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Basically, India wants Chinese investors and companies back into the country to steal and shake them down for more money, since they obviously didn’t out the money they previously stole into anything worthwhile, let alone sanitation.

Are there a more odious group of people than the Indian leadership who have proven again and again just how unworthy they are of power?

Needless to say, deliberate acts like this are casus belli, look at Egypt and sudan and their water wars, and how much India complained about China building dams except China never did anything as stupidly despicably evil as this.
They only give a damn if it will help win next election most Indian elites retire to their gated communities in London or Dubai, Long term national interests isn't exactly part of the decision process, If things go south Bangladeshi political leadership will be forced to distance themselves from India then Jai Hind Casteists will start bitching about it online claiming Bangladeshis do this because they're Muslims and hate Hindus (While lynching lower caste Hindus for entering Hindu temples), Some already believe China and US was responsible for the coup because apparently world economy revolve around cowbelt of India.




The Uniparty in action

Totally unrelated news

Girl from Beijing in Thailand took out the trash and recorded the whole thing. Turns out she was the owner of a Muai Thai club.
Fun things like that never happen to us guys. My wife and several ex girlfriends all talk about being harrassed in the silliest ways by random punks; even my mom when walking with my grandmother has been targetted by crazy people literally in the middle of a busy supermarket on a sunny Saturday. But I've never once been or been there when it happens. Women truly have a different experience than men, always talking about not going out at night, avoiding certain streets, walking to the other side of the street if anyone looks funny, etc... while guys just go anywhere anytime we want.

This is exactly one of those times. The dude didn't dream that chick knew Muay Thai. If he bumped my mom and got racial with me, I would have made sure to leave him with the ugliest most noticeable permanent disability and I would have gotten extremely racial cursing him out as I beat him within an inch of his life, far longer than he'd stopped defending himself. I truly wish I get an oppertunity like that in China because I'm just dying to let loose everything I've trained for. But it would never happen to a guy... or a girl walking with a guy. If a fat loser like him sees a guy, he'd be the nicest fella you've ever met.


Registered Member
Fun things like that never happen to us guys. My wife and several ex girlfriends all talk about being harrassed in the silliest ways by random punks; even my mom when walking with my grandmother has been targetted by crazy people literally in the middle of a busy supermarket on a sunny Saturday. But I've never once been or been there when it happens. Women truly have a different experience than men, always talking about not going out at night, avoiding certain streets, walking to the other side of the street if anyone looks funny, etc... while guys just go anywhere anytime we want.
unfortunately true. We as men, sometimes it's very difficult to understand what women have to suffer through.

So many things that we take as granted, they have to find solutions or muddle through.

Probably why the biggest feminists are men who have a woman to protect. Either a mother, a daughter, wife, a grandmother etc.
Scumbags are everywhere unfortunately. And such scumbags always target the weak, because they are cowards and worthless human beings


Fuck! Feel worked up now.

Just check it out.



and ...


It is like every day, I feel like more fresh off the boat than the day before.

Genders of all of them may not be what you think.


Lieutenant General
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“The beauty of this country is you get to express your opinion, whether or not I agree with it, you get to express your opinion. That’s what a lot of the protesters outside were doing,” Ramaswamy said.

This is the line Republicans always use to ironically to shut you up. In order for you to respect the US for giving you the right to say "it", you have to exercise by not saying it. The Marine I've talked about in this forum that I get into heated arguments with always uses this tactic that in order me to respect America, I have to not exercise my rights. He's brought in the loyalty card that whites like to bring up against Asians. He asked me once who's side was I on in debating him? He just wanted me to shut up because i was running circles around him because it is a sore spot for other Asians. I know that he can do nothing about it but to another Asian, they think all whites have this power to punish like take away your green card or citizenship. I know better. What was my answer to him questioning my loyalty? I said, "I certainly don't side with a white supremacist". He blew his lid after I said that and he made the mistake of rattling off a list of things he said he and his family have done to fight against racism in the past to counter me. He said stuff like he fought against Japanese internment... back in the 1940s? I'm surprised he didn't mention how he march with Martin Luther King when he wasn't much older than me. I wasn't even alive when he was assassinated. I said after his list, "Why don't you stop wasting time and just say you had a black friend once?" Nothing he said where I couldn't counter so that's when he threatened violence on me. Then I said without a beat, "You kill me and you go to jail for murder. I kill you for trying... It's called self-defense." Every step of the way was about getting me to shut up. It didn't work and after words he just kept repeating that I should stop or else... That's how you handle whites. Did I say anything wrong where it was my fault. No. So no one should be offended unless you're a racist.


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Indonesia and Australia seal treaty-level defence pact The pact -- which includes provisions for joint drills and each military operating in the other country -- was unveiled as Indonesian defence minister and president-elect Prabowo Subianto visited Canberra.

This looks concerning if you ask me, especially given the AUKUS and sub deal. So those Aus subs can now move between Indonesian island?

These condoms just couldn't stop contributing themselves for single-use-only by the West.

US charges Chinese dissident with allegedly spying for Beijing

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Man now they are turning the daggers inside their capital. The forbidden city has been infiltrated by the enemies round up all Chinese, Russian and Iranian dissident.

Arij Javaid

Junior Member
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Indonesia is a wonderful country. Really hope they forge good ties with china in the future.

India should be studied by case to case basis. Let's see how they adopt their attitude. India doesn't truly trust the west which is a positive signal but it also exaggerates its own importance.

Pakistan is of little economic value to china considering their economic problem but it is geographically important as it provides an alternative route for Chinese imports from the gulf. It's also a nuclear state. China should continue to treat Pakistan as an ally and help them overcome their economic problem as it also helps china to act as a balance against India.

Hungary is china's business gateway to Europe. The alliance should be greatly prioritized.

Iran is of great geopolitical value, as long as it controls the strait of Hormuz and don't allow china's enemies to take control over it, China should help Iran defend themselves.

As for the rest of the middle east, China should slowly integrate it to their bloc. As the US dollar declines and gold rises, and as the Israel war continues, the attitude towards US is becoming more and more hostile so china can take advantage over that in the long term.


Registered Member
Fun things like that never happen to us guys. My wife and several ex girlfriends all talk about being harrassed in the silliest ways by random punks; even my mom when walking with my grandmother has been targetted by crazy people literally in the middle of a busy supermarket on a sunny Saturday. But I've never once been or been there when it happens. Women truly have a different experience than men, always talking about not going out at night, avoiding certain streets, walking to the other side of the street if anyone looks funny, etc... while guys just go anywhere anytime we want.

This is exactly one of those times. The dude didn't dream that chick knew Muay Thai. If he bumped my mom and got racial with me, I would have made sure to leave him with the ugliest most noticeable permanent disability and I would have gotten extremely racial cursing him out as I beat him within an inch of his life, far longer than he'd stopped defending himself. I truly wish I get an oppertunity like that in China because I'm just dying to let loose everything I've trained for. But it would never happen to a guy... or a girl walking with a guy. If a fat loser like him sees a guy, he'd be the nicest fella you've ever met.
When I was younger, travelling through italy and France, each day I secretly wished some punk would try to pickpocket me so I could wail on his sorry ass and break some wrists. Unfortunately, that day never came...