got caught tryna steal bananas from a gorilla cave! I just want that chance!

Me in my 70's after hip sugery with a piss bag strapped to my gut and an IV stand in one hand: Shit... that chance is here.


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Xi speaks to Starmer on strengthening exchanges

New British govt aims to reactivate relations; more sincerity needed: expert

Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke with UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer on Friday by phone at the latter's request, during which Xi said that China and Britain should remain firm as partners, strengthen dialogue and cooperation, and benefit the two countries and the world through a stable and mutually beneficial China-Britain relationship.

The phone conversation is the first of its kind between Xi and Starmer since Starmer succeeded in leading the Labour Party to a decisive victory in the UK general election and was appointed prime minister on July 5. On July 7, Chinese Premier Li Qiang sent a congratulatory message to Starmer on assuming the position.

During his phone talks, Xi congratulated Starmer on assuming office as British prime minister.

Xi noted that the current international situation is volatile and intertwined, and he said that China and Britain, both permanent members of the UN Security Council and major economies in the world, should view bilateral relations from a long-term and strategic perspective, remain firm as partners, strengthen dialogue and cooperation, and benefit the two countries and the world through a stable and mutually beneficial China-Britain relationship.

China is committed to advancing the building of a strong country and national rejuvenation on all fronts via Chinese modernization, and sticking to the path of peaceful development, Xi said, expressing his hope that Britain can view China in an objective and rational way.

China stands ready to engage in equal dialogue with Britain on the basis of mutual respect, enhance mutual understanding and mutual trust, strengthen synergy of development strategies with Britain, expand cooperation in such fields as finance, green economy and artificial intelligence as well as deepen people-to-people exchanges, to make mutual benefit and win-win the main tone of China-Britain relations, Xi said.

Starmer congratulated the Chinese sports delegation on their outstanding performance at the Paris Olympics and said that developing closer UK-China cooperation aligns with the long-term interests of both sides. Strengthening cooperation in trade, finance, education, clean energy, and healthcare would benefit each country's development and jointly address global challenges such as climate change.

The UK hopes to enhance contact and dialogue at all levels and in all areas with China, aiming for positive results in practical cooperation and institutional exchanges, and to develop a long-term, stable, and strategically significant UK-China relationship based on mutual respect, said Starmer.

This phone call on Friday is seen as meaningful for both countries, as China-UK relations had previously been strained for a while, Cui Hongjian, a professor from the Academy of Regional and Global Governance with Beijing Foreign Studies University, told the Global Times.

Cui noted that the Labour Party's push for phone communication between the leaders is aimed at distinguishing itself from the Conservative Party. Since coming to power, the Labour Party has faced various challenges and is seeking to make a breakthrough in diplomacy, aiming to reactivate China-UK relations and restore them to a normal and healthy state through dialogue and interaction.

However, whether it can rejuvenate bilateral ties depends on the British side, as the current issues in China-UK relations largely stem from the UK. The British government needs to show sincerity and take concrete actions to improve relations, analysts said.

The Labour Party faces significant pressure from the UK media, Parliament, and think tanks, which maintained a critical stance toward China. Additionally, reduced communication under the previous Conservative government posed challenges, said Cui.

"We hope the Labour Party will move beyond mere gestures and develop concrete plans to restore bilateral relations responsibly. Both sides should implement the leaders' consensus, build mutual trust, and improve ties step by step," said the expert.

Starmer calls Xi out of the blue. The UK is either worried Russia will retaliate or is dead broke and begging for money from everyone.
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Xi speaks to Starmer on strengthening exchanges

New British govt aims to reactivate relations; more sincerity needed: expert

Starmer calls Xi out of the blue. The UK is either worried Russia will retaliate or is dead broke and begging for money from everyone.

They can start by returning stolen goods from the British Museum.



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The plot thickens in the case of the rape and murder of Dr Mounita Debnath; apparently there was a drug and sex trafficking ring in the hospital which had murdered previous whistleblowers, doctors and nurses at that same hospital who refused to take part in these crimes.

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The rise of China, it seems in Olympics sports, in gaming, in finance and economics has galvanised Chinese Americans to readdress the glaring injustice of racial discrimination against Asian applicants in tertiary education. Imagine you’re an Asian parent whose slaved away for decades to get your kid into scoring the highest scores on the SAT only to have his chances for college and higher education stolen from him by Jewish alumni (over representation of Jews in higher education) not to mention African Americans and white women Applicants. Situation is unacceptable, the world the Zionist anglos want is one where all Asians remain as second class citizens to white Anglo Zionists, where you and your children must serve like farm animals. Needless to say, the change the world sorely needs cannot come a day faster.